View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms, but not sure if I suffer from anxiety. Feel terrible though

12-23-2013, 03:55 AM

I have struggled for years with spells of nausea, spaced out, foggy head, aching/heavy limbs and nausea.

I have been to see my GP a number of times to discuss how I feel, and he has always hinted to me that it might be depression. I have always fought his diagnosis and concluded that I cannot be suffering from depression. I do a great deal of sport, have a professional job and don't have an issue doing things or motivating myself.

Recently, however, my symptoms have been really plaguing me, so much so that I sometimes I go to bed and think 'I don't want to wake up'. This feeling is just because I feel so damn aweful and not because I feel depressed.

The constant foggy head, floor moving, inability to concentrate, heavy limbs ... the list goes on has really started taking its toll :-(

So I started thinking that maybe my health issues are caused by stress and anxiety. What I am having trouble understanding, is what does anxiety feel like.

Do the symptoms come and go with times of being anxious or do they manifest themselves after a period of prolonged worry and stress.

I have over the last few years noticed that I have started sweating a lot when at work.

I am going to see my GP, but this current bout is making me feel like I am terminally ill!

12-23-2013, 04:07 AM

1. Go see the GP and ask for a complete blood panel to rule anything else out. First step.
2. If he has been hinting around with depression, then take the prescription that he provides you with while waiting for the blood test results.
3. the "I don't want to wake up" comment is common in depressed people, BUT, may also be a thyroid issue (low/thy) and that's why the blood test is SOOO important. Be sure the test includes LH, TSH, FSH,..CBC,..etc...but he'll know what to look for.
4. The sweating at work issue could also be caused by under or over-active gland outputs, signals sent to the adrenal/endocrine systems...
5. IMHO, the blood test will reveal issues with your thyroid, pituitary, and something out of balance internally...causing your issues to appear as dep/anx....

No where in your thoughts, words, presentation, does it appear that you have any sort of "mental disorder" at this point, just a "physical disorder" bringing everything else on...and that's my opinion based on what you have shared here...

Couple of questions:
1. Male or female?
2. Age?

Happy Holidays!
