View Full Version : The Exercise Thread:

12-25-2013, 02:07 PM
The Exercise Thread:

I wanted to start a new one - for others forum users to utilize and or participate in. Don't be shy - share what you know, what works for you, or just tell others what you do or did in the way of exercise. Perhaps I have missed the sub-section for exercise, and if so, please do link it for me and we can congregate there?
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I went for a walk today mulling over on my approach for my next comeback. Mind set can be everything when attempting to take the reigns of such a complicated and challenging quest with regard to taking back control of our physical condition.

Not everyone works the same plan, as not everyone's physiology functions and or reacts the same. However, having said that, I invite all to share as they will or use the thread to simply log in what one did for the day.


12-25-2013, 05:55 PM
Excellent idea!

I guess that I'll start out by stating who my idol always was, even though many will laugh, but that's what our place is about..openess and honesty. Arnold Schwartzeneggar. (now that you've just tipped over backwards in your chairs laughing, it was for soo very long.) The Austrian Oak. I'll see if I can find a photo of him on this computer, I know there are many. When he was 19, he was destined to be a true Champion. Yes, he used steroids, but that isn't all that he had, he had genetics to enable and assist him to acheive such goals, and man was that dude massive. That was my dream. Why? I don't really know, other then I was bullied when I was young. Many, many times. That PTSD and impacts caused by those events. Funny thing is, even though I didn't have size, I had something else..this brain/mind/speed/and an adrenal system that literally turned me into something or someone else instantly. It is my main problem, to this day, and I blame it on ancestory. Swedes, Nordic...I had to state this, to explain the whole "Arnold" thing completely. I thought being massive meant being powerful, it didn't, it doesn't, at all...It's all in one's mind and capacity.

Ok, back on track!...

I got really serious into health/fitness in 2006. I was order by a Judge to leave my home, wife, and 3 kids behind and move into an apartment 3 blocks away. After a few months stuck in that room, and realizing that I wasn't allowed to see my kids except when I would drive by secretly (she wouldn't let me) I took up walking. Nothing more than just putting in some headphones, loading some songs that I wanted to hear, and walking.

It then grew from there as my Father brought me some weights over to also help me pass the time. I was addicted right after that. I had some sort of chemical release that I hadn't felt for over 25 years prior. It brings about the release of certains hormones, chemicals, etc..and it made me feel great. I just began right there, in an apartment, with less that 100 pounds of weights.

I then got my home back within 10 months. My wife was then an X, and everyone was gone. Me, and a 5 bedroom house with no furniture, and fleas from cats that she had let in. I then bought a weight bench, some added weight, and a weight machine and continued my workouts in the evenings, every day, 530pm. 40 minutes. Sometimes abit more, but no less. 40 minutes a day. I would always work (a different muscle group). I'll explain that later.

Then after another year, my two Lion Cub daughters were dumped off here and the first thing that they said was "Your whole living room is a weight room, and everyone can see this?"...Oh wow, really? Well, I never really considered that or what anyone would think or what they saw. I had to get out of here, to a gym in the beginning of 08.

I loved it there!..When I arrived there in 08, I could bench my body weight one time. that was 200 pounds. When I left there in mid 2012, I could bench 335 pounds, 7 times in reps. (which equates to 395 one time, one rep max)..weighing 217 pounds. Squatting 535 5 times, deadlifting 455 8 times..(deadlifts packed on the power and also expanded my cardiovascular systems too) without running, or jogging. My Knees were being put through total hell and it hurt worse to run then squat that weight.

One thing I will say, amoung other things, is that the BIG 3 will gain you more muscle (everywhere because it causes a greater hormone release everywhere), more fat loss, a stronger cardiovascular system, quicker, faster, then anything else in that gym. Bench, squat, deads...(some like powercleans but there was no room in my gym).. I wondered why my arms wouldn't grow so quickly, why my chest wouldn't grow quickly,..and it was because the body won't trigger steroid hormone releases of massive proportions without using all the largest muscle groups, at one time. Then, I started packing it on, at age 40 and trimming down in the mid section too. I would still love to throw around some iron and maybe some day I will.

After being in that gym for 08 to mid 12, I outgrew it. I could pick up and press their largest dumbells, which was one of my goals when I got there but those things looked intimidating as hell at first and I couldn't budge them either. They were 105 pounders. Then everything just went, POOF!...Game Over. for now...

I started at 185 slender pounds at 5'11 1/2". When it was over I was 217 pounds and had been as high as 228 during a bulk phase. (which means to more you weigh, the more weight you can move, the more muscle you can grow).. Muscles grow, because you forcefull tear them apart, yes it hurts, and then your body corrects the damage that you did with microscopic NEW layers of tissues=muscle growth.

Ok, so what worked for me?
1. Lots of calories to gain and grow. up to 6000 per day. breakfast was usually 9 eggs, cheese, ham, oatmeal, bacon, juice,..(that just made me hungry)...
2. Workout certain muscle groups, on certain days of the week, and it was hard to not overtrain (I wanted to be there all the time) but you won't grow. More isnt better.
3. Proper rest, proper nutrition, proper workout routine, and timing of nutrients are very important too.
4. Chocolate milk was #1 for mass.. After your workouts only.

To lose weight?
1. Have your carbs earlier in the day before noon. Limit carb intake to no more than 100g.
2. Cut out all bad fats, replace them with good fats.
3. Increase lean protein intake to make up for lack of carbs. (white chicken, eggs, fish, low fat milk, veggies was about the whole diet generally)
4. Green tea, caffeine, walking, treadmills, stationary bike, and continue your weight training routine but drop the weight and increase the rep and set ranges.

Those are just some things that seemed to work for me, maybe there's some ideas for others to try out as well.

The only (1) supplement that I had ever tried that did anything at all, was Creatine Mono. I once gained 13 pounds in 14 days. (it just causes the muscle to hold and retain more water and therefore made them bigger, to push bigger weights)

Also, something high in Arginine worked too, in more ways than one...LOL!!!

Best wishes friends.

Chris :)

12-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Hehe - Yes, I remember getting a Wielder Body Building set back in the 80's. Some kind of Spring Set that attached to two pieces of Wood; one that I would stand on, and the other I would raise over my head. I could use it like a barbell system. I believe the kit also came with a chest expander and Power Twister. On the fold out poster was a picture of Mr Wielder with Arny/Franko and a few others - perhaps even Lou - who played the Hulk.

I would add, that I was also inspired with Sylvester Stallone. Mostly with the rocky series. I was fairly young then and the culture in the 80's was also different to now. None the less, I can very much identify with Arny's era - I have his "pumping Iron" Video and also his Encyclopedia. Unfortunately my wife vandalised that book writing all sorts of profanity over the guys posing - I laugh because I understand why she did it, which is another story. Gym Junky addiction was a large element to that. That alone is a topic in its own and I am more than happy to discuss that one, as it plays much into the all consuming identities many of us strive to layer ourselves in. On the other hand, fitness is a great tool for many of us to wrestle with the mind no different than an ape who wrestles with stone and the land. Exercise and the mind - very powerful thing.

Now I write a bit long - but not to worry. I enjoy hearing you speak of such things Chris. I have much in common. It's very much a culture - the body building thing. A changing one at that. Drawing the line between show boating and vanity is actually something that I have heard Arny mention in his videos - I think the sport/tool and outlet is often misunderstood like any stigmatised activity and or image tends to be.

You know, it's easy to see how in prison such an outlet is quite a positive thing - it's the rather dramatic romanticising of others that turn it from a simple outlet into some picture of intimidation, stand over, dog on the leash kind of thing. The best I can say to expel such notions is to think of the Big Guy in the movie "The Green Mile" Michael Clark Duncan - Sad to say ... he has now passed away - Heart Attack - But The character he plays in that movie remind me of how indeed many Big Guys are quite the opposite of other such Hollywood Depiction of the Jail Yard scenes. As I said once before in my other thread - the weight room was good to me - a far cry opposite to what those fear mongers would have others believe. I think you know well what I mean - forgive me if I assume too much.

Perhaps I best pull up - I had a beer and I ussually don't drink. It's a Xmas thing - like barely a recurring thing - LOL - well lets go with once a year hey.

PS - I have dumbbells at home - You have very much inspired me to pick those up again. Weight is not everything, however -> the fact that we don't pick up stones anymore, means that picking up those, would do well for me to get my mind back on track. And the mind is very much a big part of why I want to get myself on track.
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I want to say something to Dahila - I hope you find this somewhere embedded in this post? I know what you mean about the Diet thing. Absolutely! There are so many body types out there, physical conditions and yea - AGE - that too, yet another variable ... it all counts. Exercise and Health can be rather opinionated (Man - mobile device and spell check) - None the less - You know in here you can say anything!

I have reach my concentrated limit - however - Please understand - I was hoping this exercise thread could be taken as - hmmmm - "Steady as she goes" - "within ones limit" - "A gentle Nudge" - "Anything Goes" - Basically like more a thought on breaking the procrastination or our otherwise complacency of same ol, same ol - dead end routine. Perhaps a little of being more honest than we would care to admit - OK - I said too much - I'm just drumming myself up for now.

Dahila -> For those of us more susceptible to food with stubborn body's that rely more on the mind -> We need to get a little more active than say those who do so naturally well in a world full of temptation and have more control. There is so much to this whole way of living - we are so spoiled as human beings in the modern world. I'm not talking about doing Marathons, joining some club - I'm talking about trying to do a little more of what we know is good. Remember when I started walking and how I said it was doing good. I broke down - because my mind thought I could just do it with food. LOL -> ahahahahahahahahah - I mean by that - COME ON! -> we are all different! I best start with my dumbbells - because they know what I mean. Exercise is just another name for - getting off ones ass, and stop living a life of sedentary inactivity - Sure -

It's a sad state of affairs really - eating healthy is very limited for many people as well - yet another story - hard to explain and delivery to those doing well. I pull up now - I have a few weeks before I set up base camp in this town - but I am primimng my mind for what needs doing.

Once I get active, then the food choices will follow, until then it's my sick mind that will hold me back. It's not as simple as anothers success being the road that leads to ROME. We all operate differently. I think Chris reminds me well, what works for me. I have come to underestimate the power of basic weight resistance. - I talk more later and thanks for listeing to yet another rave.

12-26-2013, 07:08 AM
"And the mind is very much a big part of why I want to get myself on track."... "Exercise is just another name for - getting off ones ass, and stop living a life of sedentary inactivity"

You said it brother!!...and that you will..

I personally like your raving rants..keep them up, they're inspiring to us all.

OMG my entire posts disappeared!!! I had many, many words typed....oh geeze..

Great, now I've gotta go fix a damn car instead.....(sigh)

I WILL follow up when I return, I have much more to say (and I already had...grrr LOL!)

Have a great day friend!

Chris. (E-Man) :)

12-26-2013, 07:41 AM
Yes, the conversation is awesome.
Ponder I know what to do I lost a lot weight some time ago when I started the gym. Unfortunately I can not afford it anymore, so I need to do something in house, I own some exercising equipment. I love doing free weights so here is not problem.
Through the night was snowing so I have at least a hour or so of fighting to clean my driveway. Good I love to be outside on winter time.
I know all the rules about proper eating and intake of proteins. Nothing you guys say is new for me. I gained back the weight when I started on Gabapentin. Eh I would willingly walk if I was not scared of falling. City is saving money on suburbans, no plows no salting, It is dangerous to go for a walk now. Have been there, twisted my back (ongoing problem with my back after accident in work) and could not move for days. I must wait when the weather allows me to walk and the best to take out my bike.
Growing strong muscle helps for everything. I love the elliptical machine, it is easy on my knees:))

12-26-2013, 02:14 PM
Hey friends,

I am hoping that the Rheumy has something good to offer me tomorrow, information wise, because I want to be able to do some of these things myself. I really just need some scans and such to see how bad the damage is or if its correctable. Then, I am right here with ya!!

