View Full Version : Another loss on christmas day :(

12-25-2013, 10:42 AM
As much as I thought I was struggling after posting on here last night, it's just got a whole lot worse. I lost another relative today due to ill health and I really wasn't expecting it, he's been poorly for a while but I didn't think he'd go so soon as he actually started to look a little bit more like himself yesterday.

I couldn't even face anyone today I feel so lost and weak, I've hardly been able to eat anything I feel like I shouldn't be able to celebrate Christmas today. I've had so much happen recently and I'm only 17, I should be enjoying life :( we were meant to be celebrating my birthday together in January as his birthday was very close to mine. I just don't know how I'm going to cope with sixth form after the Christmas holidays, I'm finding it so hard :(

I don't want to tell any of my friends incase I ruin their day and I'm sorry to post here today I don't want to seem attention seeking to anyone but I just don't know what to do.

12-25-2013, 10:54 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose someone close. My niece passed away on my birthday a few years ago. She was so young and lived 3 streets away.

It's never easy to deal with any tough circumstance in our life.

There is a choice in this if you somehow can see it.

You have your circumstances, and you have your thoughts of your circumstances.

The situation doesn't affect the way we feel, the thoughts we have about our situation determines ultimately how we react.

If you are one of faith, knowing the people that passed are in an awesome place should you some happiness. Celebrate their life as a gift that you were able to know them.

I know you miss them and grieving is normal for everyone. But smile when you think of them. You will see subtle signs that they are still with you.

And as far as your friends go, that's what they are there for. No one would think you are trying to bring them down. I'm sure they care about you and love you and would do anything they could do to take your hurt away.

Regardless of the things that have happened recently, today is Christmas. And you should celebrate it and the lives of the people in your life. Living or passed on.

I hope you find the strength that is in you.

Merry Christamas!

12-25-2013, 12:32 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose someone close. My niece passed away on my birthday a few years ago. She was so young and lived 3 streets away. It's never easy to deal with any tough circumstance in our life. There is a choice in this if you somehow can see it. You have your circumstances, and you have your thoughts of your circumstances. The situation doesn't affect the way we feel, the thoughts we have about our situation determines ultimately how we react. If you are one of faith, knowing the people that passed are in an awesome place should you some happiness. Celebrate their life as a gift that you were able to know them. I know you miss them and grieving is normal for everyone. But smile when you think of them. You will see subtle signs that they are still with you. And as far as your friends go, that's what they are there for. No one would think you are trying to bring them down. I'm sure they care about you and love you and would do anything they could do to take your hurt away. Regardless of the things that have happened recently, today is Christmas. And you should celebrate it and the lives of the people in your life. Living or passed on. I hope you find the strength that is in you. Merry Christamas!

I'm sorry for your loss. You're right it's awful, this will be the third close family member I've lost in 3 weeks and I really do hope it's the last.

Thank you, I try to think positive but I think I'm just having a few rough days where I'm struggling at the minute. My family don't really support me and see my mental health issues as a sign of weakness so I don't have many people to talk to who really understand the situation.

I've been trying to keep happy thoughts but it's just so hard knowing I will never see them again and not being able to say a proper goodbye really hurt me. Thank you for your kind words they mean a lot for me. Merry Christmas")