View Full Version : Feeling exhausted...

12-24-2013, 03:17 PM
I haven't posted on here for a while because I've been doing so well, but recent events have taken place and I've just gone back to square one.

I have lost 2 very close family members in the past 3 weeks and I feel so weak and upset, almost like I've let people down.

I rarely get 2 hours sleep a night and I'm struggling to eat. I'm 17 so I'm still in education and I think my teachers have definitely noticed a change in me. I lost 3 stone in around 4/5 weeks and instead of my normal self I seem to have withdrawn from people and rarely speak anyone while I'm at sixth form. I'm just so tired of coping with this, I know I've done it for 4 years now but I'm struggling through this period :(

I should be happy and festive over Christmas, but my family reject me and make jokes about my mental state, digging at me for asking for help and seeing a therapist. I feel most alone at home and that's where my support should be coming from but it's not. Does anyone else feel like this?

12-24-2013, 03:25 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. The thing with anxiety is that no matter how much support you have, you still feel alone cause no one can truly understand what you are feeling. But, having the support from your loved ones can make it bearable and give you the strength to go on everyday. It sounds like the recent loss of your family members have you struggling with anxiety/depression. I honestly don't know how I would cope if something so terrible happened in my life right now. You will get through this, you are a strong person! Everyday you get up and survive, is another day closer to recovery. You will get there, you just have to be patient. Take care of yourself! Also, did you talk to family and tell them how those comments affect you? Merry Christmas!

12-24-2013, 03:37 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. The thing with anxiety is that no matter how much support you have, you still feel alone cause no one can truly understand what you are feeling. But, having the support from your loved ones can make it bearable and give you the strength to go on everyday. It sounds like the recent loss of your family members have you struggling with anxiety/depression. I honestly don't know how I would cope if something so terrible happened in my life right now. You will get through this, you are a strong person! Everyday you get up and survive, is another day closer to recovery. You will get there, you just have to be patient. Take care of yourself! Also, did you talk to family and tell them how those comments affect you? Merry Christmas!

That's okay, they passed away through a car accident. I wish I did have the support from my family, but I just don't and I don't know what I've done wrong to them. Ever since I decided to go to my GP about my anxiety they have made digs and snide comments about my health issues and they find it funny. Sometimes they'll do it to the point tears will be running down my face and I've told them I just want them to support me so they can help me through it but I've got to deal with everything on my own as usual. They aren't a very close family so they are out most of the time leaving me on my own at home. I feel like I'm an attention seeker writing this because I don't want people to take me the wrong way or judge me because I'm not the sort of person who'd usually talk about things but I'm struggling :( merry Christmas :) I hope you have a nice one!

12-24-2013, 03:44 PM
I totally agree with kris anxiety is a lonely time coz no one really understands unless they have or have had it but thats what we are all here for, everyone on here has gone thru it or is still going thru it so dont keep your feelings bottled up if you are feeling down or worried then stick it in a thread here and im sure one of us will be able to help or at least be there to talk to you whatever you do dont bottle up how you are feeling or it will get you down and start to take hold of you.

My first advice is focus on fixing your sleeping pattern, why cant you sleep? are you just staying up to late or can you actually not physically get to sleep? sleeping is SO SO important when you have anxiety as im sure everyone will tell you bad days always are worst when you had a bad sleep so if you can fix your sleeping pattern and try to get a good nights rest then you will feel 100 times more better and in control.

Sam :)

12-24-2013, 03:48 PM
That's okay, they passed away through a car accident. I wish I did have the support from my family, but I just don't and I don't know what I've done wrong to them. Ever since I decided to go to my GP about my anxiety they have made digs and snide comments about my health issues and they find it funny. Sometimes they'll do it to the point tears will be running down my face and I've told them I just want them to support me so they can help me through it but I've got to deal with everything on my own as usual. They aren't a very close family so they are out most of the time leaving me on my own at home. I feel like I'm an attention seeker writing this because I don't want people to take me the wrong way or judge me because I'm not the sort of person who'd usually talk about things but I'm struggling :( merry Christmas :) I hope you have a nice one! let me just say that you did the right thing by seeking medical attention for your struggles. Did they give you any medication for it? Also, you've done nothing wrong to your family, there is no reason for them to treat you that way. It's not your fault. Sometimes people view mental illness as a weakness, it is so stigmatized and people are ignorant about it. Again, this is not your fault. I think you should make arrangements for counselling.
You will find that there are a lot of great people on this forum who are very supportive and are here to listen to you. Try and enjoy the holidays.