Those dumbells are callin ma name....:)

12-26-2013, 02:17 PM
"I believe my local mental health clinic runs free yoga classes so I am going to enquire if I can go along".

Impressive Frankie!! I am still amazed at your progress and it really inspires many, many people too..

Keep posting, please!...:)

12-26-2013, 02:24 PM
Thank you very much Frankie!! Me too...I def dont want anymore meds!! Already have 10....grrr :)

12-26-2013, 05:41 PM
That does sound like a good service Frankie. I think mental health places should have more services like that. I feel more at easy meeting others in a place meant for people suffering mental illnesses. I guess it can be cagey at first, however the same applies to "normal" groups - yet with the bonus, that sufferers do not "expect" anything of another. I was about to join a "club house" group for sufferers but now that I am leaving town soon, will have to source out new groups with the help am my newly proposed therapist.

Getting physically well and suffering mental illness is not as clear cut as some Gym program. Dahila - you said it when you mentioned you already new what to do. Don't't we all. LOL ... there is really something to that . None the less, I still welcome any or all information people can offer on the subject of how to and what to - but first and foremost I think a good understanding - or better word - healthy understanding to what Motivation is and how to tap it, is first and foremost.

Easy drop in methods as well - I have to be honest when reading your response, I thought to myself - Gee Wiz, I think Dahila makes a lot of excuses like me. NOW DON'T SHOOT ME _ I SURRENDER - I'm not saying your points are not valid - I do indeed know what you mean, however I too - come up with lots if not more reasons I should not move beyond that point in which can only burn the laden weight - instead - tell myself "arrr fuck it - as long as I can smile, it's not how I look, but how I feel" Irony in that for me, that just how much BS that really is - I feel worse for having made excuses and telling myself I'm just part of the jolly club - That is until summer comes and lets me know just how hard it is to breathe.

Forgive me Dahila if I seem kind of thoughtless or insensitive, as I am speaking more about myself here! I'm just saying way I thought about myself when reading your words - not you - it's important you understand that, lest I never hear from you again. It's not easy stuff doing what needs to be done. Like yea - many of us that have been round and round - for sure we already know what the go is - and we also know all the excuses - I think the thread is in the right spot, because depression is what holds many of us back from firing up the coals, kick starting the motivation and so on -

Now - here I am a little muffled as I think of the word FIGHT! -> I don't like fighting any more but understand why others seem to tackle their problems head on with such an outlook. This is how the mind thinks - It fights everything, makes an argument and battle of what lay before it. In fact for me to go on anymore, I wish to respond somehow in the "Growing Old" thread as I just can't get out the response of another that was kind of leaning to fight the old age thing. Don't't get me wrong there either, I don't't mean to cause conflict and have wondered how to respond to such, when I see things another way.

I don't't think fighting is good, because it creats more fear and only feeds that which becomes layered on us and is hard to remove. I get RAGES when I exercise - that is if I intend to do it with the purpose to run and hide - to become better is a false quest and this people find very hard to understand. It's why its Fighting is a common term to addressing problems - sure I could say fuck it - and flog myself until all the weight is dropped - BUT - Pfffft - been there and done that - It don't't work! Procrastination seems to hit back harder and for longer between each bout - which is why my hole approach this time is aimed at life style - Another word miss understood and advertised and sold.

Meds Meds Meds Meds ....... Exercising and Meds -> Boy oh Boy -> Yet the biggest excuse I have made with regard to exercise ... Comes down to those blessed ones with the fast metabolic rates who can do no wrong. LOL @ that one - srry for the sarcasm there, nothing personal - my problem if anything. Long list of complicated issues with branch symptoms and so on - I give my run down as to what I think on that one another time. I'm still coming of the anti-depressants, but can explain why - I make space for now ...

Over to you guys -
Peace Out ....

12-26-2013, 07:25 PM

They didn't like me..I didn't but into their bullshit stacks of jugs and tubs....but I got big, small, mid size sedan like,..if I wanted too. Just like you did Dave. It's there, it's always been there, regardless of 10 meds, or 7 meds, or 2 meds,....Once you've had it, it never leaves you bruh. Tap it....


12-26-2013, 07:49 PM
"Healthy understanding to what Motivation is and how to tap it, is first and foremost."

You know what that means bruh...

12-26-2013, 09:52 PM
Oh excersize <3

I gym it everyday, am working on doing yoga and pole dance lessons in the new year!! I chose pole dancing PURELY because it is an AWESOME strengthening type of dance, I danced (jazz, tap, ballet, hip hip etc) for 16 years, taught it and everything.. But something was missing.. Lord behold getting on a pole just makes me happy.. And well it gives me confidence.. I'm just an open person in sexual aspects, I sell sex toys and stuff.. So I don't see it as a wrong thing to do.. I'm not stripping haha I'm just learning to dance.. With a pole with a group of ladies.

12-26-2013, 10:24 PM
Hmmmm - I think I do. LOL - It's different for different people - It's also complicated and from a mind perspective that is rather weary, I'm not sure if my muscle memory wills quite cut it. I can get quite manic when my body starts to pump itself back up - Testosterone thing perhaps - None the less, the tendency for a more successful comeback often requires that I do weight training more over aerobic.

For me E-man - I am over the whole Gym THING - I never really was a gym person. I was always much more at ease running down a quiet road and doing weights and body resist workouts in my own room or backyard - No offense man, but I am also over the whole body image thing as well. For sure I will be aiming to get fit again - but I am done with today's concept on such things. I could not but help see it in the faces of the older ones on Holidays as we were out looking for a place to live. It's a Bay Side town and everyone is out doing their Xmas thing. I saw an old couple that would once of been content to sit and fish with the kids, but not these two, they were all dressed up in bright and tight lycra - no doubt full of sups.

I have no problem with aging whatsoever - I just do not like being pacified and silenced through the use of meds and indoctrinated social stigmas. I'm sorry my friend, today I have seen far too many assholes coated in Xmas cheer. People driving over the top of pedestrians, boat people pushing in front of others at the ramps in their quest to be first off. Line cutters, cell phone loud mouths, cigarette flickers, people pushers, Table hoggers and on and on -

arrr but not so for those that indulge, those caught up in the hype of success, credit, profit, or whatever bliss junky rush that keeps the blinkers on. arr yes - what fucked up individuals they reason us to be, that not they could ever be responsible for the by product they leave in their wake!

So it is, that when I eventually grab those dumbbells and start pumping - start to gain my strength - next comes the therapy session on how I am going to deal with the rage that builds. Double edge sword for me e-man ...

When my body improves - there is a weird transformation that takes place - it's like when all the junk is coming out, so too is the mental abuse this world dishes out - not a good mix for me - it's how and why I tend to keep going till I burn out. I know it is how my soldier friend ended up dead - and come to think of it - I can see how such happens to those of us, that can't fit in. It's like purging but no matter how much you blow the steam, the valve never seems to find much relief. Now the running use to counter the testosterone thing, however my parts don't't have many kms left in them at the rate I dish them out -

Hence - my new move to approaching motivation - a much more slower approach. Possible just happy with a routine without a bench - just throw in some body resistance for the compounds to complement. I want to keep my ZEN mind training - or keep it all a mindful approach. I am very much thinking of some stretching - most definitely!!! Not sure about Yoga classes - I don't't want to really mix with others and struggle with "the way westerners hmmm try and make everything theirs!" Like a group that will wear a color to stick out, run in a group around the same block, always trying to assimilate and individualise themselves - They do it with houses, cars, and now the do it with fitness - I do not like they way society not only consumes resources but also everything else down to people's minds! People think they are being different with their little stickers, colors, tattoos, trinkets, pictures and whatever - however, they are all just singing the same ol tune like sheep being counted to keep another comforted so they can sleep - that perpetual Fear to FIGHT - got to fight being old - got to fight being poor - got to fight looking ugly - got to fight to be seen -

Fuck it man - that's not what my exercise is about and it always seems to others, that, that is what it's all about. I just want to breath! I just want to be able to suck air in through my nostrils and not suffer a fucking dry mouth. Dry Mouth --- To stop gasping like a fish out of water --- Hell - being old has nothing to do with how fit someone is or how good they look - fight they say - fight to keep looking good? AGE, robs us they say? --- we fucking rob ourselves - we kids ourselves - We are human beings not fucking immortals - GGGGGGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It does not surprise me that I rage so much when my fitness returns - it's because I know the world is full of shit and there is nothing I can do about it to change it. Hence the serenity prayer I guess. ".......help me to accept the things I can not change ......"

I'm sorry man - just so much BS for me today out with the human beings - I want to be old! When often asked those questions of "what do you want?????" --- I usually reply "I want to be old!!!" WHY ----- well at first it used to be because I thought people would ignore me --- now I wonder on that with so many old people now trying to live forever --- even the terminally ill; can not accept defeat! ARRRR but I even said it myself ---- defeat as if life was meant to be some king of FIGHT! ---- LMFAO ---Reminds me of a seductive female commentary, selling some REALITY documentary on PAYTV - Tune in next week to Animal Fight club and watch them battle to the death!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean like WTF man ---------------- now I can't even watch a half decent doco ---------------

They always got to be bigger, better, sexier, smarter, richer, -------------------- My aim to exercise is to simply breath as a wise old man who is able to greet his death with acceptance and grace. I can't not do this, with my current mind state and body fitness level - but alas - these posts will get me in the right direction. Don't't get me wrong peoples - whatever works for you - Today not a good day for me. I try be more sociable tomorrow.

Edit - Imagine that hey - Exercising in order to better greet; ones Death. (I think I need to go back to writing Poems)

12-26-2013, 10:26 PM
I will still ask you many questions, when I get home and pick up that dumbbell e-man ;)

12-27-2013, 01:50 AM
Hi Amber - went for a walk and feeling better myself now - Good to hear what it is that keeps you in tune. I saw a pole dancer not that long ago on some talent show. I was impressed with how fit and also the complex maneuvers she did. Very empowering stuff from how she spoke and held herself on the stage with so many and the TV cameras. I could tell her choice of outlet suited her well ... she was extremely inspirational.

12-27-2013, 06:02 AM
I will return friends..
I left my glasses at my gf's house..can't see the damn screen!
I have to see a Rheumy at 945 up in Indy, I hate Indy, havent been there downtown since April of 2000..

I think what I just typed looks right?...LOL!!


12-27-2013, 02:37 PM
I have tried to reply to this thread, twice.
First one, disappeared!
The next one, is gone too...Just had to go rescue my dumbass daughter from her car again. She left the lights on!!!..(sigh)...

I WILL get an appropriate reply posted, just gotta get myself calmed down after wishing to remove someone's teeth, new teeth at that. :)

12-29-2013, 11:28 PM
LOL ... srry about the missing posts ... Just got home from a 5 hour drive, so will check in later -

I am going to do a little search on a basic compound dumbbell routine -
Not sure about it yet - but will run it past you before I commence.

I am serious about arresting my metabolic imbalance and putting that right!

Back later - careful with the teeth man - they are expensive things :)

12-30-2013, 06:40 AM
Hey Bruh!!

Yes, I know, it's abit early here to be yelling already..like 743am..still groggy.

If I could actually lift these things laying here then maybe here's some ideas for a basic return routine:

Please forgive me if I ramble for a moment or nine...LOL!

When I was able to lift (like a maniac I might add) then I would always switch up the routines because of course, the body will quickly adapt to what it is that we throw at it.
I would perform lifts, workouts, in (3) different types of training methods.

1. Power lifting: High sets, 75% to 80% 1RM heavy weight, low rep, 3 to 5 ranges. (This by far was the most anaerobic of all, it took my breath away, made me gasp for air, and would be performed quickly with precise form. Especially deadlifts, head always looking forward and up so as not to hurt my back)...

