View Full Version : Do I have anxiety?

12-23-2013, 04:54 AM

Just registered with the forum and hope I can get a bit of help with my symptoms.

I'm a 33 year old male and have been exhibiting differing symptoms for 20 months now.

I work full time as a graphic designer and have a pretty normal social/family life. Around 2 years ago my wife went through a bit of a health scare and I took it pretty badly. Thankfully she's 100% now and life is great. Not long after I has an attack. My heart-rate shot up and stayed at a very, very high rate for around 2-3 hours. It happened again and I went to my local A&E and they did an ECG and all was normal although my blood pressure was "sky High". Had to take a week off work and just slept the whole week away.

Since then I've had the same symptoms off and on. They are:

Dizziness: extreme in some cases where I feel like passing out
Aversion to fluorescent lights: When I'm feeling bad I cannot go into a shop with fluorescent lights as I WOULD pass out.
Bloodshot and sore eyes.
Feeling of everything being very bright
altered perception: not being able to recognise objects for a few seconds.
coldness in hands and feet
feeling flushed
increased heart rate and slight palpitations (very rarely)

I'm otherwise healthy. a little overweight but I'm sleeping and eating OK. My libido is fine and dandy and I'm generally a very happy person. Have a lot of great things in my life but this illness is starting to take it's toll on me.

I've visited my GP about 10 times in the last 20 months with the same symptoms and been given anti dizziness tablets (can't remember the name) which did nothing at all. Then switched to anti-depressants for a month that didn't really seem to make a difference although I'm not 100 sure. I've just been given Sertraline (50mg) which I started yesterday.

Does any of this ring a bell with other sufferers? I just want to be able to pin down what is wrong with me so I can start to tackle the problem.

12-23-2013, 05:14 AM
What is your resting BP when you're at the Doc's office?
You sound like a candidate for some BP meds to me...
And, when was your last complete blood panel performed?..To check out the glands, hormones, everything????


12-23-2013, 05:21 AM
Looks like mild PTSD, that which of course leads to all those other symptoms, anxiety, and higher resting BP...

12-23-2013, 05:23 AM
Yup they all ring a bell with me and i could add more to that list too when my anxiety first started, it def sounds like a panic attack the first one it tends to leave you battling these kind of symptoms on a daily basis, not sure why but if your ask most ppl after 1 attack all these symptoms appear and tend to hang around.

I too was given anti dizziness tablets which done nothing for me either, i was then put on a beta blocker call propanalol as hot flushes and dizziness where my common symptoms ( i refused anti depressents ) and it seemed to work for me, it stopped the hot flushes and the palps so it takes the edge off all the thoughts of being ill and the worry of the symptoms coming as i dont know if you have read about anxiety really yet but what you will find is with anxiety if you think you are going to get something

ie if you go to the shops - the wee voice pops in your head, what if theres bright lights or what if i get dizzy or pass out etc etc :@ ... the what ifs turn to im going too's .... and then when your out guess what happens, yup you get dizzy and the lights freak you out and your body goes in to flight mood and you just want to get out, then queue more anxiety about the next shopping trip until you get to a stage where you dont want to go

Hope that makes sense but its a viscious circle that needs broken and it takes time but stick with medication as it will help take the edge off and allow you to gather and rationilise what the little voice in your head is saying, it takes time but you will get to a point where you can say, no im not going to get dizzy and i look at lights all the time they dont bother me so im going out and i will be find, you will get there first point is realising what you have and addressing it so well done for aknowledging it.

The other symptoms are stress/worry/anxiety related you will likely feel odd pains which you prob felt a million times before but with anxiety your attention is drawn more to these and you will prob tend to jump to the worst conclusion, you need to focus on relaxing your breathing and please please DO NOT LOOK ANY SYMPTOMS ON GOOGLE as im sure a million others on her will testify its the WORST thing to do when you suffer anxiety, as soon as you can rationalise a pain you are feeling thats when you will start to go on the right track all google does is show you the worst outcome and you end up getting symptoms of that its not good trust me been there done it and im pretty much all ok now so there is hope dont let it get you down, learn to control it not it to control you

And please post with any worries you might have someone will try to help you with a rational thought , avoid turning to google search :)

12-23-2013, 05:29 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Not 100% sure on my resting BP but have had it taken numerous times at the GP and it's always been fine.

