View Full Version : Rough night

12-24-2013, 11:27 PM
Christmas was at my house tonight with my family. Sounds good. And for the most part it was, lots of gifts laughs etc. we have a step son and a nephew, they were being real loud with the new toys and it was stressing me out, I couldn't think. I snapped after they left and felt horrible. Went downstairs and just sat for a while. Then showered and laid in bed and panic started. Took a Xanax but still panicky. I have attacks occasionally and they are always very bad. I am afraid to sleep because every time I lay down my mind wanders and I start to find things to panic about. Morning is coming soon and so is Santa so I have to get up early. I need to get better, this panic and anxiety stuff needs to end. I'm going to take myself to an actual place dedicated to mental health. A very reputable one even though it's not in network. I have to fix this.

12-25-2013, 06:16 AM
Our thoughts, prayers, and hope is with you today Mike!!..

Make this day a spectacular Christmas Day!

Please return and let us know what's happening with you friend....


12-25-2013, 09:58 AM
Praying for you Mike! Hope you are feeling some relief today!