2. Mass lifting: Mid sets, mid weight, mid rep, 8 to 10 ranges. (This is used to build muscle mass, size, shape things up) not very aerobic or anaerobic bt if you want to shape up, this is it.

3. Endurance lifting: High set, low to moderate weight, high rep ranges, 12 to 15 ranges. (This is the most aerobic of all iron training and the breaks between were way shorter, leaving one breathless and the muscles starved for oxygen)..all done with correct form, and fairly rapid speed but not as fast as power lifts.

Ok, Got that off my chest. YAY!!

Those (3) different "training programs" would have to be switched up every 4 to 6 weeks, or progress would hault as the body would acclamate and adapt to those loads.

OK. now to basic 's brah:

1. Dumbell curls, standing, arm on a incline of some sort, arm on leg. (barbell will build more mass than a dumbell however because it incorporates more muscle fibers of the chest, shoulders, back, then a dumbell does.)
Always keep the elbows "locked" at the sides, never move them from there. I know we've all seen bodybuilders lift them beyond that point, but it's merely for photo shoots. The arm is only made to bend at the elbow so in order to focus on the bicep, lock them at the side so as to not bring in the shoulder muscles to lift the dumbells.
If by chance you can get your hands on a barbell, then adjusting the grip width, can build inner (narrow grip) or outer (wide grip) parts of the bicep muscle. There are (2) halves to it. The outer is harder to build for sure, the "peak" is merely the inner muscle..
Hammer curls (dumbell) will build the outer, wrist twisting on the upper lift will build the inner head of the bicep.
Oh my, I haven't forgotten anything, and there's much more but I must move on,...that's the basics though friend...:)

2. Triceps: They comprise 60% of the upper arms size, mass, shape. Working them is fuggin awesome!
Overhead tricep presses, dumbell overhead, allow it to come down behind the head, and back up. Elbow never moves. Single arm.
Tricep presses. Both arms. Overhead. Both elbows move. Twist weights and wrist at the top peak of the lift. Tap them together. (Man I wish you weren' 10,000 miles away)
Tricep kickbacks. Lean over on a chair, grab the dumbell and lift it up behind you. Excellent for shaping, forming.
Tricep presses. If you can get a bench and bar, the bomb for mass building, incorporates more muscle fibers, more hormone release.
Tricep rows. Bend over on a chair or bench, drop arm straight, lift until elbow is at the side, hold, then pull abit higher to squeeze,..Back and triceps. Head forward and up.
(Triceps pushdowns are badass, but not an option here without a weight machine or gym, that'll come with time)..

3. A pullup bar would be badass too. You can get some that just attach to a door way in any home, yes bruh, it'll hold you. My gf has one (rarely used) and it will build tri's and back like a beast.

4. Then of course, The BIG Three. Bench, Squat, Dead...and you can do all of them right there at the house with a cheap bench if you can find one. Usually people just throw them out over here.

5. And last but not least,..the diet. It is actually (IMHO) about 75 to 80% of this entire picture. To change to metabolic rates, control carb intakes beyond a certain time of the day,.attempt to limit the amount of carb intakes (but not less than 100g at any point or our minds won't work right at all) because our brain is a carb junky and won't function below 100g per day. Pack the freezer with chicken, fish, any low fat meats, and lots of veggies (other than potato's)...
PS: The yolk of an egg, is a growth promoting (steroid)...I used to eat 9 every morning. If I did that now, I'd be hurling all over the kitchen...Also, we don't get (high cholesterol) by eating high cholesterol, it is by eating high fat foods...so eat all the egg yolks you want!! (it actually lowers your bad cholesterol anyway)..

I'm here man, wishing I was over there so I could have a new gym partner!!!..Tomorrow I go into PT and they have a gym...GGGGRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....(sigh)..

Hope THAT goes well..

(Lion Cub keeps her teeth, for now...) :)

12-30-2013, 08:50 PM
Thanks for that E-man. Good to learn and also identify with much your what you say - I have always been a stickler for form over the amount of weight. None the less, I also get what you mean about the Power Lifting - I have mostly been a 12 rep with one warm up set with 3 more to follow on that. I adjust the intesity and also routine, however not as Good as I have just read your secrets :)

I appreciate your response! Whilst I make a start with my walking again and YES lifting with my dumbbells (very low weight for now) - I am just going through the motions and will let the rest unfold - once I have got the discipline back. Will for sure include those exercises - Unfortunately I will just have to use a chair as no bench - going to do pushup for chest workout and finish with crunches.

My goal in all this is purely to lose weight - I seem to muscle up quite easily when I get a roll on - naturally a mesamorphic build with good proportions bar having a slightly shorter crutch length to torso ratio - probably from a very hard laborious working life early on AKA your typical Roman Build as it's often documented. I love the ZONE I can reach on the road once my skeletal strength returns then all inside out from there. The fact about running and joints in no where as clear cut as the excuse so commonly given there - but alas, yes - as one ages it is best to reduce such stressful "over use" activities - weight training can in fact be in this category too. Its all about the approach and the switching as you already hit on. I'll get on my bike soon enough, bit I actually build up too much lactic acid if I dont go low and light on the gears. I'll work it out for sure though - just going to make sure I choose practical methods for my age and don't ware myself so I have a little left in me - to suffer the end well!

Feeling much better so far off the meds - again - not wise to push way beyond comfort just yet. None the less - I need to keep being active and burn the rash - the chaffing - lest I live with that for the years to come-

I DO MORE WALKING - and good to say - now lifting, all be it light . Thanks man.

12-31-2013, 07:06 AM
Going to bed a little late again - not to worry - also No taking device and earphones ---
Going to work on breathing with my one good nostril LOL


looking forward to waking up without that medicated hangover!
Will time my pulse to keep the walks priming my metabalsim for the morning - also going to try and do 3 times a day.
I felt my calves and shins working, but know and am feeling good about the strengthening process. At that point where I can feel and lookfowared to the next bout. That is a good sign. I am going to beat this shit ----------- will take a whole YEAR - bit I know just how to do it, and how to enjoy each section along the way.

You've been a major help to this new found motivation E-man * Frankie --- again - please excuse me manic posts - but alas, you gave me way for such thing - Thanks guys :)

Hope this finds you and Frankie well - I am bit loony tonight - but mean no harm and remain remorseful if I hurt others feelings. re medication thread - had a spat there tonight.

Peace you guys -- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

12-31-2013, 07:28 AM
Hey brah!

Just got back from PT..I feel like a limp over cooked noodle. Haven't felt this in many months. It's amazing what some pulling, stretching, pressure, can do for a bad back and neck....I wanted to go to zzzzz myself while I was there.

Good to hear from you man and I too someday hope to be able to get back into any sort of fitness programs besides laying on a bench/table with a hole for my head..

Let's do this bruh!!

E-Man. :)

12-31-2013, 02:11 PM
first part of the morning for me - Indeed, we do this together man and anyone else, that wants to get FIT - reclaim their bodies and or stand up for themselves in that way, that their meds cannot! (albeit necessary as prescribed; only they can judge) In my case, it's really been about rejecting the Norm and being sick of being sick.

Totally agree about the stretching - especially under weight!!! As i said, I am not using much weight, but it's enough resistance that I can pump out 12 to 20. That way I am not at this point overdoing it, so as to be riddled with pain the following day. But WOW - the feel the weights were giving me with blood flow and range of movement - Was as good as a stretching session although I was only do simple dumbbell curls, through to the others you mentioned.

Each transition from one muscle group to the other, had my feeling quite warm, a nice mild sweat with open pores and best of all, my core felt more able to take the pressure off my back! I did a full body workout with about 5 compounds (will leave the shaping ones for when my fitness improves - but thanks for including that one as well) I typically wait no longer than 45 seconds between sets, and whilst going as light as I will favour more like 30 to even 20 for a reasonable sweat (those quicker intervals ussually involve sets of 20 that tapper of to 12 and even 8 - I do no less than 8 on my last sets I have had to push - As I mentioned - just going through the motions - with goal mainly to sweat and feel the stretch. NO ROCKING as that spoils the feeling - Form always gives a better rush - lest those moments to be had in those power training sessions. I don't't think I will be heading much into that - but know well the release to be had in all those techniques you mentioned. ;)

While so light - I will do some more today, however once I increase the weight and start to feel the stress on the following day, that is when I will be hitting the numbers with intent - 4 sets with one warm up - endurance with 12 being my base for building strength (the endurance set I think you called it) ...and having those rest period which as so important - I ussually pan it out with gentle walking and a little cardio as the buzz starts to increas - BUZZ AKA - life's energy returns!

But again main point for today, is to acknowledge that feeling of blood pumping and moving through a range of movement; I could not otherwise do without such a weight! I'm sure you can understand for an old hand at having live life for such a long time under such constraints - that when slowly coming back into it like such - it can be invigorating to feel the blood pumping once again. :)

I was so impressed - I was doing simple gentle stretches to keep the feeling going on through the rest of that day.

NOW I ready myself for another walk - have eating clean for 24 hours now!

I maybe answer another post some time later - set some mini goals on chores and more bond cleaning - try not to pressure my wife with the manic feelings I am currently keeping at by, via my rants - then I should do well into the next day- when ever it comes.

For sure - small steps and at a pace that keeps us both moving forward - E-man -

12-31-2013, 03:25 PM
Dude..that post is making me want to slam these weights around sitting behind me now..and I kept asking the PT chick every 5 minutes if we were ready for the weight machines yet too. She did laugh, however after 5 times, it seemed more like a frustrated snicker of sorts..

I "heard" some iron clanging, you know that sound..ching. grrr....

Man, yes, you're on the tracks again brah!! Pores open, sweat, stretching, pulling, lifting,.. You're metabolic/metabolism is going to flip over night, I can see this. Fuggin awesome too!

I reallllyyyy miss all this, like I can't even explain. The "endorphine" release..unreal.

Here's to a New Year of cleaner eating friend! Cheers to that!

Yes, (as hard as I know it is for you) small steps, slow and steady, and moving forward through this maze that we call life.

Poetry (that you're very good at btw)

Love ya Bro..

E-Man.. :)

12-31-2013, 04:14 PM
Frankie I think is awesome he got the goal. Exercising can be as addicting as knitting hehe, ok I think u should look in protein shake, and keep an eye on him. He needs to eat a lot but protein shake after exercise will do good for him. then after one hour he should have regular meal. I would look at the ingredients; you do not have Gmo foods in Europe, but check it , not to be made in Us or Canada. U already avoid processed foods, that's awesome.
Most people think I am crazy (Iam probably) for avoiding junk food and processed foods. I am here 22 years maybe only 5 times in McDonalds....
I think Eman will know if I am right or wrong. I mean about your son:))

12-31-2013, 05:28 PM
Frankie - Natural is best for sure and I agree with Dahila that you should keep an eye on those labels he may bring home as too the amount. I too have done all the protein and other sups. No doubt I think e-man will also give you a good guide on that too.

My biggest thing with kids, including my own - is taking into account their age, understanding that kids up to a certain age are still growing and I do believe most grounded information not enveloped on sales hype or assosication, would do well to educate you well in these matters. I started as a young fellow in school with e-man hero also mine. Just find out if there is anything to avoid in the sups that might negate his natural hormones as 15 is still very young.

Many kids can can have their bone development impaired as well, if lifting too much too soon. I'm of the opinion that "body building/weight training" is very susesptiple to too much information and also bad information being either given or not enough background looked into with nutrition as we live in a world fixated on "add & shake!" Companies pretty much play on words and virtually lie - At the same time - whilst too electrolytes are so overly sugared and consumed at the wrong times by the wrong peoples - they can in fact have their place with individuals that are well educated on how and what they consume work with how and what they train with ...

