View Full Version : Sad! DEpressed i might as well in end my life

02-06-2008, 05:39 PM
Well i had my drs apointment today for my check up for my bronchitis! and he orded pulmonary functions test because im short of breathe and i just feel tired! im realyl scared! im also sad because i had an appointment with my counselor for my anxiety tomorrow and its cancelled and i realyl wanted to talk to her! Im really scared i have something bad wrong with me im just tired of waiting and wondering what am i going to do with my life if i worry that im going to die any second im tired of being like this i use to be so happy and now im not not ! im only 19 why do i feel like im dieing??/ :cry: :cry: :cry:

02-06-2008, 07:12 PM
i konw exactly how you feel. i thought about everything you've thought about. but the truth is, ur not dying its just anxiety and nothing else. try and listen to relaxing music and tightin up all ur muscles then release them slow. it sometmes works for me. but try to stop thinking negative. im 17 and im going through the same thing you are. if i read about what causes anxiety and read about other peoples stories about it, it helps me somethimes so try that and the music thing. if not , then talk to someone about it, that helps too. but you WILL get better, it just takes a little time and understanding. but it will i promise.

02-06-2008, 07:14 PM
btw you feel like your dying because ur sick. thats all. a common sickness. and the negative thinking doesnt help. all that'll do is scare u and make u feel very very very very sick. :)

02-06-2008, 08:58 PM
Chin up, I know it's tough, thoughts like this, most people on this forum feel the way you feel or have felt it before, so you are not alone. Talk about this, talk this through, with anyone, don't be shy or embarrassed either. I'm going through my own battle with panic attacks and throughts of death everyday. It's so hard, but believe me if i can do this... so can you. You get the down times where your feeling depressed and they can last a while too.. but focus, keep you focus on important things in your life. That's what i try to do... i try and focus on family and friends... people i love, that's what it all comes down to in the end. The things that matter to you in your life shouldn't get less of you because anxiety is holding you back... you owe it to yourself to be able to live free of these negative thoughts. So do like i do and train yourself to think positive. You can do it! one day at a time...