View Full Version : Does anybody else have this family problem

12-23-2013, 09:16 AM
I'm a proper pure O and agoraphobic I've been like this now for nearly 3 years and I'm not being paranoid or anything but it seems like my family aunties uncles cousins, look down their nose at me like their ashamed I'm their family they talk to me but ya can really sense they don't like ya cause the way you are I've explained to them how this affects me and they just go along like as if I'm lying about what I've got they have this look on their face, once my mate was talking to my cousin on Facebook and my cousin was talking about me god knows why cause I don't say boo to a goose I'm a quiet person and I keep my self to myself I don't judge or criticise anyone, anyways my mate print screen this Facebook message what my cousin said he said Shaun is a waste of a life, poor excuse of an existence I know there just words but coming from a family member you thought ya was closed to is upsetting all my family are offish with me I can tell my mom and dad brother and sister ain't though glad I have them I wouldn't know what to do without then. Anyhow sorry that I've bored ya with my life crap hope everyone ok and having a nice christmas :)

12-23-2013, 09:35 AM
It's only because certain people don't understand, how you feel. No one can, except you.
Your family isn't ashamed of you, its just how you "perceive" it to be..they just don't understand..
The person who put that stuff on Faceplant, may very well see that as a way to get you to "snap out of it" but it rarely ever works..
Not sure if your true friend, would post such things, unless not a true friend to begin with or the other option above...
I have used methods like that (although not like it exactly) to get people in my life to change and it usually required some sort of "hurt" first...
Then, it was up to them to change, or I wouldn't be around them because they angered or frustrated me..
Don't try to over-think all this...just focus on being with your fam and having the best Holiday that you can..baby steps.
And don't run off from here either, because we all want to hear you say "I'm heading out the door right now" in the near future....

Merry Christmas Shaun..


12-23-2013, 10:41 AM
I'm a proper pure O and agoraphobic I've been like this now for nearly 3 years and I'm not being paranoid or anything but it seems like my family aunties uncles cousins, look down their nose at me like their ashamed I'm their family they talk to me but ya can really sense they don't like ya cause the way you are I've explained to them how this affects me and they just go along like as if I'm lying about what I've got they have this look on their face, once my mate was talking to my cousin on Facebook and my cousin was talking about me god knows why cause I don't say boo to a goose I'm a quiet person and I keep my self to myself I don't judge or criticise anyone, anyways my mate print screen this Facebook message what my cousin said he said Shaun is a waste of a life, poor excuse of an existence I know there just words but coming from a family member you thought ya was closed to is upsetting all my family are offish with me I can tell my mom and dad brother and sister ain't though glad I have them I wouldn't know what to do without then. Anyhow sorry that I've bored ya with my life crap hope everyone ok and having a nice christmas :)

Even the most caring fam don't always get it understand this. My dad who rings multiple times a day (so obviously cares a lot) jus told me to "cheer up so not to ruin all their Christmases" when he obviously knows I'm deeply depressed and can't maybe after a while the sympathy disappears and is replaced by doubt and impatience...

12-23-2013, 10:48 AM
Even the most caring fam don't always get it....after a while the sympathy disappears and is replaced by doubt and impatience...


12-23-2013, 10:52 AM
Shaun is a waste of a life..

Hey buddy,

Don't take it too seriously. There's families where everyone is healthy, and one person in the family will say the very same thing about another.

I had anxiety attacks in my mid teens, 40 years later, my mother is in the hospital, quite sick, and I showed up to visit. Despite her problems at the time, when she saw me she apologized for not taking my anxiety attacks seriously, 40 YEARS AGO!

She had her first attack, the shoe was on a different foot, now she knows what I went through. Same with your cousin, they have no idea!

Merry Christmas!!!!

12-23-2013, 03:55 PM
Thanks for the replies people, means a lot my heads like jammed full so I can't reason with my emotions and feelings but thanks to you lot you do that for me you interpret it better than I would I visit this forum everyday and read posts and I gotta say you're all amazing people that deserve the best in life, never known there to be so many nice people in one place aha bless you all an have a great christmas and new year :) xx

12-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the replies people, means a lot my heads like jammed full so I can't reason with my emotions and feelings but thanks to you lot you do that for me you interpret it better than I would I visit this forum everyday and read posts and I gotta say you're all amazing people that deserve the best in life, never known there to be so many nice people in one place aha bless you all an have a great christmas and new year :) xx

I would just like to second that. The people on here give me more support then anyone I know and you guys don't even know me. I truly truly believe that no one can understand us unless they themselves have been through it. I just wish I knew someone who was the same in real life.
Thanks guys and happy Xmas

12-23-2013, 06:56 PM
Thanks for the replies people, means a lot my heads like jammed full so I can't reason with my emotions and feelings but thanks to you lot you do that for me you interpret it better than I would I visit this forum everyday and read posts and I gotta say you're all amazing people that deserve the best in life, never known there to be so many nice people in one place aha bless you all an have a great christmas and new year :) xx

Yeah...there are a lot of awesome people on here....some who have gotten me through some tough days. It is really, really hard for people who have not gone through this to begin to understand. Especially it is something that they can't see...physically, the tendency is to just say....oh well just snap out of it! Man, if it were only that easy. So if I were you....no would tell them that you dont expect them to fully understand but that you still need them and their support in your corner. I talk more to the people on here about my anxiety issues then i do to most of the people in my life...because they get it.

Hang in there. Dont get down on yourself because of this. Wishing you a merry Christmas.

12-24-2013, 02:08 AM
Shaun, as for the comment from your family member, perhaps he has misinterpreted your quietness and reserve as being uncaring. Perhaps if you make a gesture of kindness or reach out and open up a bit, he may see you in a whole new light. If the negative attitude towards you persists, then at least you can say you tried. I think most of us have people in our extended families who can be very misunderstanding or sometimes even downright cruel or distant. The important thing to remember is that even the kindest people among us aren't liked or loved by everyone. Be grateful if you have even a small circle of friends and family who love you and care for you...even if they don't always understand what you're dealing with. Don't let a backhanded comment get you down or dig at your self esteem. None of us make it through the criticism machine unscathed. And yes, there are lots of awesome people here that I would be proud to have as friends. Merry Christmas to you all. -Jeff

12-24-2013, 03:46 AM
I get it too, my partner and mum both the most supportive and loving aspects in my life have both said my negativity and anxiety can be annoying and not saying I'm doing it but can be seen as attention seeking. My mum suffered with anxiety and my partner too, they get it, but they have concurred and live with it.. Where as me, I'm a little less on the positive. But I'm getting there and it took for them to say that to me for me to snap out of it abit.. It has helped.. Believe it or not