I gave my kids a little boost when they where actually training in a routine, but I used sups designed for kids and looked into if further online. But NOTHING IMO beats a well balanced diet - which can also be altered to enhance a young boy training hard - I would say apart from sups - he should be careful to learn about overtraining and also note his age factor with respect to developmental process going on within him.

One other thing - just my opinion - keep a check on the addiction - like with mood changes and that kind of thing. Mostly weight training will be much more benifical than not - but hormones can do funning things with the young.

know What you mean about the Hugs ---- I am bad for just giving them anyways, however good at making my boy smile when it counts.

Just my 2 cents - I wish you boy every bit of confidence he is able to gain - you sound like such a great mum! E-man may offer better help with the sups.

01-01-2014, 03:13 PM
Wishing you all well today - I think I saw you on before e-man .... LOL to ALL about the new "Daving Craze" hahahahahahahahahahhahahaa

Just wanted to say I am going out for a walk e-man in case you pop in to one of my active threads. Are you able to add anything for Frankie, regarding sups and her Son???

Wish me luck, as I am hoping to find a good pair of walking shoes by days end! Just a little something to spur me on.

Have a good one e-man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your da man! Today is dumbbell day as well. LOL @ that one. hehe

01-01-2014, 04:09 PM
Yes bruh!! Walking and dumbells are da bomb friend! Glad to see you're taking the whole "Daving" thing with grace and form because it is quit the brilliant mistake=turned funny...by YOU!...YAY!! :)

Ah, yes I read that lastnight about her Son going apeshit gangbusters over the weights and fitness, and the supplements and protein rage too.. I have much to say about that and started at near 9pm lastnight but I had a hawt date with a hawt...nevermind!..I will finish it up now, hopefully, she'll get her Son in here to read this BUT he must not share his secrets with any of his friends about how he is gaining so much strength, shape, size, muscle mass, while his friends are trying to figure out where to get their next $80 for a tub of supplemental poo.. Shhhh ...Frankie, he has to swear that he won't share any of this with anyone before you let him read it???????....

Ok, here we go..for the youngster. (15)...:
1. Don't waste your money, or anyone elses money, on protein shakes, drinks, powders, blends, nothing..BECAUSE it isn't exactly HUGE AMOUNTS of proteins that makes the muscles grow. Those things that your friends are using if they're PROTEIN PACKED WITH 30 GRAMS OR 60 OR 80 GRAMS OF PROTEIN won't do a damn thing for them except cause their internal organs to fail, over work, trying to process all that, and eventually, they just piss it all out except what is utilized by the body and or called for by the torn muscles. (that's how muscles grow larger, tear them, hurt them, then the body repairs them with microscopic layers of new muscles like band-aids and a piece of paper is 10 times thicker than the repairs being made each time). Plus, you only need about 10g more per day, then someone who ISN'T training...:)

2. The most beneficial way to build muscle, repair tissues, force growth,..is as simple as having a meal afterwards consisting of 60% CARBS, 20% PROTEINS, 20% FATS....and the best "supplement" on the market to fix, repair, force growth of the muscles isssssss.....CHOCOLATE MILK. Simple as that. It has the perfect proportions, perfect balance, and it's all about timing. After weightlifting, exercise, physical exhertion, sports,..eat a meal and drink chocolate milk within (1) hour.

3. High amounts of proteins, don't do anything, without carbs and fats together...the carbs and fats, transport the proteins to where they're needed and the carbs "open up the pathways and cells" to allow proteins to make the necessary repairs...DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY SON!!...

4. NONE of those supplements on the market work, with the exception of (two) (2)....and they are (CREATINE MONO)....and (L-ARGININE)... You MUST have the creatine mono with simple carbs, juice, something sweet, or it will not be driven into the muscles and held there. It causes the muscles to hold water, makes them fuller, look larger, gives you more power and strength, BUT do not use this every friggin month, you must cycle it. 4 on, 2 off..weeks that is... The Arginine will also open up the vessels and allow nutrients in more efficiently and will cause your veins to bulge too, if you want that look. It will also greatly increase you energy levels, and other things too. Must be taken 30 minutes before your workouts (aggressive workouts) up to about 2000 to 3000 mgs. The Creatine Mono is in the 3 to 5 gram ranges. 3000 to 5000mgs...

5. DO NOT WORK THE SAME MUSCLE GROUP MORE THAN ONE TIME A WEEK!!!! (or twice a week under the supervision of a trainer or a coach) ...This will prevent any disruptions of your natural growth or damage at 15, especially with your bones, ligaments, tendons,..under loads above and beyond just playing a sport or running, throwing, hitting, etc..weight training is wayyyyyy different than any of those. Controlled muscle damage also forces controlled (and uncontrolled ligament, joint, tendon pressures) and your muscles will GROW FROM THE ENDS so if you're looking for a giant upper arm, it will start growing from the elbow joint to the shoulder, also the same anywhere else anywhere in your body. It takes a longggg time to build those muscle peaks, bulk, mass, and if you can gain 10 pounds of muscle a YEAR then you're doing great. You will gain "weight" on the creatine, but it is just water weight, nothing more..I once gained 13 pounds in less than 2 weeks on creatine. AND it helped me to puch heavier amounts of weight too, which in turn creates larger muscles/faster.

6. If you need a workout plan of attack, and you can stick to it, then I'll type one out for your Mom..it is relatively simple however :
A. Always work back/biceps together...on the same day.
B. always work chest/tris together on the same day.
C. have a day set aside for your legs/core because it you don't work your legs THEN YOU WILL NOT GROW AT ALL!!!....
D. the larger muscle groups, will cause more of a hormone call/release and you will grow faster...PERIOD.
E. Remember that, and focus on the BIG 3..Bench, Squat, Deadlifts...and you will grow. If you don't do those (3) at all, you will not grow, don't waste your time or my efforts to type all this either.

My upper body did NOT even start growing until I did all those above 3 excercises...
I could bench 335 7 times,
squat 535 5 times
and deadlift 455 8 times before I stopped...don't ask why either. Tough subject.

I hope this helps you and also your Ma Frankie too!...

(PS: just for fun, An egg yolk is a steroid, and it's probably in your fridge too. I ate 12 a day when I was training HEAVILY. Celery raises your testosterone, almonds raise your testosterone. oysters raise your testosterone. bananas raise your testosterone. avocados raise your testosterone..I have to know this, I'm 46 and my testosterone is near or higher than yours at 1000..:) )...no, yolks don't raise your cholesterol,.MYTH.


01-01-2014, 04:31 PM

01-01-2014, 04:33 PM
AWESOME man - I got a lot out of that!

I like how you said simple carbs too! - I'll be doing more more parts than once a week, however my goal different. I get what your saying though and I think it's great advice not only for recovery, but also his age. No doubt it can be hard for people to fathom how such can work whilst allowing time for the repairing to do its thing. I always say, one can still do other activities, so don't't stress about it.

Power lifting really helped me to grow when after hitting the wall - But Alas - as you know - I just want to lose weight for now. I'd actually like to be more trim. Each to their own. Don't't get me wrong - not dissing on my body building friends at all - I accept I will never be stringy - and weights work with me well! - I just want to breath for now :)

Off to find some shoes - been sharing my boys LOL - as he does mine.

Again - awesome info - I need the metabolic burning mass - so in essence will be gaining in order to lose. If that makes sense? My wife always gets upset when she starts to exercise, because she always gains weight before seeing any results - I tell her that is what is suppose to happen - its your muscles responding type of thing? At the moment, still going through the motions for me, and I am enjoying the pain - if such can be said - I know I need to build my muscle base in order to perform at a cardio rate!

Patience Davy Boy ;)

Edit PS ............... You can't lift your heart rate if you cant lift your but.

01-01-2014, 04:56 PM
Yeah brah!! Yes, you're looking for a result that's different than that of the youngster. It's an entirely different principal. You can hammer those muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, with reps and low weights to shift the metabolic rates to "burning" things that you no longer want. IE: weight loss..

Yes, the simple carbs do have their place is any fitness program because they fuel the effort, physical efforts, and the brain loves them too. A pre-workout drink does wonders, even if you're trying to lose weight also so long as it isn't over about 150, 200 cals max...then your workouts, walks, runs, become more productive and you have more energy to expend and see them through. Then you're looking at burning those, working up the sweat, releasing the endorphines, hormones, then the "metabolic shift" happens and you start "burning yourself"...as fuel..

The creatine is awesome stuff but only works with simple carbs/sugars to force it into the muscle fibers. Carbs open up those muscle fibers both fast and slow twitch.

I loved powerlifting, and it is by far the most fun for me and most strenuous and exhausting out of all training methods...breathless!

You'll get there bruh, as you mentioned earlier on your a meso, and you'll transform pretty quickly too..So am I.

You got this brah!! I can see it in your words friend..

HAHA!! Your wife gains water weight, hydrating I'm guessing. Just push her along until she sweats for 20 mins, then weigh herself..:)

Patience,..and in weeks you'll notice huge changes.


01-02-2014, 06:44 AM
Eman so what carbs you eat? Carbs suppose to be evil. I agree with you that eggs are good for us and they do not higher cholesterol. I would thing the eggs farmers did not want to pay to someone so this why they put in people mind through the media how bod it is. It is full of stuff we need. After exercise I always had two eggs sometime three...
Tell me what carbs I can use and what I can not

01-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Hi Dahila, I know you where asking Eman but I wanted to chime in as well regarding carbs. I believe the amount of carbs a person is dependant on their age, wellbeing/metabolic rate and activity level. High carbs is not for everyone, however not consuming enough as per ones needs - is a bad thing.

I can't remember which carbs are Simple and which of Complex - The rate a which some do their thing is different from others and also the absorption rate is perhaps also more variables. I have been lead to believe the more healthier carbs are Green Vegetables like Broccoli or Mostly Vegetables.

I know many people love to consume Pasta and Rice, however the glutton in those is Bad for me. Again, activity is a huge factor - Runners like to build up on Cabs up to 24 or slightly more hours before a Long Run. If you do not do high amounts of activity and eat shits loads of pasta - then this is a bad thing. I know you love bread, but for me, it's actually a no no - it's like eating pasta and going no where - of again for the likes of me, drinking beer and watching the weight pile up within hours!

To be fair - once I drop the unwanted wait and I am active again (not sure I want to get back to being gym junkie/inf act I don't'! ) -> I'll probably max my carbs with a "sweet" potato or cob of corn - maybe even pumpkin. Thing is, I no longer really handle Pasta, Rice and other main stream carb staples as they are commonly recommended. Lust like my meds, they too have been adding to the problem. Bloating is the other thing with those as well -> for me that is.

Now with Veggies being "my" recommended Carbs, I have to say I prefer to by mine frozen except for pumpkin and other roots plus salads. Main reason is the length of time it takes to get from field to store shelves, then there is also the prioritising of fresh and stale being allocated to one side of town Vs the other. Markets are not as good a place for quality as many think although perhaps cheaper. Market veggies are often bought in large quantities and resemble more horse feed than anything else. People in this town markets, actually flog of chemicalized produce as Organic!!!!!!!!!!! In small markets, it pays to know the sellers, where they get their produce and inspect it well as well as observe how it reacts the following days. When I am into caring for myself, I will soak my veggies and accept the best I can find at markets as a good deal for JUICY as that's the best way to get the most nutrition for ones dollar. Juicing will be another goal of mine once I feel better. I use cold press to further ensure I do not damage or deplete what has already been lost since the pickings. Major reason I grow my food when I can!

I know these things, because I have worked in the markets and also have history working on farms, plus growing my own. Without a doubt the broccoli that is chilled on the side of the field then sold as frozen in the store is more likely to retain more good in that, as opposed to some sorry looking floppy thing that's been exposed to a number of varying Temps, moisture, bumps and sprays.

