View Full Version : A great Eve, and interesting news...

12-24-2013, 08:51 PM
Hey all!

I spent some time with the fam, a small group tonight. About 11 of us. It was a good time, and went flawlessly. They all found humor in the Christmas Gift Prize game too..My gf's Son, won the box and just put the antlers on and had a blast. It was good for many laughs, who else gets a box of mac & cheese for Christmas!! LMAO!!

The point of this thread (yes, there is a point) is that my nephews wife finally made it this year, and many years she comes, and some she doesn't. No one else ever misses this (1) time family event of the Eve of Christmas. The excuses that I had always been told, were a cover story, and not really why she wasn't making it to see us. She had agoraphobia, social anxiety, anxiety, panic, GERD,..all the same things that we have either all experienced and or read about here with great frequency, daily. I'm glad that she was "open" about it now and she has also learned from somewhere that being open about it, willl help her to fight her way out of it too. She was down to 85 pounds a little over a year ago. She was afraid to eat for fear of vomiting, her stomach hurt, she had diarrhea, chest pains, etc..all the common symptoms that those of you do. She went to a Psych, instead of her PCP. She didn't speak very highly of the PCP, but it ecstatic with the Psych.

Anyway,..she prescribed her Remeron, and xanax .25's 3x's daily. Remeron at night. She has made a complete turnaround from "never seeing her" to "actually somewhat social and involved" in a matter of 6 months. AND>>>> The Remeron has got her packing on some much needed weight and increases her appetite too. I heard of no bad side effects from her except for the GER that she has yet to treat but I made my suggestions anyway. Up to her to deal with that.

Her own words: "I'm doing things now, that I haven't been able to do in my entire life at 40 years old"...

Just wanted to offer this information to you all and hope this night is special...


12-24-2013, 09:23 PM
That is so great for her! I'm glad to read some happy news today. Merry Christmas!

12-24-2013, 09:26 PM
Yes, it is great news!! It didn't even seem like our lil Rox anymore...talkative, happy, including herself, making an effort, interacting...YAY!!! :)

12-24-2013, 10:36 PM
That's excellent to hear. Good for her! Honestly, I've never understood how people can deal with any of this stuff by bottling it up anyway. It's sooooo much better to have people to talk to. Maybe you should invite her to sign up on the forum. Lots of great folks here.

12-25-2013, 07:11 AM
I did tell her about the forum lastnight and I will see her again today too so I will invite her, and that is an excellent idea to JLB! To share her success story..thank you bruh!

Merry Christmas friend!
