View Full Version : too scared to sleep (christmas eve)

12-24-2013, 02:49 PM
so after my blood clot fears for the last 9-10 days, 2 doctors dismiss it, my leg still hurts mainly around the knee, but my dad just forced me to go for a walk with him(says im being daft) and was walking so fast my calf kept hurting, although thats gone now, hurts around the of my leg right down the bottom where it meets my foot. also went out in totally flat trainers with next to no padding it,so thats probably why, no hotness redness or swelling just general soreness, i can walk on it pretty easy, just scared it could be a blood clot, even though i know its seriously unlikely that it is,iv had knee issues before but trying to convince myself i have is another issue, theres no real pain a normal anxietyless person would probably not even think twice about it, but im just worried sick! i can press on my calfs and feel no pain at all. its so weird horrible :( any reassurance and info welcome thanks in advance

12-24-2013, 02:56 PM
If you did have a blood clot for the past 9 or 10 days, you would know it by now. There would be swelling and redness in the lower leg and the skin might also be shiny. I as a nurse on an orthopedic unit and see patients with DVT's (deep vein thrombosis) all the time. The generally developed in people who are immobilized due to surgery, for instance or other illnesses. You might also feel pain in your calf if you dorsiflexed the foot on the affected leg.

12-24-2013, 02:57 PM
I sincerely doubt you have a blood clot (DVT). Hope that helps ease your mind.

12-24-2013, 03:09 PM
thanks alot that helps, i was sat gaming all day but was runnin up and down stairs every hour or so if that,the doctor said the pain was in the knee area but just worried,the aches and pains move around alot which i assume doesn't happen,it tingles also in different places but only when im thinking about it(probably anxiety) ive had weird sensations before,anyway thanks for your help, your profession seriously helps putting my mind at rest. thank you so much

12-24-2013, 03:15 PM
and also i have a cold atm, and my kid sister as been complaining with the same leg and pains and we broke out in a cold at the same time, could that play a part? thanks

12-24-2013, 03:17 PM
thanks alot that helps, i was sat gaming all day but was runnin up and down stairs every hour or so if that,the doctor said the pain was in the knee area but just worried,the aches and pains move around alot which i assume doesn't happen,it tingles also in different places but only when im thinking about it(probably anxiety) ive had weird sensations before,anyway thanks for your help, your profession seriously helps putting my mind at rest. thank you so much I actually had a major fear last year when I had and 8 hour flight across Canada that I would get a blood clot...it's completely irrational but that just how our mind works. You say the aches and pains are mainly in your knee, right? How old are you? Is it possible that you have arthritis? Or it might just be from sitting all day gaming....lol.

12-24-2013, 03:22 PM
im 25!, both doctors said it could just be joint pain from inactivity i havent been walking as much recently, which tends to give me sore achey legs when i dont walk as much, if it wasnt christmas i wouldnt be worried i dont think but i convince myself im going to die every christmas lol sounds weird when i say it but its true i really do convince myself with something

12-24-2013, 03:28 PM
So every year at Christmas you convince yourself your going to die? Well, your not dead yet, so what does that tell you? Was there a significant event in you past around Christmas that makes you feel this way?

12-24-2013, 03:33 PM
no not really, but christmas is quite a exciting time for me even at 25 im still like a kid at christmas, so it just sticks in my head, weird really because theres no actual reason for it, im 25 reasonably healthy never had any medical issues before, didnt go to a doctor till i was 22, and all thats just been anxiety lol, weird what anxiety does to my mind im a real weird one to be honest lol

12-24-2013, 03:40 PM
no not really, but christmas is quite a exciting time for me even at 25 im still like a kid at christmas, so it just sticks in my head, weird really because theres no actual reason for it, im 25 reasonably healthy never had any medical issues before, didnt go to a doctor till i was 22, and all thats just been anxiety lol, weird what anxiety does to my mind im a real weird one to be honest lol anxiety can definitely exaggerate even the most simple things. But, the key to it is that you recognize that anxiety does this. It's makes a mountain out of a mole hill. 99% of the time, it's nothing to worry about. Recognition is key, tell yourself that it's just your anxiety and that there's nothing to worry about. Talk it out to yourself.

12-24-2013, 04:13 PM
yer, i go through staged and ill eventually get to that stage be totally ok for a few weeks until i find something else, its a really tiring process lol

12-24-2013, 04:18 PM
yer, i go through staged and ill eventually get to that stage be totally ok for a few weeks until i find something else, its a really tiring process lol I bet. Honestly, I am a worrier normally anyway...I worry about my own health, my families health, getting old, and of course death. I worry about that stuff almost every day, but it's never put my in the state I've been in for the last few weeks. I'm usually pretty good at putting it out of my mind. And of course, working in the field that I work in, I see lots of illness, but again, I've always been good at separating my work life from my personal life, until now. Usually I can just laugh it off.

12-24-2013, 04:31 PM
yeah me to, i fear my families health too, my brothers girlfriend is a nurse also and she see's illnesses and she worries it can happen to her etc, is it health anxiety you have or gad?

12-24-2013, 04:41 PM
yeah me to, i fear my families health too, my brothers girlfriend is a nurse also and she see's illnesses and she worries it can happen to her etc, is it health anxiety you have or gad? GAD. Like I said, I usually do worry about my health but I never sent me into such a downward spiral. And even now, with my anxiety I can rationalize any symptoms that I have. My worries are usually based on the future....specifically, feeling like I'll never get better of this. Even though I have gotten through this before, 3 times before, I still can't help but worry that this time will be different. Also, I worry that my meds aren't working, or that I'm going to lose control in front of people, or people are going to judge me because I'm not my usual happy-go-lucky self. Even saying that, I know that I am doing much better than is was even last week. Sometimes it's hard to recognize the progress.

12-24-2013, 04:58 PM
yeah i get ya, im pretty much the same to be fair, i think an appointment with your doctor should be on your to do list if things carry on regarding changing meds or increasing dosage.but llike you said you are making improvements, everyone with anxiety has bad stages, i feer losing my mind being sectioned into a mental hospital or being suicidal, none of which as happened yet, keep your chin up and keep smiling

12-24-2013, 06:20 PM
also forgot to mention my knee cracks and grinds like hell,and it really hurts when i massage just above the knee, could this be the cause? thanks

12-24-2013, 06:27 PM
also forgot to mention my knee cracks and grinds like hell,and it really hurts when i massage just above the knee, could this be the cause? thanks I would say that your problem. Look up the word "crepitus". It sounds like what you've described. I know people say not to google shit, but I think you would gain some insight into your problem and hopefully take your mind of the blood clot worry.

12-24-2013, 06:36 PM
thanks hun xx