View Full Version : Cant breath!!!

12-25-2013, 02:51 PM
so I'm like freaking I woke up and shortly after I feel like I can't breath like something is in my throat and I'm not getting enough air.... I know dumb but goggled it says how it could be ms or something to do with my lungs!!!!

12-25-2013, 03:12 PM
nooooo dont ever google!!! :@

ok so rational thinking, you have prob taken a small panic attack when you woke up or in your sleep thats woken you up. I had these a million times and 6 years later im still here, good news is you are still here too typing your post so you can breathe, just your body/mind is in a bit of shock right now from being woken up in a panic.

Go get some fresh air and then get some water and sip at it, sit upright in a chair, stick on some relaxing music, just try to relax listen to the music and try to forget about your breathing, your body needs to calm down but please stop googling or you will have yourself diagnosed and feeling symptoms of a million of the worst case scenarios which neither one will prob ever happen.

Your body is it shock and you are in survival mode because you woke in a panic thats all, its normal to feel like your throat is closing or there is something and that you are not getting enough air but in reality if you were not getting enough air you would prob have passed out by now, keep telling yourself you are ok and try to focus on something other than your breathing see how you feel in a few hours :D

Lee Grant Irons
12-25-2013, 06:01 PM
Hi mkgirl,

I agree with SamC. There is a time when Googling is appropriate, but not in the middle of a panic attack, especially if this has happened to you before. These symptoms are "non-specific" and can be related to almost every single disease out there. Whatever comes up as the top Google search result is probably going to be the worst case, because it is that worst case disease that everyone is reading because most people unfamiliar with medicine usually assume worst case and so that is what they research.

This seems to be a pretty regular occurrence for you. I would recommend you discuss with your doctor the frequency of this sleeping panic that you are having. Hopefully this can be resolved with an adjustment to your medicine. You do need to get this resolved, especially if it is negatively impacting your ability to function during the day.

12-25-2013, 06:28 PM
I don't know if this is panic cause it has been happening all day!!!!! I'm losing it

12-25-2013, 07:11 PM
Hiya mkgirl01,

I'm pretty new here but if there is one single trend i have noticed amog anxiety sufferers it's that the sensation of struggling to breath or not being able to catch a satisfying breath is very common. I suffer from this too and have done for nearly two years.

I was not aware it was an anxiety symptom untill i joined this community. I had every possible test done, ECG, chest X-Rays and blood tests..etc

Nothing was wrong physically.

My advice is to try and recognize that this is a common symptom of anxiety and the more you can recognize and remind yourself that you can breath, your body will always get enough oxygen then the less menacing and intrusive it becomes.

I am telling myself this everyday at the moment.

Try and relax, or rather don't try, just let your body find it's natural rhythm.

I am using meditation and subliminal messaging while i sleep.