View Full Version : Thinking of quitting smoking?

12-24-2013, 03:21 PM
Hey guys and gals,

I just thought i would share with you guys an observation i made recently. I recently quit smoking after 16 years of heavy smoking..YAY!

An observation i noticed and one that was confirmed by a doctor was that the sensation of the lungs clearing all that yucky tar out and repairing themselves actually gives an increased sensation of difficulty breathing.

Sounds weird i know, but basically your lungs are so used to having all that crap in them and feeling a certain way, the very act of them becoming clearer and performing better gives a sensation that feels strange.

It's nothing to worry about, just something to be aware of and something to possibly expect, but nothing to be alarmed about. It is just your lungs clearing up.

Considering the time of year and the fact that many smokers might be trying to quit as a new years resolution, i thought i would throw this little bit of info out there.

And if you do decide to try and quit, good luck and hang in there, it does get a lot easier.

Regards, Wayne.

12-24-2013, 03:31 PM
Congrats on kicking such a horrible habit. I've been chain smoking for the last 4 weeks, every since my anxiety returned. I do plan on quitting as soon as I feel better of this, but right now it calms my nerves so imma keep on smoking...haha

12-24-2013, 03:36 PM
Thats useful info for people who are thinking of/trying to quit, thanks for sharing that :D

12-24-2013, 03:37 PM
Well i actually switched to Vaping as an alternative nicotine delivery system. Still get my nicotine and the throat hit i enjoyed from smoking and best of all is completely safe.

12-24-2013, 04:27 PM
Kris I was a chain smoker for years. This is by no means me telling you to quit ok. Just wanted to say that I always thought my cigarette would calm me down, especially when I was very anxious but then I learned that smoking actually increases your heart rate etc being a stimulant. We think having a smoke is doing one thing for us and it's doing the exact opposite in reality! Go figure! you're totally right. But I just feel like nows not the right time to quit. In my mind, it really does help calm the nerves. Lol.

12-24-2013, 04:32 PM
Yea, there is no point in even trying if your not ready too. You have to really want to quit. By the time i was ready i was disgusted by smoking, i would have a couple of puffs and throw it away. I hit a couple of stumbling blocks but kept at it.

It really is worth it though.

12-24-2013, 11:48 PM
you're totally right. But I just feel like nows not the right time to quit. In my mind, it really does help calm the nerves. Lol.

Hi Kris

The best thing would be to quit smoking but i understand it will be hard now as you have made it your calming effect from anxiety.

Quit when your ready as you will need much willing power to quit whilst it will also give a lot anxiety during quitting period.

Wish you good luck


12-25-2013, 12:57 AM
Kudos. Took me 4 or 5 attempts to finally nail it. I've reached the 1.5 year mark now. I found it strange that I didn't have a bad cough or any side effects after quitting smoking other than the short temper for a few weeks.


12-25-2013, 04:09 AM
I quit smoking 2 months ago after being a heavy smoker for 8 years since I was 15. I have not smoked a single cigarette in 2 months and I experienced really bad,for lack of a better word, withdrawal symptoms. Really bad coughs to the point where I'd be wheezing and have difficulty breathing. I quit cold turkey which probably wasnt the best idea but I am totally off smoking now just the thought of it makes me feel sick.
Quitting smoking has not helped my anxiety as the coughing and difficulty breathing has brought on countless panic attacks..

12-25-2013, 05:26 AM
Hi :) I'm new here (I wrote a presentation in the welcome section, but my post hasn't appeared yet).

I've been smoking for 6 year, and during last year (i.e. since my problems with anxiety started) I've developed a strange relationship with cigarettes. If I didn't smoke for an entire day I would become much more anxious, because - of course - I was dependent on nicotine. But when I lit a cigarette I became anxious, too, because it accelerated my heartbeat etc. Besides, smoking made me worry more about my health.

So I decided to quit about 20 days ago. The first 4-5 days were terrible (in terms of anxiety, but also because I used to smoke a lot and felt I really needed my cigs!). I used nicotine patches and they made things much easier. I think quitting helped with my anxiety issues. Not a lot, of course, but at least I don't have bad cravings any more, and I stopped feeling guilty for smoking and worrying constantly about lung cancer :)

12-25-2013, 05:49 AM
Hi and welcome, you might want to try writing your intro again coz it normally appears straight away in here, unless of course it has something to do with the mods having a day off not sure but if its not on by 2mrw i would suggest posting again.

That a good share, thanks for that and yup it you are right it increasing your heart rate so will most def have made your anxiety worse so well done you for quitting, stick with it and if you have any problems or questions about anything just start a thread everyone here is very friendly and between us have a wealth of knowledge about anxiety so there will be someone who can help with most things

Welcome again and merry xmas :D

12-25-2013, 05:59 AM
Thank you, SamC :) You're right, maybe there was some problem with my post. I'll wait tomorrow and see if it appears, otherwise I'll simply try and post it again.
Yeah, I noticed people here seem really nice and friendly. Thanks again for your welcome, and merry Christmas to you!!