Most of all, they way you cook and eat these these also impact how much you get from them too - plus be sure to allow for the reflux medicines one may take - the build up of lining on the stomach can be such, that a pharmacist once told my wife she might have to crush you sup pills in order to get more out of them!!! Basically I have since done my best not to be on such pills - although I will take vits when being medicated.

I prefer my veggies steamed - I am not a great lover of Raw, except for salads and I will still eat meats. Not sure spiritualist like such a thing, but I still aim to be in touch as much as I can be and do well with RED meats. I think there is quite some sensibility to diets that much blood type. If I can source the same types of vits and mins in say broad beans, I would, however I do not believe this is true - none the less, when on top, I will avoid mass produced and ill treated foods.

Last of all, I can not afford the BS organic price nor like the consumer attitudes and advertised marketing on such things. It's like food for the rich in some space age colony that seeks to avoid the poison they feed the poor back on Earth.

The problem is so large with poisonous foods, that many just give in, with those who are trying to live making the best decisions with what they can afford and self educated on the rest. As well as grow my one food in the near future (container gardening with perhaps a budget outdoor hydro setup) I want to learn more on herbs and medicate with that!

The less I get off the shelf, the better for sure. Hey Dahila, I just rinse things like chickpeas I get from a can - I also rinse other products from the can as well. That is like one method in many with doing as best as one can. When I did not care - I would not even bother to wash my veggie - that is like to hell with it, "Give me Cancer" -> please to say I am back to washing and cleaning my veggies a little more each day.

Home made almond milk is great plus other things, but you are the guru on that :) ..........................................

That's my speel on trying to get healthier foods into me with what I know. Doing the best with what I can.

01-02-2014, 03:53 PM
Regarding carbs. I believe the amount of carbs a person is dependant on their age, wellbeing/metabolic rate and activity level. High carbs is not for everyone, however not consuming enough as per ones needs - is a bad thing. (Bingo!)...

I can't remember which carbs are Simple and which of Complex (Simple, fruits, juices, sugar, sweets ---- Complex, grains, wheat, oats, pasta, slowwww burning---stored for the future like as you mentioned for marathon runners, swimmers, endurance atheletes.) The rate a which some do their thing is different from others and also the absorption rate is perhaps also more variables. I have been lead to believe the more healthier carbs are (Green Vegetables like Broccoli, kale, cucumber, beans, carrots, spinach, or Mostly Vegetables.)

I know many people love to consume Pasta and Rice, however the glutton in those is Bad for me. Again, activity is a huge factor - (Runners like to build up on Cabs up to 24 or slightly more hours before a Long Run...storage system/fuel expendature/slow burning) ***If you do not do high amounts of activity and eat shits loads of pasta - then this is a bad thing.*** (body stores them, converts them to fat, the body can not store proteins nor convert it to fats, and it doesn't burn proteins well) I know you love **bread**, but for me, it's actually a no no - **it's like eating pasta and going no where** - of again for the likes of me, drinking beer and watching the weight pile up within hours!

To be fair - once I drop the unwanted wait and I am active again (not sure I want to get back to being (gym junkie/inf act I don't'! ) -> I'll probably max my carbs with a ***"sweet" potato*** or cob of corn (extremely high in starches) - maybe even pumpkin. Thing is, I no longer really handle Pasta, Rice and other main stream carb staples as they are commonly recommended. Just like my meds, they too have been adding to the problem. Bloating is the other thing with those as well -> for me that is.
***Sodium water retention***

Now with Veggies being "my" recommended Carbs, I have to say I prefer to by mine (frozen is excellent) except for pumpkin and other roots plus salads. Main reason is the length of time it takes to get from field to store shelves, then there is also the prioritising of fresh and stale being allocated to one side of town Vs the other. Markets are not as good a place for quality as many think although perhaps cheaper. Market veggies are often bought in large quantities and resemble more horse feed than anything else. People in this town markets, actually flog of chemicalized produce as Organic!!!!!!!!!!! In small markets, it pays to know the sellers, where they get their produce and inspect it well as well as observe how it reacts the following days. When I am into caring for myself, ***I will soak my veggies and accept the best I can find at markets as a good deal for JUICY as that's the best way to get the most nutrition for ones dollar.*** ( Juicing will be another goal of mine once I feel better. ) I use cold press to further ensure I do not damage or deplete what has already been lost since the pickings. Major reason I grow my food when I can!

I know these things, because I have worked in the markets and also have history working on farms, plus growing my own. Without a doubt the broccoli that is chilled on the side of the field then sold as frozen in the store is more likely to retain more good in that, as opposed to some sorry looking floppy thing that's been exposed to a number of varying Temps, moisture, bumps and sprays.

Most of all, they way you cook and eat these these also impact how much you get from them too - plus be sure to allow for the reflux medicines one may take - the build up of lining on the stomach can be such, that a pharmacist once told my wife she might have to crush you sup pills in order to get more out of them!!! Basically I have since done my best not to be on such pills - although ***I will take vits when being medicated.*** (Yes, most all medications will deplete the body of certain vitamins and minerals in order to work and function)

I prefer my veggies steamed - I am not a great lover of Raw, except for salads and I will still eat meats. Not sure spiritualist like such a thing, but I still aim to be in touch as much as I can be and do well with **RED meats.** (Hate to say this, but RED meats are terrible for weightloss brah,..stick to WHITE meats, turkey, chicken, fish, or very lean RED on occasion,.sorry man) I think there is quite some sensibility to diets that much blood type. If I can source the same types of vits and mins in say broad beans, I would, however I do not believe this is true - none the less, when on top, I will avoid mass produced and ill treated foods.

Last of all, I can not afford the BS organic price nor like the consumer attitudes and advertised marketing on such things. It's like food for the rich in some space age colony that seeks to avoid the poison they feed the poor back on Earth.

The problem is so large with poisonous foods, that many just give in, with those who are trying to live making the best decisions with what they can afford and self educated on the rest. As well as grow my one food in the near future (container gardening with perhaps a budget outdoor hydro setup) I want to learn more on herbs and medicate with that!

The less I get off the shelf, the better for sure. Hey Dahila, I just rinse things like chickpeas I get from a can - I also rinse other products from the can as well. That is like one method in many with doing as best as one can. When I did not care - I would not even bother to wash my veggie - that is like to hell with it, "Give me Cancer" -> please to say I am back to washing and cleaning my veggies a little more each day.

Home made almond milk is great plus other things, but you are the guru on that :) ..........................................

That's my speel on trying to get healthier foods into me with what I know. Doing the best with what I can.

Awesome write up my brother from Australia!...

I enjoy your works...


01-02-2014, 04:37 PM
YAY!!!!...(Just don't let him drink chocolate milk ALLLLLLL the time or he'll get fat!!!)....it's ALLLLL about timing.. Lift weight, tear muscles, drink choc milk, repair muscle....then GROW BIGGER!!!!


01-02-2014, 04:48 PM
BHAAAHA!!! He's got it 100% right! (but sis will be sneaking drinks anyway,...) :D

01-02-2014, 05:11 PM
She's plotting the chocolate milk attack this minute...:)

Just hope he doesn't mark the jugs, and then she adds water!!!

01-02-2014, 08:36 PM
thank you Ponder.
I really do not care for almond milk which is easy to make at home, but the price of almond in Canada is around 9 dollars for a pound. Washing veggies, I am kind of obsessed with washing everything. One day I wake up and I will not have hands anymore :)
Frozen veggies and fruit is what I eat at winter time. Some of them are from my garden, as you know. I avoid to use cans but when I do I wash everything on strainer with hot water , as long as there are some bubbles.
Fish is poisonous and radioactive, thanks to all nuclear plants. I had read that flax is a good supply of omega 3 and 6, so are hemp hearts; I love those things.
I can not wait when my garden will be free of snow. I need to plant kale again.
4 seedlings gave me whole season till winter of fresh superfood, and I had freeze a lot of that. I freeze my herbs also, and make extracts which are useful when you are sick..... Melisa extract; shooting in when the anxiety hits it helps a bit.

I had made the same observation as you do about markets and not really honest sellers. I can compare because i grow my own, I know when pepper is in the warehouse for 3 weeks. You know what I mean, when you push gently on the skin..... it is hard...

how can I survive without bread? Pasta, rice, potato no problem to say goodbye, but my beautiful bread ....
Fantastic post like always:) Thank you:)

01-02-2014, 09:20 PM
YW Eman :)

Hi Guys - :) LOL @ Chris and Frankie - very funny - Really glad to hear about your Son Frankie - re being grounded in what he is doing. Also thanks Chris for filling in the gaps and adding vital information. Much appreciated.

Hello again Dahila :)

I know what you mean about the cost of Almond nuts. It can also be difficult to track a supplier of 'real RAW nut" that have been processed right and also in a machine that does not have trace elements of others (not cleaning out in between processing different nuts)

Getting the good fair dinkum (honest real Raw ones) raw ones will cost a bit more as well.

I can't remember the whole recipe, but have a feeling I will soon be going to the effort of spending more time food prepping - I remember from I cup of nuts soaked over night (12 hours max) I'd get a good quality liter of YUM YUM. I would use like a cheese cloth bag after blending the soaked nuts into a pulp with 4 cups of filtered water. I actually get a little over a litre come to think of it, as I would savour the little bit that did not fit into my glass bottles.

The finished product imo , taste a hell of a lot more nutty and real than the long life/carton stuff - I especially like the smooth texture as it goes down - seems like a silky thick film that digests well! and when I am on a diet of that stuff for long enough, my hair and nails feel smooth and silky too.

My main use for home made almond milk is to put in my whole meal OATS with a little Banana, flax meal and organic sultanas when I can afford them. I'll add some honey too and you know what - to hell with it - I AM GOING TO START MAKING THAT BREAKFAST FROM HERE TOO!!!!!!!!!!! It so happens I have the ingredient bar not the fair dinkum nuts I would like - none the less, I bet it will taste bloody nice! You know how when you eat some foods, you know which ones resonate with you - well almond and some other raw nuts make me feel GOOD!

Perhaps it can be the start of my own natural processing at home. I've done this all before, but fell of the wagon as you know how much time is involved.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Juicing takes quite a bit, but I aim to get back their as well. I we into juicing up to a point I could feel the BUZZ as the juice did its thing. All my dry skin and liver issues went away - my beard was finally itchy free and felt like silk as to all the hair on my body.
__________________________________________________ _________________

OK OK --- I feel tired talking about it - lol I also look forward to hearing about your garden when the season comes.

TODAY I did some POWER WALKING. I found some podcasts that guide you through the "intervals" I think I almost have blisters so will have to watch that.

Be well guys .... Currently we are suffering temps bordering on 50 Celsius --- Thank goodness for my New Big Hat!!! :)

01-03-2014, 08:52 AM
hoooooooooooo you know how to make almond milk, and you also know how to make power breakfast with oats and nuts, honey, raw honey is a must:))

01-04-2014, 09:07 PM
2X40 minute interval walks today with a dumbbell routine including pushups and sit-ups!

going to clean up kitchen then go get some food.

I'm getting stronger with each passing day, despite the shit going on.

Body composition changing ever so slightly - noticeable strength retuning to my lower legs - can't wait till I can trot out some intervals !!!!!!

01-04-2014, 09:12 PM
Awesome, Dave could you help Mist in the http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?24111-Suicidal-Thoughts
I do not think that is good situation here, I am really worried now

01-04-2014, 10:09 PM
just here as well - say what I can - I think compassion is best thing and reassurance -

01-04-2014, 10:13 PM
Dave, I asked you because you are mine inspiration and when I want to give up, comes up your post and gives me something to chew on. Alwasy inspirational. Thank you
TAke care and walk :))

01-05-2014, 04:02 PM
Come on Frankie - How's about that smile :) - Thanks for popping in guys. Glad you both popped in - feeling a bit better toady. -> Even with the long post I just lost GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR does the angry dance and bashed head several time to gain new insight.

