View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety

Childish Gambino
12-25-2013, 04:39 PM
Hey all, new to the forums so thought I'd give a bit of background info first. I'm a 21 year old male who's biggest worry was graduating university, however this changed a few months ago.
So I met this girl and we hookep up only problem was I didn't cover my 'member' during it. A few days later I started getting pains in the groin area and thinking it was an std got checked out. Results came back negative for everything but pain was still there. I then started getiing chest pains, like a tightness in the chest or difficulty breathing accompanied by a inflammed throat, not painful bit felt larger like it was more difficult to swallow etc. Naturally I started freaking our more and took to the internet to self diagnose (really bad idea....) So I started thinking I had the worst case scenarios, hiv etc... This all happened whilst I was still waiting for my std results and worked my self up into quite panic. Then I got the negative results and the guy who worked there said it was probably just anxiety and they see it all the time. Me being a bit of a hypochondriac didn't believe them and I went to see my family gp. He also said yep most likely is anxiety due to the random symptoms you are getting and not to worry about it and give it a month or so.

So my question is has anyone gone through anything similar to this and does this sound like a typical case of anxiety? I've never had anything like this happen to me before, no panic attacks anxiety problems etc. Which is why I'm all the more concerned.

Thanks in advance for any responses and happy holidays!

Lee Grant Irons
12-25-2013, 05:53 PM
Hi Gambino!

Welcome. Wish we were talking under better circumstances! LOL

Regarding the "inflammation of your throat, was it just internal swelling, or could you see swollen lumps under your Adam's apple? Did the doctor palpate your throat below your Adam's apple (feel with his/her fingers) or did the doctor just assume it was anxiety without any physical exam? Visible swelling on the neck below the Adam's apple would not be caused by anxiety, but would be caused by thyroiditis, in which case it would just be coincidental that it occurred after your hook-up.

Childish Gambino
12-25-2013, 06:05 PM
Thanks for the welcome! Didn't think I would ever need to use one of the forums but am now so glad they are here. Anyway to business it felt like internal swelling so it felt larger and I was more aware of it when I swallowed, gulped etc.The gp did examine my throat and said it was a little swollen but nothing serious and looked down it as well and said everything looked normal.