View Full Version : Yoga

12-24-2013, 03:04 PM
I hear that Yoga is very good for calming the mind and creating a sense of focus. I have never tried it but am a pretty open minded person. Has anyone here had any experience utilizing Yoga? and do you rate it as beneficial for sufferers of anxiety?

12-24-2013, 03:53 PM
Any form of exercise is good for anxiety as long as it follows a routine and you stick to it. Yoga is meant to be very relaxing but i didnt actually try it, i prob would have dislocated a bone and then panic the rest of the year haha

I done zumba, which sounds really odd as its kinda high energy dance but for me it was great, i really enjoyed going and it kept me focused, give yoga a go but find something that you actually really enjoy or there is a 80% probability it will be the case of 'i will just leave it tonight and go 2mrw' then the next day and then that never comes so advice is go for somethin you enjoy not just things that say they are good for calming and relaxation.

If yoga doesnt work for u and you want to get into something thai chi or similar might be something worth considering too it looks quite interesting :D

12-24-2013, 03:58 PM
I was doing yoga just prior to my anxiety returning and haven't had motivation to do it since. But I did find it quite relaxing when I did do it. I think I will try to get back into it, see what happens.

12-24-2013, 04:01 PM
I already excercise at home, lot's of cardio and i go swimming a lot. But they are not very brain engaging if you know what i mean. I'm looking for something that is a little more calming and focus orientated.

I think i will give Yoga a try, nowhere does it near me though so i will have to get one of those home DVD's or something.

12-24-2013, 04:13 PM
I already excercise at home, lot's of cardio and i go swimming a lot. But they are not very brain engaging if you know what i mean. I'm looking for something that is a little more calming and focus orientated. I think i will give Yoga a try, nowhere does it near me though so i will have to get one of those home DVD's or something. I actually downloaded an app on my iPad that give you classes to follow. I think I paid like 2.99 for it....that's dollars if youre across the pond. It has different levels too...baginner, intermediate, advanced and guru I think. Usually 60 minute classes. I think it's a feat app, I think it's called my yoga studio.

12-24-2013, 04:13 PM
I actually downloaded an app on my iPad that give you classes to follow. I think I paid like 2.99 for it....that's dollars if youre across the pond. It has different levels too...baginner, intermediate, advanced and guru I think. Usually 60 minute classes. I think it's a feat app, I think it's called my yoga studio.sorry, it's called "all in yoga".

12-24-2013, 04:19 PM
Sweet! Yea i will get that and hook my iPad up to my TV. I live in the UK and have Virgin Media, not sure if they have any channels like the ones you mention frankie but i will look.

I just finished the so called Insanity workout..LOL I saw it advertised on early morning TV, one of those cheesy shopping channels, anyway turned out my mate had the whole set so i tried it. It's stupidly hard but i stuck at it.


Yoga has to be good, Bear Grylls swears by it..HAHA

12-24-2013, 06:52 PM
I am downloading a bunch of Yoga DVD's now, i also remembered that Wii Fit U has Yoga excercises..:D

12-24-2013, 07:55 PM
Yoga's awesome. I do Tibetan Rites daily. Makes my skin glow. Postures much better too.

If you aren't married, go to a class. Loads of inshape curious women.

I use it to bribe my gf now. 'You aren't cooking dinner? No problem babe, I think I'll hit a yoga class then'

Boom. Dinners on table in a hour. Gotta play the game my friend!

12-24-2013, 07:59 PM

Sounds like a plan Bro..;)

The Valeyard
12-24-2013, 10:11 PM
Yoga has been working well for me, OP. It engages the muscles and requires deep breathing. I also practice meditation which can work wonders.