View Full Version : fear iv breathed in food

12-23-2013, 08:11 AM
Just eaten a burger and fries and after id finished I must of had some in my teeth or something and I felt a bit go down when I breathed in.I coughed a little but nothing came up I don't think. Am I safe or should I go to a+e it was like an hour ago and breathing feels ok ish as it normally does.really worried. Thanks

12-23-2013, 08:20 AM
when I breathed in.I coughed a little but nothing came up....

It's been my experience that when something goes down the wrong hole that you don't stop getting the feeling to cough until after it's been cleared. It may have hit the epiglottis, the thing that determines if you swallow or breath, but I doubt it got passed it.

12-23-2013, 08:25 AM
Wow, read this, I can't believe anything could get in there without you coughing your head off. Neat reflex.


12-23-2013, 08:25 AM
It's been my experience that when something goes down the wrong hole that you don't stop getting the feeling to cough until after it's been cleared. It may have hit the epiglottis, the thing that determines if you swallow or breath, but I doubt it got passed it.

Agreed ^^^^...just watch those burgers and fries!...:)

12-23-2013, 08:29 AM
The feeling to cough went away. But if it as passed is it dangerouother than pneumonia.scared ill stop breathing :(

12-23-2013, 08:31 AM
Yer gag reflex wouldn't allow you to ingest a burger or fries into your lung brother,,,it would make you cough it out, until it was gone...Forget about all of it and enjoy this day bruh!! All good....


12-23-2013, 08:59 AM
You wouldn't get pneumonia. I may be wrong, but I *think* aspiration pneumonia is when something is already in your stomach and then you throw it up? Earlier in the year my bright son ingested mineral spirits and they told me there was a chance of aspiration if he threw it back up but he didn't. He swallowed very little of it. I may be wrong about the aspiration thing but that's just what I've gathered. Anyway if it did go down the wrong way you would still be coughing. Done that lots of times :).

12-23-2013, 09:25 AM
pneumonia dont really scare me, was just worried it would get stuck somewhere and i would stop breathing,but would of done the damage it could of by now surely its been 3 hours lol, hurt my throat from force coughing something that might not be there

12-23-2013, 10:05 AM
pneumonia dont really scare me, was just worried it would get stuck somewhere

You will be fine. Believe me, if anything got in there you'd still be trying to cough it out. If it were big enough to block your breathing, it wouldn't have gotten in there.

Sometimes people swallow things they shouldn't, children might swallow toys, but it interferes with breathing by blocking the epiglottis, that isn't your problem.

Aspiration of liquids may be more of an issue, but you still choke. I used to have reflux bad while sleeping. Wake up choking, really bad, sure a little made its way in slightly, but I'd cough it out, little burning afterwards, but I'm OK.

You're fine.