View Full Version : sick of being scared plz how can I make it stop

12-23-2013, 11:56 AM
Im scared non stop I can never relax I cant cope can anyone please help plzzzz

12-23-2013, 12:02 PM
What is it your scared off?

The aches and pains that u get with anxiety?

12-23-2013, 12:08 PM
Team up with some of these unbelieveably (and quickly) strong and powerful ladies running around in here now, and follow their leads and advice Sazz!! They're kinda freaking ME out a lil bit at how they went from scared and obsessed to "kickin some anxietal a**", pardon my Jesse language....LOL!..

Force it out Sazzaarooo!!!


12-23-2013, 12:12 PM
What is it your scared off?

The aches and pains that u get with anxiety?

Im scared of my health, im convinced im gna have heart attack even tho heart probs dont run in the family and im pregnant and on tabs everytime I take them I get the feeling im chocking on em and panic like I am now :-( im worrying non stop :-(

12-23-2013, 12:32 PM
I used to feel like this for about two months i was at the hospital every other day convinced that i was having a heart attack and then it went from that to septecemia then it was appendicitis

You have to learn to ignore the pains and not focus on them the more u do the more ur feedin the anxiety the worse the pains get iknow its easier said than done.

Find ways of distracting yourself as much as u can and everytime u feel the pain just say this anxiety messing with me my family dont have heart problems :D

It does get easier in time :D

12-23-2013, 12:54 PM
Im scared of my health, im convinced im gna have heart attack even tho heart probs dont run in the family and im pregnant and on tabs everytime I take them I get the feeling im chocking on em and panic like I am now :-( im worrying non stop :-(

Hi :) oh dear you sound like you are having a tough time, your hormones will be all over the place in protective mode with your pregnancy too which is prob increasing your anxiety 10 fold.

Good thing is you can already say yourself no probs run in the family so you are already starting to battle your own demons by rationalising your thoughts thats really good keep doing that, keep telling yourself your not going to have a heart attack coz there is no family history and you will prob have regular check ups being pregnant anyway, if there was anything wrong with you, they would find it wouldnt they?, see sometimes its ok to tell that wee voice in your head to stop thinking silly and bugger off, it actually does help just dont do it out loud in public coz then ppl will look at you funny hahaha :)

Are you on any medications for anxiety? beta blockers etc and is it tablets for pregnancy you feel you are choking on, how long have you been taking them?

I actually totally understand what you mean with the tablets as i am pretty over the whole anxiety thing but was left with this HATE of taking medicines but good news is 6 years later im still here so tells you anxiety has a HUGE part to play in that feeling, what i do when i take meds is make sure i drink a FULL glass of water to take it, then afterwards sip at more water, then there is no way i can choke on it, then make sure you have something to occupy your mind, i.e go out or do housework or come on the forum and read what someone has written see if you can help them, things like that really help and before you know it an hour has passed and your still ok so its all good, your body will start to relax the more you take the same meds and realise they are not there to hurt you but to help you. :)