Yes - here I am - Dahila - also thank you for your kind words. You too are much the same for me.

I have something to admit - FLEAAAAAAAAS For days now I have been holding it all in - I think I must of brought them back from my daughters place after looking after her dogs. Little cute things they are - they would climb in bed for a hug - could not help it -

OH BUT NOW ----- all the sores over my legs - I mean not even the my Dog is bothered - I am the only one with fleas. LOL - they made posts on facebook all having a good laugh about it, but I am not impressed. They all seem to be sitting around with not one single scratch - but me - I don't't know what's going on - it's like some big fucking voice from upstairs is whipsering down to me - JOBE DO YOU LOVE ME - I mean COME ON - LOL - give me a break - I made it through the last couple of days and now this shit!

Hehehehehehe - is ok I can laugh about it (Um I think =JOBE or something like that, what the guy you God gave boils to see if He loved him - ahahahaahaha)

OK - yesterday I worked out good and hard - the rash between my leg does complicate things and makes for a bit of pain - BUT - I have bought what jocks I could and been as gentle as I can - I think I am winning so far - just have to keep at it- Had a good workout with the weights too.

Between the chaffing and the Fleas - the fleas are winning - Today O be active in the house with picking up all that I can - spray poison - and washing - man oh man -- lot of work - because no ine else is affected - I will be the only one doing all the work :(

I used some oils last night in a spray bottle so I could sleep - once I got out of bed - again the voice from upstairs - JOBE DO YOU LOVE ME ---- and the biting starting again - LOL

wish me luck as I burn calories battling gods fleas -

Thanks so much for spurring on my activities as I want so much to start doing some yoga moves - but need to lose more weight.

take care
Dave/JOBE ;)

01-05-2014, 04:42 PM

Pan of water with dish soap in it,. a warm light pointed directly at it like an adjustable desk lamp directed right at the water in the pie pan...they jump in, the dish soap keeps them in, they drown...

Look it up or I can try to find a link....


01-05-2014, 04:43 PM
PS: After my divorce, I got the house back...with nothing in it but a 13" tv and fleas....:(


01-05-2014, 05:13 PM
Frankie you must know that for every down feeling will come up feeling, down and up, down and up then up up , and down up up up up ..... You doing great how far did you walk today?

Fleas thats a nightmare, I had dealt with it for years, I had have breed boxers. When the female was pregnant you could not do anything, and she usually got the fleas, at this time. Some people like me or maybe you, are prone to insect bites. When there is one flea in the city it will find me. Mosquitoes are awful, the worst. I have a major allergic reaction to their bite.

What do you want me to say; bad news, or good news.

I usually start from the good ones; The flea life span is of two weeks. They die shortly but in meantime they lie the eggs, thousand of them. The only natural remiedies is Neem oil, which is kind of difficult to take , stinks like a hell.

The best is vacuum cleaner, you need to vacuum everyday, so the eggs will not hatch. I spend hours vacuuming every place, the behind the wall board is the worst, you need to use that pointy attachment. Probably in a week or so the number will decrease significantly. I know that bad news. Nothing will clear out the fleas like a vacuum cleaner. You have not good climate for killing them. Lets see we had a pretty cold winter so far, so on spring time there is going to be less of them.

They usually seek the dogs, but they enjoy our blood too. Regular people do not have problem with them, they bite and are off. Maybe you are allergic to flea bite, it is possible, because i am. Folks say with the blood group of 0 rh + or - does not matter, get bit all the time. Get the Advantage for the dog, even you think he has not that many. Advantage works like a charm, and stays on the dog even after bath. It is expensive but very effective. I put it twice on spring time and on September, when they are looking for a winter place. It always worked, I have carpets (I hate it) here and letting them in would be awful.

I have a question; is the place the new one? How do you know the fleas did not wait for someone to move in? I had this situation when i moved to different apartment and they were everywhere. I had to buy whole system to clean the apartment, at that time I did not know much English, it was in the first few months in Canada. I had no idea that the landlord was responsible for clearing out the place...eh
I think it is possible that you move in and they were there. People do not transport them, not that number.

Thank you Dave for your kindness :) thank you :)

01-06-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanks for all the hints guys - much appreciated. The bites from fleas really suck compared to mossys because of the lesions that ussually follow. I have one really big one, but not to worry - I will keep taking baths in eucalyptus oil - vacuum daily and so on. Good idea thank you. I spray the floor by hand with both the chemicals and also home made stuff - then I used flea bombs to make sure - still doing loads of washing - UV treated all the bedding then sprayed them too. Spent the whole day at it, and can still feel them in the kitchen because I was too tired by days end, I will continue tomorrow with the extermination - Does not make sense we have to kill to live in peace. arrrr come on now Dave - LOL -

Oh crap I remember another positive - I say in here.

I gave away my guitar on my wifes things for free facebook page. I feel good about that. I needs work, but still a good guitar. Unfortunately even though I can play, its not good for my compulsiveness. I much prefer to draw and write poetry.

I'm exhausted - Oh yea - Dahila, the fleas our at home base - We are working hard to leave the place in good condition - BETTER condition than when we moved in. I have improved the gardens WAY WAY beyond that state in which they were when we moved in. Trailer loads to the tip and several more I brought back with wood chips to mulch the garden after I cut it back and restored much needed space and light. I washed the front fence and have done so much more - However as soon as the Land lords took advantage, I completely lost faith and gave up on life itself.

When I am engaged positively and encouraged - I do super job at all I do - but when people shit on me - it's Goodnight Alice - Shop Closed :)

I will not bore with ramble - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I do remember Frankie saying - you not well - Please get well soon Frankie - HUGS - pleas do - you called it right - today we had unexpected thing happen - we got a house to move into now - Thanks for your selflessness to come into forum and help others when your yourself are down. I understand - cheers for being you. :)

01-06-2014, 07:43 AM
Oh you use Eucalyptus essential oil probably, did you mix it with some alcohol before added the water? I use mix of a bit of castile soap which is made of vegetable oils, and Eucaliptus and Minth essential oil to kill , sorry to kill and protect the house against spiders. With my sensitivity to any insect bite and allergic reaction I do whatever i can to protect myself , eh its no life,.....
It is always this way, when we put a lot of work into something , it is take away. why? I have no idea, life is a bitch, must be true, because it is at least to me.
eh happy flea killing and put some things on the bite. I use liquid soap as anti itch and works like a charm, and u could put some hydrocortisone cream on it/

01-06-2014, 08:46 AM
For me, running was always somewhat of a challenge. I spent a summer (inbetween studying and working) going on long walks where I would jog a little first. I worked hard and today, I go running about 4 times a week and it truly calms me down and releases any sort of tension or stress I might be dealing with. I come back feeling energized and happy. I tend to find that the worse I feel mentally, the faster I run. I suppose you could say I translate a bad day into a good work out! The same can be said for the walks I used to do. Getting fresh air, being outdoors, doing something good for you body - all contribute to a better well being in my opinion!

01-06-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi Dahila and welcome Ibson - nice to meet you.

I'm doing not to bad this morning Dahila I used to farm Euco Oil but regret the trees that we cut down. We would then slash the branches by hand with machete and boil up the leaves to eventually sell it by the 44 gallon drum. Lived in shelters made from the trunks and slashed branches living with the spiders and snakes :) ------------ amazing how things alone have change in my short years!

As for the itch - LOL - whilst anoying, I am the type to mow a lawn of stones in shorts - such is my passion when I set to a task - too much going on to pamper myself. I am still very much a tough nut from the bush living in an overpopulated world. Once I have had a bitch - I am right to go again. That will always be me! :)

Nice to hear from another runner Ibson ... my running days are not over yet and indeed, I too feel the sensitivity between my days and running. Sometimes it's nearly killed me. But wow - what it can be like when in tune!!! This time around I am being very careful with how much elasticity I have left and how much to use. I'll be 45 next month and I have flogged myself hard to cope and get by.

So far this come back is making me feel thus far good. Still struggle a little with my sinus in between with days off, but like now - when after this post, I will go walk hard with intervals - my nose clears and I'm right to go. I will clean house some, pack so more - then will do dumbbells with pushups and sit ups - plus starting to stretch with intention on digestion and mobility range.

YEA - I wont be able to help it - I will too run again - Have treadmill my end - it's waiting for me up on the coast.

Very glad to hear from you Ibson - now inspired I go for my walk.

Take care all - and keep active if your able ....

01-06-2014, 02:48 PM
I want to get back into running again but work have been riding me recently and i have been working well into the night for the last few months. At home i'm currently doing light to moderate cardio in the mornings, some crunches, burpees, jacks and planks..etc

Nothing to intense but just enough to feel it.

It's hard with diabetes too, i was only recently diagnosed and am struggling with it, how to balence it along with excercise.

01-06-2014, 06:02 PM
Very glad to hear from you Ibson - now inspired I go for my walk.

I hope you enjoyed it!

01-07-2014, 12:29 AM
Good to hear MiST - I guess diet is also a major factor for you as well? Just keep it light if work is taxing too much.? I am thinking about getting a heart rate monitor to help me guide my efforts. Thinking about the Polar FS100 - seems to have some cool features on that one and still almost withing my price range.


Not sure - An investment for me to enjoy and look forward to logging in my workouts online as well. Fitness chart online kind of thing.

WOW - lap of town sounds full on Frankie! Your daughters check list sounds like something I could use myself.

Indeed Ibson - I very much enjoyed my walk thank you. however I did have to give my dumbbell routine a miss today as feeling very tired with all my recent efforts and finally getting approved to move house has built up the pressure to move. Onc week from this WED we have to finish cleaning the house from top to bottom - still have to pack some more things and move more about in the shed. I only have myself to do most of the heavy work as my wife not well with her MS.

So today, I will have to suffice with the one walk. Basically will have to reorganise the weight training tomorrow in the morning then go for walk and just go slowly after that.
None the less, if I had not started this post when I did, I am not sure if I would be handling as good as I am for now. Had a sleep today as well.

Take care guys - nice to heave about you all getting active too. :)

01-13-2014, 05:12 PM
Hi all,

I believe my local mental health clinic runs free yoga classes so I am going to enquire if I can go along. It's hopefully going to be something I can start with and build from. I am also guilty of too much sedentary activity. As you all know I don't leave the house very far but am working on that too. That will take some time.

did you end up trying yoga? That's something I've always wanted to try but I never work up the courage to actually find a gym and try it

01-13-2014, 05:59 PM
maybe we can start at the same time for some yoga and anxiety support!

01-13-2014, 06:10 PM
I did yoga for about 6 months 2x a week and it was really helping. Then winter set in and after having to miss classes due to snow and driving I stopped. I need to find a closer place because I've gotten more anxious without the yoga. I take power walks with my dog when it doesn't suck out. No wonder I've been feeling worse lately. Winter in new england and no exercise...... At least I'm not tied to my desk although I do have a lot of sit on your butt tasks.

01-14-2014, 04:22 AM
Boxing clears the mind

01-14-2014, 04:25 AM
Boxing? What and risk damaging my good looks? No thank you sir..

Cardio and weights for me..

01-14-2014, 04:49 AM
Haha it's an incredible workout and beating a punching bag is like one big depression, anxiety etc pill combined haha

01-14-2014, 04:55 AM
But i'm a lover not a fighter..:D

01-14-2014, 04:55 AM
Oh yeah no boxing then haha

01-14-2014, 04:58 AM
I beat myself up all the time if that counts? :D

01-14-2014, 05:15 AM
I'm with mist. Cardio and free weights

After years of training martial arts, I have way too many aches and pains from sparring and competing

01-19-2014, 05:06 PM
OK - I'm Back!

Lost weight too.

