View Full Version : Proporonol

12-23-2013, 05:38 AM

Anyone else found that proporonol made their palpatations worse. Since I have been taking these I feel they have got worse

12-23-2013, 05:55 AM
That is an excellent medication, nothing but good reports I've seen. I would say maybe give it some time,..and stop over-thinking it if you are friend...

Happy Holidays!

E. :)

12-23-2013, 06:02 AM
Hun how long have you been taking them?

12-23-2013, 06:08 AM
About 3 weeks xx

12-23-2013, 06:11 AM
Anyone else found that proporonol made their palpatations worse.

You mean Propranolol, correct?

What do you mean by worse? More frequent, harder, runs, etc.?

Are you taking it for anxiety, arrhythmia, both. If you're taking it for an arrhythmia, is the arrhythmia benign (i.e. no disease or serious heart issue, just prescribed to help reduce the number of them that you get).

Let me know.

12-23-2013, 06:16 AM
About 3 weeks. X x

12-23-2013, 06:18 AM
Yes that's the one , I am on them for anxiety as I suffer with palpations. I feel like my heart is skipping beats more frequently and I feel the flutter more In my chest since taking them x

12-23-2013, 06:35 AM
Sorry just noticed you replied.

Propanalol are you on 40mg? either way it can take like 4 -6 weeks to regulate in you bloodstream, make sure you do not take it on an empty stomach and after you take it do not do anything strenous for the first 30 mins.

I have been taking propanalol for over 5 years and it was a god send for me but it did take a while to kick in fully and i did feel flutters but thats just it regulating your hear rythm, keep on it and you will notice a difference :)

12-23-2013, 06:39 AM
I am on 10 mil three times a day. I hVe been taking it on a empty stomach. Maybe this is why. Earlier I had theirs feeling as if my heart was about to stop and it took my breath away but it last for a couple of seconds and goes away x x

12-23-2013, 06:52 AM
Yes that's the one , I am on them for anxiety as I suffer with palpations.

It's an excellent medication. Most Beta-Blockers at common dosages reduce the frequency of PVCs.

Ectopics, or premature beats, are caused by irritated cells on the heart the generate their own electrical signal, and when it discharges it causes the rest of the heart to contract. They would do this at a certain rate.

I just had a Stress-Echo test where my heart was throwing tons of PVCs before the test, I was afraid to do the test, but when I got on the treadmill and my heart rate greatly increased, I did not have any PVCs. I've been told the reason for this is the heart pacemaker is discharging faster than the irritated cells.

Sometimes, a Beta-Blocker, by slowing the heart rate, can give those irritated cells more of a chance to discharge and you may get more PVCs. But Beta-Blockers reduce the effort of the heart contracting, so that should lessen how hard they feel. Myself, I'm sensitive to increases in heart rate (at rest). My pulse is normally 60 at rest, but if I feel more PVCs than normal, I take my pulse, and if it's elevated, say 75 or so, take a little more of my medicine (by my doctor's suggestion), and that quiets them down.

Even on medication, I get hundreds to thousands of PVCs per day and used to be on a forum where people would get as many as 10,000 per day. If a person does not have heart disease or otherwise have an irregularity in their EKG, they really aren't dangerous, but they can be frightening.

12-23-2013, 06:53 AM
I take 40mg once a day and when i first started it took time to settle but it helps to take it after eating, like i will eat my breakfast then take it within the hour of eating and it really helps.

Propanalol is a beta blocker so it is working to regulate your heartbeat which is prob why you feel flutter every so often but it does stop when its starts regulating in your blood, i can say it now but at the time took me 3 months to start taking it haha but it really does work good, i had palpitations, dizziness, hot flushes with anxiety and the propanalol took the edge of it all.

Keep on it it really is a good medicine and should help you in the long run but try not to take on empty stomach you might find that helps i certainly did :)

12-23-2013, 06:55 AM
Thanks I hope it helps soon xx

12-23-2013, 06:59 AM
It's an excellent medication. Most Beta-Blockers at common dosages reduce the frequency of PVCs. Ectopics, or premature beats, are caused by irritated cells on the heart the generate their own electrical signal, and when it discharges it causes the rest of the heart to contract. They would do this at a certain rate. I just had a Stress-Echo test where my heart was throwing tons of PVCs before the test, I was afraid to do the test, but when I got on the treadmill and my heart rate greatly increased, I did not have any PVCs. I've been told the reason for this is the heart pacemaker is discharging faster than the irritated cells. Sometimes, a Beta-Blocker, by slowing the heart rate, can give those irritated cells more of a chance to discharge and you may get more PVCs. But Beta-Blockers reduce the effort of the heart contracting, so that should lessen how hard they feel. Myself, I'm sensitive to increases in heart rate (at rest). My pulse is normally 60 at rest, but if I feel more PVCs than normal, I take my pulse, and if it's elevated, say 75 or so, take a little more of my medicine (by my doctor's suggestion), and that quiets them down. Even on medication, I get hundreds to thousands of PVCs per day and used to be on a forum where people would get as many as 10,000 per day. If a person does not have heart disease or otherwise have an irregularity in their EKG, they really aren't dangerous, but they can be frightening.

Thankyou for the reply. I think it's the feeling that frightens me as I think my heart it going to stop As they feel so strong. And can also take my breath away xx

12-23-2013, 07:14 AM
Here is, without a doubt, the best page I've read on PVCs, by a Doctor, an Electrophysiologist, a man that deals day in and day out with heart rhythm issues. Please note he mentions 20,000 a day (in people with otherwise normal hearts) before concern would be raised. Wow!


12-23-2013, 09:23 AM
Have you been told you can up your dose if you need to?

Just because I was given 10 to start an I was far more panicky on 10mg my doc told me I could go right up to 40 three times a day if I felt I needed to but once I upped it to stick to that dose

I went from 10 to 20 to 30 within a week and that's when it started to help

I am now reducing it tonight I will go 20 20 10

12-23-2013, 09:28 AM

No he had told me to take 10 mil 3 times a day but my palpatations I feel a worse now and more frequent than when I started taking them x x