View Full Version : Werd feeling!

12-24-2013, 12:20 PM
has any one experienced this before? I was just relaxing yesterday n all of a sudden it felt like my heart was Beating really really fast but all over my chest.?? was so freaky and fast

12-24-2013, 12:28 PM
also I feel like crap :( pain and weakness in my left arm as usual and chest pain :(

12-24-2013, 12:39 PM
Have you started your propanalol and lansaprozole yet???? if not take them and you will start to feel better...

You have anxiety, you will feel lots of different heart things and aches and pains you also have acid reflux chest pain and a general crap feeling comes with the territory BUT until you take your meds that have been given to help you, you will keep feeling all these weird pains hun

IF you have started they will take anythign from 4-6 weeks to regulate in your blood and generally stop the heart flutter and make you feel better so stick with it but until you actually take them or they start regulating you will feel heart flutterss, races and chest pains etc .....

trust me ive been thru all the same things I was terrified to take propanalol and lansaprosole and every twinge pain ache i panicked but i took them and still take both everyday 6 years on im still here and won the battle everyday is fighting but until you take your meds and establish a control you will never feel any better so take them or if you have give them time to work and you will feel a million times better honestly :D

12-24-2013, 12:42 PM
I have and still do occasionally

If it isn't palpitations, it may be PVC's.

I think it stands for Pulmonary Ventricle Contractions

At 13 I was told I have them

Something about 2 chambers start pushing blood at the same time. That may be completely wrong but it's been a long time since I was told about it

I'm stick kickin in my 40's so I assume completely harmless.

12-24-2013, 12:47 PM
Yep, i have had so many horrible symptoms over the last two years and had numerous hospital stays, had every test done you can think of..not a single doctor proposed the idea i may suffer from anxiety.

It has been ruining my life, seriously i was near my wits end.

I stumbled accross this community yesterday and after reading some stickied threads was shocked that so many people here had similar and often identical symptoms to me. I am now sure i suffer an anxiety disorder and i am going to see a doctor as soon as xmas is out the way to get some medication as long as i can convince the doctor my symptoms are real.

Understanding that anxiety is a phsychological condition that has far reaching effects on our physical body was a milestone for me.

All i can say is listen to this advice offered up by some of the old guard here..

Stay strong.

Regards, Wayne.