View Full Version : so high and yet so alone

12-24-2013, 08:54 AM
Hi all,
With company coming over at this time of year, I am flying so high with anxiety, that I can be a kite and soar away forever. I also feel so alone. How am I going to get through this? I am hoping that time away is a positive than a negative. Any suggestions? Alita.

12-24-2013, 11:52 AM
Remember to take your meds if you are on any, try to relax before you go to sleep tonight, put on relaxing music, read a book and have a wee cup of camomile tea before bed, get a good nights rest (sleep is so important with anxiety as symptoms are generally worse when you feel tired) and 2mrw you will prob find you will be so busy planning and organising and entertaining you will not have time to think about your anxiety. Hope you have a symptom free day, just try to have fun, being in company is sometimes the best therapy as it keeps your mind from wandering into the word of anxious thoughts.

Merry Xmas :)

12-24-2013, 02:11 PM
I usually dread this every year and end up sitting there with my jaw clamped tight hating every second of it. This year i really am going to try and relax my strategy is that it dos'ent last that long, and if it starts to get to bad I will excause myself for a while and get some fresh air.

Try not to wind yourself up about it, take it as it comes and try and enjoy it its only a very short time really.