View Full Version : The Linden Method

02-06-2008, 03:03 PM
Hi guys.
I saw this film (20 min long) some day. It sounded allmost TOO good.
For those who want to see the film first:


I noticed somethings in this film:

1. He uses official terms. The Amygdola is what the doctors also explain this with.
2. If one believes him, he has had anxiety and other stuff for 25 years.
3. He tried every treatment from hypnose, to pills
4. He gathered information from recovered anxiety sufferers and connected them, and their results, together to form a treatment.
5. He claims to have treated 90 000 people the last years.
6. None of his pasients have had black outs (my fear)
7. They have own pshycologists working for them, and you can call/mail them for help.
8. If you go further on youtube, you can find some advertisments of people having tried this method. One guy got cured in 2 days, one girl in 3 months, one guy only says he's much better.
9. They have money-back guarantee.

Can someone please write here if they have tried this method, or knows someone who has?
If not, can you watch the film, and give me your honest oppinion as to the credibility of this method?

I have sort of made up my mind about this. I want to try it if my 3 months of Cognitive therapy doesnt give me the results i want.
But i also know that knowing there is a method that can cure me in 2 days, will destroy my believes in my regular therapy. The grass isn't allways greener on the other side.

Thanks for any replays that may come

02-06-2008, 03:49 PM
I'm not saying for a minute that this doesn't work because I haven't tried it. However I am always sceptical of things like this that cost money. I'd say do some research.

02-06-2008, 04:37 PM
Hi Shaggy

I have no opinion one way or another on the Linden Method but I would like to address some of your points - not to argue, just to help you to rationalise things...

1) Anyone can look up any technical terms on the internet. I am not a doctor but I can quite easily explain the anxiety process from amygdala to adrenal glands.

2) I have no comment on how long he has suffered from anxiety but some people do actually grow out of it, even after several years

3) I have no comment on what treatments he might have tried

4) He provides no scientific evidence. How did he gather this data? What size of test group did he use? Where did he publish his findings?

5) He has SOLD 90000 units - this is not the same as helping 90000 people to recover

6) It is very very very rare for anxiety sufferers to black-out, even though this is one of the biggest fears. Generally speaking, you only faint because the brain requires more oxygen so it ensures that you adopt a horizontal position, lining up the brain with the heart. When you are anxious, your blood-pressure is raised so it is almost impossible to faint. I know how real the feelings are because I've been there but have you ever actually fainted through anxiety?

7) Fair play to them

8) I'm sure there are people who have benefitted from his advice

9) 95% of consumers don't return a product under a money-back guarantee, even if it is defective. This figure probably rises with internet sales.

I live in the UK and over here the government spends billions of pounds a year on mental health resources - I'm sure the spending figure is multiplied several-fold in the US. If the Linden method was as effective as it claimed to be, surely the health authorities would be rushing to buy it - after all, £90 to cure anxiety is an absolute bargain when compared to the cost of counselling, lost working days, drugs, etc.

I'm not saying it doesn't work but I have also seen internet adverts for penis enlargement that look convincing - haven't you?

Best wishes


02-06-2008, 10:00 PM
I myself m VERY skeptical about the Linden Method. First of all, the website says that with this method, you will recover in a VERY short time. This is simply not possible. Recovery from anxiety is a VERY lengthy process, and it just isn't happening overnight. Secondly, the website is very hush-hush about the treatment itself. They don't even give you the most basic idea as to what it is all about. Do they think that if they giv away the least bit about it, you are going to be able to help yourself without buying it? Unlikely. More likely is that it either differs little from typical CBT methods OR it is complete garbage.

02-11-2008, 05:31 PM
If you stick to everything in the program, it really does help you out quite a bit. I have copies of all the materials included with what you would get from purchasing the program on Amazon, or The Linden Method website. If anyone would want to purchase a copy for way, way less than the retail price, feel free to contact me.

02-11-2008, 06:26 PM
I think honestly this is a hokes. I just got spamed by rjoy. as he was trying to ask me to buy the product. It's possible this poster either made this post to see if this really works or is just a 2nd part to add to the scam. Honestly, i would not think this works.

02-11-2008, 06:31 PM
I think honestly this is a hokes. I just got spamed by rjoy. as he was trying to ask me to buy the product. It's possible this poster either made this post to see if this really works or is just a 2nd part to add to the scam. Honestly, i would not think this works.

I'm not spamming, I'm simply offering the program for way lower than you could buy it retail. I'm not going to give it out for free. I bought it, so why should I give it to every one else at no cost? Whatever, if you don't want to try then don't, but it's not a scam in the least.

02-11-2008, 06:37 PM
I wrote this post because im not having much progress with my anxiety these days.
I can see why the post may sound like im advertising for this product hehe. But honestly, im just curious!
It sounds so great. And the movie is VERY convinsing. And he has also over 200 comments on this movie, and most of it is support and positive comments about the method. There is also where he claims to have treated 90 000. Not sold. Over how many years, i dont know.

I also can understand why he doesnt let slip anything about the method on his website. Put yourself in his shoes. His bred and butter would fly out the window.

But, i have red some of the old posts here about this method. Some say it works, some say its just hours of relaxation tapes. So i have come to the conclution to stay away.
What also convinsed me about staying away, is that there is advertisments all over the net about fast treatments of anxiety. I thougt it wasnt that common to have treatments about these things. But you live, you learn, right?
(hence the 10 mile long selfstep program on the top of this page)

02-11-2008, 09:39 PM
I dont like the fact rjo has only 2 post which are in this thread :/ but never the less..i hope u find somthign that helps you.