12-24-2013, 04:51 PM
I am sorry to hear about the losses of your loved ones and that you are having such a tough time now. As per the other replies, work on getting more sleep whenever possible as an anxious state makes our bodies work very hard so we need so much rest and can feel so tired. Definitely follow through and get your professional help whether medication or therapy or both. Do not think you have done something wrong to your family because of the way they are responding to you. It's not your fault. Here people get it and can support you. It will help you feel less alone. Nobody else in my family have any history of mental illness so no understanding there so this forum has made a huge difference to my days. All the best love.

That's okay. Yeah I'm trying to at the minute but it's just so hard to get to sleep when I worry about so much and get upset. I have both at the minute and they were helping up until I lost those close to me, so I feel like I've almost let myself down now I've gone back to how I was. Again I know it's not my fault but they make me feel like it is. Thank you for supporting me, it means so much to me :)

12-24-2013, 04:51 PM
let me just say that you did the right thing by seeking medical attention for your struggles. Did they give you any medication for it? Also, you've done nothing wrong to your family, there is no reason for them to treat you that way. It's not your fault. Sometimes people view mental illness as a weakness, it is so stigmatized and people are ignorant about it. Again, this is not your fault. I think you should make arrangements for counselling. You will find that there are a lot of great people on this forum who are very supportive and are here to listen to you. Try and enjoy the holidays.

No they didn't give me any medication directly for anxiety, but one of my main side effects of worrying is being sick so they gave me Domperidone to take if I need it. I know that it isn't my fault but I always seem to feel as if it is, especially at night time I always think about it that much I give reasons to blame myself. Sometimes I feel weak, I know that it's not my fault but I wonder that if I was a stronger person would I have got over this by now? Thank you again, it's nice to know people are happy to help and support me even if they don't know me :)

12-24-2013, 05:12 PM
You are a strong person for facing up to it, realising what you have, and by the fact you are on here and have went to the doctor you want to try to do something to fix it,

There is another thread frankie started on anxiety and weakness have a read of it, might help you realise that you should never think you are or call yourself weak.

Anxiety can take years to get over it took me over 3 years, and for the last 3 years i still have worries but its controlled, life gets back to normal and i am by no means a weak person, i like so many other just did not understand what it was i had and how it can actually really alter your way of thinking, its very complex and the more you read on here and seek help on here the stronger you will feel,

You will get a huge support from all the people on here, and no one will judge you as some have been thru it, some are going thru it and some are just realising what they have, there are millions of people in the world with anxiety and it is a daily struggle but it does get easier but i do suggest you go ask your doctor for something to take the edge of the worry they really do help, also you might want try some kalms night tablets or similar they are herbal but may help you get a proper good nights sleep as it really does make the world of a difference if you get a good sleep :)

12-24-2013, 05:13 PM
No they didn't give me any medication directly for anxiety, but one of my main side effects of worrying is being sick so they gave me Domperidone to take if I need it. I know that it isn't my fault but I always seem to feel as if it is, especially at night time I always think about it that much I give reasons to blame myself. Sometimes I feel weak, I know that it's not my fault but I wonder that if I was a stronger person would I have got over this by now? Thank you again, it's nice to know people are happy to help and support me even if they don't know me :)domperidone is generally given to prevent nausea and vomiting and taken three times a day before meals and sometimes at bedtime, but will do nothing to treat the underlying cause of the upset stomach and decreased appetite. The underlying cause being your anxiety/depression. If you are not already in therapy, than definitely make those arrangements and if your GP is not taking you seriously, ask for a referral to a psychiatrist.

12-24-2013, 05:19 PM
I totally agree with kris anxiety is a lonely time coz no one really understands unless they have or have had it but thats what we are all here for, everyone on here has gone thru it or is still going thru it so dont keep your feelings bottled up if you are feeling down or worried then stick it in a thread here and im sure one of us will be able to help or at least be there to talk to you whatever you do dont bottle up how you are feeling or it will get you down and start to take hold of you. My first advice is focus on fixing your sleeping pattern, why cant you sleep? are you just staying up to late or can you actually not physically get to sleep? sleeping is SO SO important when you have anxiety as im sure everyone will tell you bad days always are worst when you had a bad sleep so if you can fix your sleeping pattern and try to get a good nights rest then you will feel 100 times more better and in control. Sam :)