The antibiotics seemed to of given me a reprieve from that infected ingrown hair smack bang between my legs. Only other issue now is dealing with the ever present chaffing. Man oh man - how I could push myself so much harder if not for the fear of chaffing crippling me. Again I shall try to find some agreeable jocks. Main issue with chaffing is obesity, lack of nutrient absorption and bad diet that seem to have me vulnerable to what most men don't't like to discuss - THRUSH! or at least some form of it. Rolls Eyes - arrrr but to be yong again.

The Sun here is AWESOME! - and walking up and down the beach is even better. I'll stick to walking and once unpack the shed, will set up the treadmill I repaired earlier. I'm set to lose 30KG! - no fucking around once I get started. I'm curious how I'll handle the rages though. Seems like a quiet place here with not many PEOPLE - shudder to think of the word. cough cough ... splatter.

Man - mental illness it a bitch a times - but at least it's one I can live with.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

So far so good - I'm still breathing and I have lost weight -
I wake up feeling like i'm not pacified, because I'm NOT! :)

Until next post!

01-19-2014, 05:22 PM
I'm looking into downloading some free yoga vids - used them last time and they did well to help me recover. Thanks for bringing it up Stace.

01-19-2014, 07:09 PM
Fantastic news on weight loss, It's just a beginning

The antibiotics seemed to of given me a reprieve from that infected ingrown hair smack bang between my legs. Only other issue now is dealing with the ever present chaffing. Man oh man - how I could push myself so much harder if not for the fear of chaffing crippling me. Again I shall try to find some agreeable jocks. Main issue with chaffing is obesity, lack of nutrient absorption and bad diet that seem to have me vulnerable to what most men don't't like to discuss - THRUSH! or at least some form of it. Rolls Eyes - arrrr but to be yong again.

It usually is caused immune system being weak, usually after the antibiotics. I got it when having dental surgery and being for ten days on awful antibiotic. The frigging Candida, is more popular than you think. It is the bacteria in our body and it attacks, the vulnerable organs.
Dave you must remember about home made Kefir? One of the best weapons to fight the Candida off, and reflux :))

01-20-2014, 01:16 PM
I've been watching this thread, haven't participated as I've been pretty sedentary lately.

I went for my first run in about 3 months today. My body has a lot of inflammation I'm working on lowering, so I tried to take it easy.

I picked the easiest cardio program I could find. One for clinically obese people - slow jog for a minute, walk for 4. Even that's pretty much tired me. A lot of changes to be made so far this year!!

Got,the game plan now though, so I know what to be doing! That's half the battle.

Still, glad I got the ball rolling, I do feel quite good for doing it.

I'm looking into homemade Keifer Dahila. I used to take acidophilus, but my health shop sells a bad quality one now. Good bacteria is one of my favourite things for overall good health, I value it so much! Keeps being proven to help mental health too!

Anyway, happy workouts guys. Keep-on-a-moving :)

01-20-2014, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the tip Dahila. I smile to think of the library of books I collect on herbs and healing, however not so much about the debt I am now in. (A Renters Bane -> Just when and sometime not; you square your debt, it's time to move again - never get ahead in terms of main stream status. More the opposite ... - whatever)

I don't think so Frankie ... I get too nervous backing a trailer at the dump. I can do it, but not with people around. So getting a boat makes me feel like I am on display and also my status with cost would only serve to place me lower. Kayaks are hard to keep in one place due to the currents of the inlets here. If I do fish, it will be just off the sand from the sides of various inlets. At first I thought about fishing, but now I am here - I just want to walk all the way out at low tide and roll around in the ocean. Low tide, allows me to walk out many hundred of meters - seems maybe a little over a kilometer - perhaps not, although its a good distance.

I am flat out now. Much more than expected with my wife's broken leg. Surgery today (if swelling down enough) -

I have just been happy to get morning and afternoon sun - another grate thing about walking way out on the sand to meet the ocean. I really can't wait till I am fit enough to simply trot out to greet the waves.

I have set up the treadmill - just waiting a little more before I make the thudding noise that will come from the shed with every stride.

I just want my wife to get better. We moved here with the expectation to walk the beach and get healing from that, but alas - a broken leg on the back stairs within ten minutes upon arriving here. Go Figure. Story of my Life.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________

I don't't know Frankie - I have not been gorging myself - food wise I could still make better choices and fine tune the timing as well. All the same, I do not feel a great need to fill up as much which is good. Fruit I find to be quick and easy - Bananas mostly. There was a heap of mangos on the three at this new house, but someone pick the whole bunch between the time we applied and got the house. SIGH - whatever.

Well - going to grab my MP3 - seeing as the treadmill at this stage is more for pushing than mindfulness - although I am sure I will mix the two later on in the zone when it comes.

You guys take care - best go make some noise. ;)

01-20-2014, 02:27 PM
I've been watching this thread, haven't participated as I've been pretty sedentary lately.

I went for my first run in about 3 months today. My body has a lot of inflammation I'm working on lowering, so I tried to take it easy.

I picked the easiest cardio program I could find. One for clinically obese people - slow jog for a minute, walk for 4. Even that's pretty much tired me. A lot of changes to be made so far this year!!

Good job! The key is consistency.

I started out doing 15 minute runs, running for 3 minutes & walking for 2 minutes. After a month or so I was running for 15-20 minutes straight.

The longest run I've ever done since then is 1 hour without stopping which I was well chuffed with as I'm more of a sprinter than a marathon runner. That was before I became sedentary whilst on APs. I've chosen to do more weightlifting that running since I started exercising again.

I'm planning to do 1 day back in the gym this week & start out on my new workout program next week, doing 3 days a week. :)

01-20-2014, 04:11 PM
Srry Frankie, missed that - memory thing - it happens. TY

Also missed your post too Jesse - srry about the inflammation - Nice to see others giving that activity a go.

I started walking before we moved and now having done that, I feel I am ready to inflame a little more. :)

It's all in the approach I guess. For running - I am a big supporter of the walk - shuffle - walk shuffle ... walk - trot - walk trot - walk - walk jog - walk jog and then run if you want to. I'll never forget running on the spot then in back and forth in the shed before hitting the streets at low key times. Patients can be hard - but little bit by little bit wins that goal -

Chatative said it - Consistency! Absolutely - little bit by little bit.

01-20-2014, 05:17 PM
Anyway, happy workouts guys. Keep-on-a-moving :)

I just went for my first run in months also. I ran for two minutes then walked for a minute as long as I could. My problem is accountability! If I start getting lazy, I stay lazy.

01-20-2014, 11:50 PM
I'm more into endurance sports. I mainly swim and cycle. I swim on quite a competitive level. I cycle less competitive but I used to work as a bike messenger 10 hours a day. You can hardly work out more than that. I felt brilliant during that period.
I used to go to the gym on top of that but then I discovered body weight exercises which I can do at home and cost nothing. I've been much fitter from body weight exercises than from weight training. I kind of do them on and off but swimming is already a complete exercise so I don't feel that guilty if I skip these exercises for a while. I'm also pretty good at rope skipping boxer style but I rarely get to do it but it's a good exercise I can recommend. All you need is a 5$ rope.

When I lived in the Andes I had no opportunity to go cycling(the traffic is hell) and there weren't many pools. What I did instead is buy a spinning bike which I neatly tucked beside my work desk. Every day at 7 pm I would train on my bike for an hour while watching television or listening to music. A shorter option on my spinning bike would be short HIIT sessions which means high intensity interval training. That's a good time saver but you have to be in good shape before you do that. It also burns a lot of body fat. I did body weight exercises on top of that and was super fit so that's a good option for people who want to work out at home.

My diet is a well-balanced no processed food diet but definitely not low carb. I tried out low carb for several months because many people talk about it in sports forums so it made me curious to try it out even though I was never overweight. I never felt as drained and wasted as on this diet. Instead I eat a lot of fruits(my breakfast is always a 100% fruit smoothie) and I eat meals with loads of veggies with either lean meat, fish or lentils. I usually add white basmati rice or pasta. I also make green veggies smoothies. Carbs at night make me sleep much better that too much protein which is why I don't avoid carbs in the evening. I would say that I eat about 70% carbs(grains, legumes, fruits and veggies) and 30% protein.
In general I think people should eat what makes them happy and just watch out the amounts they eat.

I would definitely say that a healthy life style decreases anxiety/depression but it doesn't cure it.

01-21-2014, 03:48 AM
Good to see people getting into it. Impressive report there Eljay.

I'm kind of representing the Morbidly Obese Crowed. Been there and done that with the elite training - hopefully I will find the off switch when I get going again. Been up and down all my life on both sides of the extreme. Sometimes my activities can feed my anxiety but for the most part, it does more to help it than anything else.

Balance is my issue. As for diet, I'll leave to others to hand out. I pretty much know what works for me - sticking to that is as much a discipline and also takes a bit of homework with regards to affordability making choices somewhat slimmer than the more affluent among us.
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Takes 2:


It's official - back on the treadmill with a good start. It seems to be running smooth and quiet which does well for my idiosyncrasies! Often if something is not sounding right, my clothes not snug or anything that's out of tune, I will struggle getting in the zone myself. This is why I have been so peeved with the chaffing and I have to admit, that in the off seasons of years past - such has plagued me from time to time.

BUT - I'm back on the treadmill and that's good news! Took a bit to get there though. One step after the other, I started walking much like Frankiie is now - :) - amazing just how effective that was in getting me out of my Gaming Seat and back outside. Challenging stuff indeed!

Doing the trot and walk method on the treadmill and got one hell of a massive sweat up!

Did a morning walk out at low tide to greet the oceans feet.
Read Some out in the midday Sun and went for a bath out at lowish tide this afternoon.

Again, went shirtless both this morning and afternoon. I'm really loving the fact that there are not many people about. I'm just letting it all hang our for now, knowing its going to go! Going though the loose blubber stage now. It's like I can feel the fat gelling up inside me - breaking up before the burn so to speak. Will keep working on those intervals! Sinus - man I can't believe how much I was suffocating in that garden town!!!!!!!!! Over pollinated for sure!

Have opened up the bedroom windows tonight to take in the salt air as I sleep ...

It's good to be breathing again. I'm all out of money now - but will work on getting some oils and candles going - now that I can actually smell again - as opposed to chocking on the candle wax/fumes when trying aromatherapy back in the old place.

Night All ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

01-21-2014, 05:12 AM
It's great to read about everybody starting or getting back to exercising. Keep it up guys - exercise makes all the difference in the world. I have been ill less often, slept better & felt better in general ever since I started doing regular exercise.

I just did my first workout in over a month. I had planned to do home workouts over the holidays but my health anxiety stopped me doing much other than daily walks. Time to get back in the swing of things & hopefully my anxiety will start to go to the back of my mind.

Got to say it was great! I didn't have access to heavy weights at home, it was more like a warm up than a real workout but it should help me ease back in. I will back in the gym for a 10RM test day on Thursday so I know what weights to use when starting my new workout program next week.

01-22-2014, 12:58 AM
I think I will have to start on my weights as well.

Today I have suffered a rash again. I think it was walking back after my swim in the ocean - will have to be careful with that next time. Going to treat it tonight. I really have to get to the bottom of these damn rashes.

Mostly a rest day - but had a major episode at the new medical center - will post that separate.

Good luck keeping active guys!

01-22-2014, 07:14 PM
Since I cant run outside right now I've been using a stationary bike every day. I don't bike very many miles, but it still feels good to sweat and get some energy out

01-25-2014, 04:49 PM
Ok. Checking in with the crew.

I went easy this week, as I always over do it first week back exercising, and fade out. Slow but steady this time. Still pretty tough though with less fitness than I'm used to.

I'm still happy I've done a weeks worth of training. They say 21 days and you're on your way to performing a habit. 1/3 of the way there!

I feel good, more energized, sleeping better even after a week. Exercise truly is vital to well being. After getting back not it after months out... I'm sold. I'm a believer!