I had a blood test around 15 months ago which came back all fine. I've asked my GP for a blood test recently but being from the UK and on NHS they are usually not that easy to get. I've got an appointment in 2 weeks to check on my progress with the meds. I will ask for a full blood panel then.

In the meantime would you say my symptoms are consistent with anxiety or could it be something else. Not expecting someone on an online forum to be able to diagnose me obviously but was hoping that others with similar experience could help.

12-23-2013, 05:35 AM
Yup they all ring a bell with me and i could add more to that list too when my anxiety first started, it def sounds like a panic attack the first one it tends to leave you battling these kind of symptoms on a daily basis, not sure why but if your ask most ppl after 1 attack all these symptoms appear and tend to hang around.

I too was given anti dizziness tablets which done nothing for me either, i was then put on a beta blocker call propanalol as hot flushes and dizziness where my common symptoms ( i refused anti depressents ) and it seemed to work for me, it stopped the hot flushes and the palps so it takes the edge off all the thoughts of being ill and the worry of the symptoms coming as i dont know if you have read about anxiety really yet but what you will find is with anxiety if you think you are going to get something

ie if you go to the shops - the wee voice pops in your head, what if theres bright lights or what if i get dizzy or pass out etc etc ... the what ifs turn to im going too's .... and then when your out guess what happens, yup you get dizzy and the lights freak you out and your body goes in to flight mood and you just want to get out, then queue more anxiety about the next shopping trip until you get to a stage where you dont want to go

Hope that makes sense but its a viscious circle that needs broken and it takes time but stick with medication as it will help take the edge off and allow you to gather and rationilise what the little voice in your head is saying, it takes time but you will get to a point where you can say, no im not going to get dizzy and i look at lights all the time they dont bother me so im going out and i will be find, you will get there first point is realising what you have and addressing it so well done for aknowledging it.

The other symptoms are stress/worry/anxiety related you will likely feel odd pains which you prob felt a million times before but with anxiety your attention is drawn more to these and you will prob tend to jump to the worst conclusion, you need to focus on relaxing your breathing and please please DO NOT LOOK ANY SYMPTOMS ON GOOGLE as im sure a million others on her will testify its the WORST thing to do when you suffer anxiety, as soon as you can rationalise a pain you are feeling thats when you will start to go on the right track all google does is show you the worst outcome and you end up getting symptoms of that its not good trust me been there done it and im pretty much all ok now so there is hope dont let it get you down, learn to control it not it to control you

And please post with any worries you might have someone will try to help you with a rational thought , avoid turning to google search :)

Yeah it seems like you've hit the nail on the head. It's strange as I've had these symptoms at various times. Sometimes at work. Other times just sitting at home or even at the cinema or out on a day trip with my daughter.

The perception thing is the most weird symptom. When it happens I tend to have to shake my head a bit to jolt my brain into action. It's just so unnerving looking at a stapler (for example) and taking 2-3 seconds for your brain to actually tweak that it's a stapler you're looking at.

I still think I need to push my GP a bit to do a blood screen but nailing the trigger for these symptoms is something I'd love to do. they just seem to happen so randomly.

12-23-2013, 05:37 AM
You'd be surprised what words typed and presented on a screen can actually reveal bruh,..
As Sam has stated, she had virtually the same experiences as you and she was given a (beta-blocker called propanalol) which levels out the heart rate, keeps it stable, stops the panic, stops the adrenal glands from dumping adrenaline,..
and yes, all this can be caused by that event (PTSD) then turn to (anxiety) leading you to all those other symptoms BUT your thyroid, pituitary, glands, hormones, should still be checked to rule out a "physical" issue in any event.
Stick with the (sertraline) and go back in 2 weeks to see if that doesn't calm you down abit, level you out, and if not, ask for a (beta-blocker) as Sam takes and I also take a beta-blocker too (atenolol) to stop my chest pains caused by (angina)...
Yes, the symptoms are consistent with increased stress = anxiety friend...

PS: Welcome!

E-Man :)

12-23-2013, 05:37 AM
Looks like mild PTSD, that which of course leads to all those other symptoms, anxiety, and higher resting BP...

Yeah good shout with the PTSD. It's just so weird that now that my life is back together and I feel great I'm being shafted by these symptoms daily. So Frustrating.

