View Full Version : Stopping the contraceptive pill!!!

12-25-2013, 02:19 PM
Hi all I have been off the pill for about a month & a half now and the last couple of weeks my anxiety has been cray cray. At first I didn't link it to the pill but the more I read up on it the more I think it's going off the pill that has brought back this horrid anxiety!

I am currently on Zoloft 150mg & 20mg Propranolol 3 x daily!

Please ladies help me out here has this happened to you? Or guys has this maybe happened to a partner?

Am considering going back on the pill only I don't want to have to go through this again in the future! Might make an appt to see my doc only I know she will say to get back on the pill!!

Thanks in advance.

12-25-2013, 02:42 PM
Chloe, after finishing the pill it can take a good few months to a year for your body to regulate your hormones again and get back in sync, depending on why you stopped it in the first place if that reason is not enough for you to persevere for another few months to see how you feel then, then go back on it. However, you have gone through a month and a half already might be worth just waiting it out?.

Did you by any chance read stories about people who had come off the pill before you made a decision to stop taking the pill? as if you did i think your answer lies more in anxiety itself than much to do with the pill, cause as we all know if you read up on something and think the worst, the worst tends to happen coz we get ourselves in a right old panic,

You will know your own body best and weigh up your reasons for staying off to going back on but personally i think your anxiety is prob a bigger part than the actual pill itself but thats just my 2 cents worth.

sam :)

ps. like i said earlier, if you do decide to wait it out, might be worth seeing your doc about up-ing to 40mg propanalol 1 or 2 times a day instead of 20mg 3 times a day, just the larger dose at once will hit harder than spreading 3 doses out sam :)

12-25-2013, 03:48 PM
Chloe, after finishing the pill it can take a good few months to a year for your body to regulate your hormones again and get back in sync, depending on why you stopped it in the first place if that reason is not enough for you to persevere for another few months to see how you feel then, then go back on it. However, you have gone through a month and a half already might be worth just waiting it out?. Did you by any chance read stories about people who had come off the pill before you made a decision to stop taking the pill? as if you did i think your answer lies more in anxiety itself than much to do with the pill, cause as we all know if you read up on something and think the worst, the worst tends to happen coz we get ourselves in a right old panic, You will know your own body best and weigh up your reasons for staying off to going back on but personally i think your anxiety is prob a bigger part than the actual pill itself but thats just my 2 cents worth. sam :) ps. like i said earlier, if you do decide to wait it out, might be worth seeing your doc about up-ing to 40mg propanalol 1 or 2 times a day instead of 20mg 3 times a day, just the larger dose at once will hit harder than spreading 3 doses out sam :)

Actually I read about it today cause I'm thinking what changed in the last few weeks & it was the pill so I looked up pill & anxiety.

I went off to try for a baby but maybe it's not the right time, I don't know if I can handle this anxiety for a few more months!

Like it's only been the last few weeks I've started feeling like this so I'm not sure if it is the pill or my medication.

Thanks for you help SamC

12-25-2013, 04:03 PM
I get where you are coming from but you will have to go through it at some point, so you have done a month and a half already might be worth uping your meds see if it helps first, if not asses your situation on the back of that but if you were stressed in anyway or worried about coming off the pill then it will def be having an affect on how you are feeling too

I only say that as i have been on it for 12 years and even tho i have had a good control on my anxiety for 3 years i do still sometimes think and worry about when i come off it how will i feel and i know by worrying i will make myself ill so if you thought the same way then that will have had an effect on your anxiety anyway.

you know your body best and how much you can cope with but check with your doc if you feel up to it they might suggest trying a stronger dose first but completely your decision on how you feel in yourself :)

12-25-2013, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the help I guess I should just discuss with my Doctor maybe they can offer some other type of hormone replacement.


12-25-2013, 10:19 PM
Hormones sweet, same thing happened to me.. It will get easier ones your cycle and hormones get normal again

12-25-2013, 11:19 PM
Thanks Amber I sure hope so! How long did it take for you to get back to normal?

12-26-2013, 03:20 PM
Usually it's one cycle. So 2 periods. But remember unfortunently anxiety hits worse the week before and during. As our hormones are abit whack as usual, plus all the pains and thoughts that happen when monthly hits, be kind to yourself.. Do things to help your anxiety an it will ease