Keep working ya'll :)

01-26-2014, 03:12 AM
It feels GOOD to SWEAT!

I am genuinely happy for you Frankie! :)

Me too - it is starting to work.

Miss you - but understand I need to sweat a lot more, before others can communicate effectively with me. I now regress to my other thread.

Take Care

01-26-2014, 02:17 PM
I was so looking foward to a nice long walk this weekend but the bad weather has prevented me. I wish there was a gym near to where I live, it would be great to be able to go when the weathers bad.
Roll on spring I can get my bike out and take a camera along.

01-28-2014, 06:36 PM
the cold makes being active so much harder, especially when I like to run outside. anyone have anything they like to do inside? Like a youtube video workout? I'm already sick of the stationary bike

01-28-2014, 08:53 PM
I use Youtube on occasion via my PS3 in the lounge room, however at the new place I will have to us PC in the Sun Room. Yoga was my thing for recovery. I guess you could find some kind of aerobic thing - generally I much prefer winter, however temps in Australia rarely go below freezing (generally speaking in the more populated areas) - Seems the temps at this new location are fairly warm all year round, which makes me yearn for winter all the more. Summer temps in Australia can get ridiculously hot.

I just got myself a pair of lightweight headphones for some quality sounds to help on my treadmill. Normally I would prefer to go without sound, however I need the motivation for my new come back bout. Had a rest day yesterday, so hopefully I'll complete all the 5 minutes runs without stopping and recover with the 2 minutes slower bouts in between.

Still working on building up strength with plenty ore sweat to come.
After that I'm going to workout with my Long Bow. ;)

Good Luck finding something of interest on Youtube. I was doing some guided meditations last night with it. Need to work on my posture there.

01-29-2014, 03:37 PM
RIGHTO! - next morning now - Hmmm had a little struggle with a dash of "ease up' or "get sick". I continued on with yet another day done and marked off as consistent. Mind set now ready for what I stoked yesterday. That being a little impatient then with feeling so lagged - and yet here I sit, feeling as if I could easily give in!

TIME for some Audio Selection - Hmmmmmm - Given being over middle aged and somewhat beaten, I generally find old pop/rock songs, like being stuck in mud. Cranky Old Bastard I can be! So it is, that I will again, give some of this new age crap with "Brain Syn" another go. Very mystical stuff! Aside from all the misconstrued Love and Light band wagon fair I'm interpreting out there - I'll go with what works for me. Tapping in with a mindset to breath for breathings sake - Being careful not to outshine and or even extinguish all those living things that abound by me. LOL - EGO can be such a laugh at times. Ignition Systems ready as set - feel the blood flow and the head grow (ahahahahaaa ... sorry I laugh at myself all the time - they say its good to laugh)

Prometheus ... Oh Thou Great Prometheus! Instill - Instill - Give us the blue prints, Oh reveal to us please - "HMMMMM look up ahead" ... the silhouette of the prophesied messenger lingering just for us? Listen - Hark - something about the Nectar - Something about having to work very hard in order to reap the reward, the smell, the taste - Bellowing Comes the Voice of Heaven ->"work hard young man, push! ...... your nearly there - ride those rapids coursing through your veins - feel the beat syn with your feet - FEEL the static build as the air condenses and steam rises - bolts of lightening now emanate from your ass, your now a streak of pure energy traveling from start to star -> Gravity no longer binds you to the ground - your now striding from one system to another ever so effortless taking in the wonder. You fly by and pull up on occasion from sun to sun - Streaking under and through prominences ejected from the photosphere with a trailing light of radiation that dissipates from one star to the other - Bathing in red luminosity of a class M ball of light - time passes - shock wave eventuates and now back inside self, riding the rapids in ones veins - the end of the journey no in sight - time to come back to earth - a new earth devoid of humans - FANTASTIC! - Relax - RELAX - , cruise on through the crisp clean atmosphere and descend ever so effortless as ones burning trail now gives way to fresh cool air." "Oh look! - a beautiful soft cushion of rose petals just for me." - YES - now it's time to sleep ............ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz

Bling bling Bling Bling - "Yes- Hello?" "we were wondering if you were happy with your current telephone plan?"

Back to reality - & off this thing!

01-30-2014, 10:17 PM
LOL, perhaps not for everyone hey. hehehehehehe

No treadmill today. Got singed from that last trip! :)

02-01-2014, 11:00 AM
Well, finished my second week back exercising. It was absolutely freezing, with horrible winds and rain, and my park was about an hour from closing, but I got dressed quickly, got out there, and completed a very unenjoyable workout. Glad I did it though!

Gotta build those habits before the honeymoon period wears off and I convince myself staying in bed is more fun!!!

02-01-2014, 11:05 AM
Well, finished my second week back exercising. It was absolutely freezing, with horrible winds and rain, and my park was about an hour from closing, but I got dressed quickly, got out there, and completed a very unenjoyable workout. Glad I did it though! Gotta build those habits before the honeymoon period wears off and I convince myself staying in bed is more fun!!!

Good for you

My workouts these days pale in comparison to the ones in the past so they are never a bother to do

2 weeks makes a habit, someone smarter than me said

You should be flexing in the mirror any day now

02-01-2014, 11:58 AM
Wear heavy boots Frankie :)!!! Just incase the wind gets a little too strong!

Thanks Nixon. Surprising how hard it is getting back into it after a year out.

Do you do any of your old trainings or have you given up on all of that endurance stuff?

02-01-2014, 12:30 PM
Walk safe Frankie!

02-01-2014, 12:32 PM
Wear heavy boots Frankie :)!!! Just incase the wind gets a little too strong! Thanks Nixon. Surprising how hard it is getting back into it after a year out. Do you do any of your old trainings or have you given up on all of that endurance stuff?

No more of the extreme stuff to prepare for that one type race we spoke about

Just normal medium weights and cardio

I've lost 22 pounds since I stopped training like that

Unfortunately, probably all muscle

02-03-2014, 06:03 PM
Hi all Happy to report I got out for a walk tonight and as I said I would find a new route to walk I did indeed meet the goal. No panic so it went really well. After I finished I stayed out and did my usual night walk too. :) real happy about that. Had to go to shops today and felt a panic attack rising in me as it was an unfamiliar place and was a long narrow shop. I talked myself out of that and went ahead and bought what I needed after. Basically, I did not run. Been a good day :)

Don't pat yourself on the back for that

Beat it with a bat!

That is awesome, Frankie!

Made my night!

02-03-2014, 06:13 PM
Hi all

Happy to report I got out for a walk tonight and as I said I would find a new route to walk I did indeed meet the goal. No panic so it went really well. After I finished I stayed out and did my usual night walk too. :) real happy about that.

Had to go to shops today and felt a panic attack rising in me as it was an unfamiliar place and was a long narrow shop. I talked myself out of that and went ahead and bought what I needed after. Basically, I did not run.

Been a good day :)

Congratulation Frankie, you made me very happy with the post:)) The good days just started:)

02-03-2014, 06:48 PM
good job frankie! i need to be riding the bike or finding some youtubes but I've fallen off of the work out routine the past week

02-03-2014, 07:01 PM
good job frankie! i need to be riding the bike or finding some youtubes but I've fallen off of the work out routine the past week

C'mon Jillian!

Don't stop

2 weeks it becomes a habit

Habits are great!

Unless they involve too much Cupcake wine at night

02-03-2014, 09:44 PM
haha! cupcake wine is always a good habit! i was extremely close to two weeks... i'll just back on the horse (bike) tomorrow afternoon and then check in here to make sure i actually hold myself accountable!

Fight the stress
02-04-2014, 12:53 AM
Loved reading every bit about your health journey, it also gave me lots of information of diet. More blessings your way

02-26-2014, 08:20 PM
bump bump bump :)

02-27-2014, 02:11 AM
bump bump bump :)

Thanks Dahila. I hope more people join in again. Writing about it helps me build my routine.

I actually don't ache too bad after yesterday!

02-28-2014, 02:31 PM
Thanks Dahila. I hope more people join in again. Writing about it helps me build my routine.

I actually don't ache too bad after yesterday!

I will join you shortly with my bike , for now it is the mental exercise only :))

03-04-2014, 08:20 PM
bum bum bum :)

03-04-2014, 08:34 PM
bum bum bum :)

Ms Dahila

I am dedicating this 2000th post to you because I have grown to look forward to seeing you here

And I'm afraid you know my IP address and you will bitch slap me if I don't pick up my room! LOL

03-04-2014, 09:31 PM
Oh Nixy ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

03-16-2014, 04:37 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to my first Zumba class and I'm a little nervous. I LOATHE exercising and I'm so terrible at it :( I am so uncoordinated and out of shape right now. It's literally been years since I've exercised.

I've been trying to get myself motivated to exercise not only for health benefits but to help with my anxiety and depression. I'm hoping I can make it the whole hour without having to stop and take a break. I can barely climb a flight of stairs though without getting winded. Ugh.

I hardly ever worry about making a fool of myself in front of people, but when it comes to exercise I do.

03-16-2014, 05:02 PM
Zoomba or Zumba class almost killed me :)) I made a half an hour and that was it. Very fast, moving but so much fun. I lasted a half an hour with more fun in it, than the last 5 years of my life:))

03-16-2014, 05:12 PM
If I was a betting woman I'd put a tenner on me stuffed by 5 mins. For now I stick with the tai chi lol! If it provides a giggle it's time well spent.

How's the tai chi going?

Can't even imagine trying Zumba, knowing me I would hurt myself and be out for a month!

03-16-2014, 06:35 PM
How's the tai chi going?

Can't even imagine trying Zumba, knowing me I would hurt myself and be out for a month!
Oh at this time I was one hour in gym every day :)) Had the energy to run on treadmill but could not do zumba:))

03-17-2014, 09:34 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to my first Zumba class and I'm a little nervous. I LOATHE exercising and I'm so terrible at it :( I am so uncoordinated and out of shape right now. It's literally been years since I've exercised. I've been trying to get myself motivated to exercise not only for health benefits but to help with my anxiety and depression. I'm hoping I can make it the whole hour without having to stop and take a break. I can barely climb a flight of stairs though without getting winded. Ugh. I hardly ever worry about making a fool of myself in front of people, but when it comes to exercise I do.

Don't let yourself get discouraged, it's not easy, but if you stick with it you will improve and be so happy with yourself! When I started working out I was the same, now I'm so much more coordinated, great stamina, lost a lot of weight, and look healthier. And the almost elated post workout feeling is an amazing natural way to deal with depression and anxiety! Just do your best, and you will continue to improve and one day think "whoah, I could never do that before". And you'll be so happy and proud of yourself.

03-17-2014, 09:51 PM
Don't let yourself get discouraged, it's not easy, but if you stick with it you will improve and be so happy with yourself! When I started working out I was the same, now I'm so much more coordinated, great stamina, lost a lot of weight, and look healthier. And the almost elated post workout feeling is an amazing natural way to deal with depression and anxiety! Just do your best, and you will continue to improve and one day think "whoah, I could never do that before". And you'll be so happy and proud of yourself.

Very true from my experiences as well Hud.

03-19-2014, 10:45 AM
Thanks for the encouragement everyone :) Frankie, the first class went pretty well, I made it the whole hour without having to sit out which surprised me! Man, is it difficult though! It's tough to focus on the dance moves and coordination that those require when all you can think about is how much you're huffing and puffing.

03-19-2014, 10:47 AM
Also, I did feel really good afterwards, but then I felt really wound up and couldn't sleep that night :( Didn't fall asleep until 4 am!

03-27-2014, 07:11 PM
joined my first gym today... now I actually have to use it!

04-09-2014, 07:37 PM
update: have actually been using said gym and lifted for the first time in about 7 years yesterday. I definitely need a work out review since all I really know is cardio but its a start!