View Full Version : anxiety prone personalities

12-24-2013, 09:46 AM
I think there are specific personalities that are more prone to getting anxiety disorders or panic disorders.
Spoke to a life coach about my anxiety disorder at a free diabetes check up thing at work. It was kind of by chance that I ended up talking to her. Once I started talking to her she asked me if I am artistic and if I have a good imagination. I said yes most definitely. Im very artistic and I do paintings and they are all very surreal. The crazier and weirder the better. Could be an explanation for all my irrational thoughts of things that could happen.

12-24-2013, 10:19 AM
It s true. Anxiety sufferers are often very creative with their imagination.

Who else could believe so vividly would we imagine?

It a curse and a blessing, I suppose.

Great on the artistic and creative side. Sucks on the anxiety side.

Type A personalities seem to also fall into the anxiety group as well.

12-24-2013, 01:21 PM
Yes often we are creative, imaginative, intelligent along with an active mind and higher sensitivity. Alankay

12-24-2013, 11:40 PM
sensitivity defo a main trait. Just look at everyone on here who care!!!!

Others I've noticed
Thoughtful (duhhh)

12-25-2013, 06:25 AM
INFJ = Anxiety,...I think.

That's me..grrrr

E-Man. :)

12-25-2013, 10:05 AM
type A here ****waving hand***** I think my personality is why I have anxiety. Or is our personality the way it is because we have anxiety? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

12-25-2013, 11:51 AM
INFP myself. I bet if people here tried the test there'd be a lot of similarities


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12-25-2013, 03:49 PM
ENTJ - that is so freaky that describes me to a tee especially the ability to keep going until i win an argument haha :@ - basically im a bit of a control freak then haha :/

personalities are very charismatic, rational and quick-minded. They are meant to lead and inspire other people and there is no other type that can do this with such ease. According to ENTJs, nothing is impossible if you try hard enough. Naturally, they rarely have difficulties convincing other people that the goal chosen by the ENTJ should also become one of their personal goals.

These leadership traits form the core of the ENTJ personality type. ENTJs can be unbelievably confident and charismatic – these qualities draw most other types like a magnet and this makes it quite easy for an ENTJ to achieve what they want to achieve. People belonging to this type love challenges, big and small, and firmly believe that they can accomplish everything given enough time and resources. More often than not, this confidence results in a self-fulfilling prophecy – where other types give up and move on to the next project, the ENTJ ploughs ahead and usually achieves spectacular results simply because of that sheer willpower.

Steve Jobs ENTJThat being said, no one can accuse ENTJs of narrow-mindedness or short-term thinking – ENTJ personalities are excellent strategists and have no difficulties crafting elaborate long-term plans, which are then executed with determination and precision.

These personality traits make ENTJs brilliant entrepreneurs and business strategists – their charisma and confidence can truly shine in the business world. People belonging to this type also tend to be very dominant and persuasive when it comes to arguing with others or negotiating a deall – while this can certainly turn against the ENTJ, usually it is their opponent who gives up in the face of ENTJ’s willpower and unyielding belief in his or her arguments

To summarize, ENTJ personalities are very efficient and confident individuals who rarely have difficulties achieving what they have set out to achieve. However, ENTJs are likely to have difficulties when it comes to recognizing and expressing emotions – while such a trait can actually be beneficial in the business world, it may cause many problems in personal relationships if the ENTJ does not make conscious efforts to address this weaknes

12-25-2013, 04:08 PM
INFP myself. I bet if people here tried the test there'd be a lot of similarities


Tis free, no sign up or anything like that.


I am ESFJ .... interesting

12-26-2013, 09:25 AM
I am ESFJ .... interesting

What are all these anagrams for personality types and who came up with them?

Do you reckon they are created to make you think you are them eg like star signs and all them are written so everyone would be able to agree that they are like them as everyone is a bit of everything really?

12-26-2013, 11:46 AM
I think a psychologists assessment of human behaviour and subsequent categorization of people's personas into select groups has more logic behind it than lives and personas dictated by astrological movements that somehow affect our lives on this planet.


12-26-2013, 12:52 PM

similarminds.com has the prominent late psychologist Hans Eysenck personality test. This is based on neuroticism, extroversion and psychoticism. The questions are similar to that on 16 personalities. They are both very interesting.

The last test I done like that said I have quite bad neurosis.

*Looks in the mirror and adjusts hair*

Who'd have thought it ;)

12-26-2013, 02:21 PM
What are all these anagrams for personality types and who came up with them?

Do you reckon they are created to make you think you are them eg like star signs and all them are written so everyone would be able to agree that they are like them as everyone is a bit of everything really?

These tests are online, and I believe to be derived from pretty extensive testing, I could be wrong. But depending on the answers you get a certain "personality" type....and they are all very different so it is quite amazing to have been pegged so dead on with a quiz.....I think you have to take all things with a grain of salt, I believe it to be more for entertainment than a replacement for the good old fashion doc ;)