12-23-2013, 05:39 AM
This can ALL be caused by a sub-concious mind to bruh...you don't even have to be thinking about it in your concious mind at all.....we are definitly complex creatures!! :)

12-23-2013, 05:40 AM
You're not wrong there. Just posting here (while at work which is a bit naughty) has made me feel a little better about things. I've tried to share my symptoms with my partner, friends and family but without actually knowing what I'm feeling they really can do little to help and their advice seems so shallow and misguided.

Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope everyone is having a great festive period.

12-23-2013, 05:43 AM
These thoughts, feelings, experiences, are best understood by those of us that are just like you...we've lived it and still do. That's why it seems as if you're talking to brick walls with your partner, friends, and family...You're at the right place.

Great to have a new member!!

Enjoy this day friend...

E. :)

12-23-2013, 05:50 AM
These thoughts, feelings, experiences, are best understood by those of us that are just like you...we've lived it and still do. That's why it seems as if you're talking to brick walls with your partner, friends, and family...You're at the right place.

Great to have a new member!!

Enjoy this day friend...

E. :)

Thanks dude. Back to work now but I'll'll be checking in from home and over the next few days. Thanks for the kind words.

12-23-2013, 05:50 AM
The perception thing usually will come when you are panicking, watch out for it, even if you dont feel worried like e-man said sub conciously something that day will have triggered a slight panic, stress, maybe you felt a weird pain, its good to keep a note of things around the time you feel more anxious will maybe help you to eliminate the causes and face them and go back and rationalise a pain or symptom you may have felt that day.

I was literally the most laid back person, nothing fazed me but i was one for bottling up my emotions, never cried, screamed etc, that was all building up inside me and one day i got hit with my first panic attack and from then on was plagued with symptoms for over 2 years until one day i decided to do something about it and it does take time but like me now 3 years on and not really bothered with anxiety so much i can look back on things and laugh at how i over reacted but at the time it feels very real, so you just need to take the edge of your worries, eliminate your triggers and work on trying to rationalise what you are feeling and thinking as the more your worry about something it will happen.

Its so easy to forget anxiety plays tricks with your mind so remember that and keep trying to think positive. like when your vision goes, it will be a rush of blood/adrenaline to your head from the anxiety so move away from that situation to start with get some water or go speak to someone to take your mind off it, then go back sit down and your perception will be ok again, then write down what happened when you felt that and what could have made you stressed or worried in that situation, maybe you spun round on your chair or sat up to fast or looked up from your desk to fast, it can give you a headrush ... these are all rational thoughts and possibly the cause BUT like i said at the time with anxiety rational thoughts go out the window so you need to get the anxiety under control with something that will make your heart rate stop coming so fast, that will slow your blood down and should stop the light headness and dizziness or at least help hugely with it, it will allow you to get more control and builld on it.

Hope this helps al little, its a long hard battle but im proof it can be won :)

12-23-2013, 08:04 AM
You don't mention fear or dread. A sense of impending disaster, doom or danger so this might not be anxiety. The core of anxiety is distress fueled by worry which then causes the bodily symptoms and then the cycle continues. Have you had the thyroid checked? Alankay

12-23-2013, 08:26 AM
You don't mention fear or dread. A sense of impending disaster, doom or danger so this might not be anxiety. The core of anxiety is distress fueled by worry which then causes the bodily symptoms and then the cycle continues. (( Have you had the thyroid checked? )) Alankay



12-23-2013, 09:19 AM
You don't mention fear or dread. A sense of impending disaster, doom or danger so this might not be anxiety. The core of anxiety is distress fueled by worry which then causes the bodily symptoms and then the cycle continues. Have you had the thyroid checked? Alankay

No not had my thyroid checked. Is that covered in a full blood screen? If so I'm gonna force my GP to give me one when I go back. You're the third person who's mentioned thyroid as a possible cause.

No I generally don't get the anxious or impending doom feelings. When I do suffer the symptoms they are distressing but I wouldn't say I'm at all panicked. For example I'm suffering right now and have blurred vision and lights seem very bright plus a bit of strange object perception. Not worried or fearful though.

12-23-2013, 09:23 AM
Yup,..I think that there were a few (thyroid) suggested possibilities bruh....Easly correct with some synthroid or something to that affect, armour seems to be another name that came to mind.. :)