I don't want to seem like I have it bad or attention seek because I'm not like that I really don't want to seem like that. I just can't sleep at all, I worry so much and get that upset that I can't sleep. I end up getting up in the early hours because I know I won't be able to sleep. It's interfering with my coursework now and I'm so worried I'll fall behind. Thank you it means so much for people's support as I don't get any at home :)

12-24-2013, 05:24 PM
I don't want to seem like I have it bad or attention seek because I'm not like that I really don't want to seem like that. I just can't sleep at all, I worry so much and get that upset that I can't sleep. I end up getting up in the early hours because I know I won't be able to sleep. It's interfering with my coursework now and I'm so worried I'll fall behind. Thank you it means so much for people's support as I don't get any at home :) the fact the you say you worry so much that you can't sleep and it interferes with your ability to function....that is anxiety. The constant worry....anxiety. And it will only get worst if you don't take steps to deal with it and learn to cope with it properly.

12-24-2013, 05:30 PM
as Frankie says you dont need to worry on here about feeling shy or like ur attention seeking, theres loads of us on here that have all gone through the stages of anxiety so we understand dont be scared to ask anything or speak about whats on your mind on here as NO ONE will judge you.

I always used to go for a horse ride or run at nights after my dinner and i done my zumba class 2 nights a week and that helped me sleep better, so if you can do some exercise, join a class or something it will take your mind off things, and when you get home avoid the tv like an hour before bed, try reading a book for an hour or something and have a nice hot drink see if it helps you relax and sleep better, it worked for me but everyone is different but its worth a try and kalms tablets night or rescue remedy do def help i am a big supporter of herbal/homeopathic medicines as they really helped me.

Def go see your doc for a medication that will keep the edge of the worry it will help you gain a better control hun :)

12-24-2013, 05:39 PM
the fact the you say you worry so much that you can't sleep and it interferes with your ability to function....that is anxiety. The constant worry....anxiety. And it will only get worst if you don't take steps to deal with it and learn to cope with it properly.

I am trying to deal with it, I see the therapist and have some medication to help me stop being sick as I can't afford to lose anymore weight but I seem to have resorted back to rock bottom again and I really don't want another 4 years of this :(

12-24-2013, 05:41 PM
No one is thinking you are attention seeking here. I don't know if that's what you've been hearing elsewhere but don't be afraid to share what's on your mind here for fear you're being judged here. You are not ok.

I can't help it I feel like I am attention seeking, my family tell me I am a lot and say that I'm weak a lot of the time, I guess I'm starting to believe it now. I try not to think people will judge me but I find it hard

12-24-2013, 05:48 PM
as Frankie says you dont need to worry on here about feeling shy or like ur attention seeking, theres loads of us on here that have all gone through the stages of anxiety so we understand dont be scared to ask anything or speak about whats on your mind on here as NO ONE will judge you. I always used to go for a horse ride or run at nights after my dinner and i done my zumba class 2 nights a week and that helped me sleep better, so if you can do some exercise, join a class or something it will take your mind off things, and when you get home avoid the tv like an hour before bed, try reading a book for an hour or something and have a nice hot drink see if it helps you relax and sleep better, it worked for me but everyone is different but its worth a try and kalms tablets night or rescue remedy do def help i am a big supporter of herbal/homeopathic medicines as they really helped me. Def go see your doc for a medication that will keep the edge of the worry it will help you gain a better control hun :)

I try not to but I don't want to feel like a burden, or annoy anyone. I think a lot of this comes from my family because they don't want to know but I hate feeling like I'm attention seeking.

I do a lot of running, one of my courses is PE so I do a lot of fitness in there too. It helps relieve some stress but not much.

I don't see my therapist until the 17th January so I'm just going to try and get through this next month and see what happens. Thank you :)

12-24-2013, 05:50 PM
It's disappointing to say the least that you are told that. Just spend some time reading posts on here and you will soon see we are here for one another ok.

I guess so, I wish I could change it but I have you guys, thank you it means so much :)

12-24-2013, 05:52 PM
yup anytime you need to talk there will be someone on here so dont be scared to post :D

12-24-2013, 06:28 PM
Hang in there, kiddo! You've got a lot of people here rooting for you! Merry Christmas!

12-24-2013, 07:13 PM
Thanks guys, means a lot. I hope you all have a nice Christmas :)

12-24-2013, 07:59 PM
Hang in there, kiddo! You've got a lot of people here rooting for you! Merry Christmas!

Oo. I think we're gonna have to sit down and have a little chat about you using my nicknames..