View Full Version : What is going on with me?!

12-22-2013, 07:18 PM
Whatsup Guys.

So I had to make an account cause I feel like im losing it.

Im 22, and for the past 21 years I didnt visit a doctor, NOT ONE, no matter what I had, no matter what was going with me, no matter what pain I had, i just didnt go to the doctor, not because i was scared, but becuase i was the 'Whatever, its gonna go over soon' type. Untill last year, when one of my uncles came in to our house screaming and crying cause one of his brothers died.... I was in my room and when i heard all of that, i kinda got into a shock.. I didnt say anything, I didnt move and everything was just, weird.
But I have a feeling that that moment had a BIG impact on me, and pretty much fucked me up mentally.

2 weeks after all of that, i felt weird, like I had no energy at all, my body was just, numb 24/7 for like 2 weeks, I just didnt feel good, i wasnt sick, i was perfectly fine, but, i had no energy what so ever. And thats when it all really began. I started to think something was wrong with my heart and in like 2 weeks i called the ER 3 times, and visited the doctor day after day, cause i thought i was about to die.... After they checked me a million times (even tho knowing nothing was wrong with me) they told me I was panicking for no reason, and if it really was my heart, i probably was dead a long time ago. I KNEW nothing was wrong with my heart, but still, i couldnt fight the fear.
After a while I kinda stopped thinkin about it, but then something else began, my eyes, cause I was seeing floaters (All because of goddamn stress) I thought i was going blind, and i pretty much visited every eye doctor in my city, they all told me my eyes were perfectly fine, but still, THAT FEAR!!!!!, Im still obsessed about it since i constantly close on eye , then the other one just to check if they 'see' the same, but its getting less and less with the day (the floaters are still there tho)

But now something else has popped up. I THINK im hearing voices, even tho im not, its like IM FORCING myself to hear voices just to convice myself im hearing them, even tho im not, and its fucking driving me crazy. WHY am I having this weird feeling? FOR WHAT??? Why am I constantly trying to to force myself to hear voices?? Im scared that if pay too much atteintion to it, i will start to hear voices, but i have no idea what to do about it. WHAT can i do to stop this guys???

12-22-2013, 08:10 PM
NOT ONE, no matter no matter no matter didnt go to the doctor, 'Whatever, its gonna go over soon' type. shock. weird. moment BIG impact
no energy numb 24/7 no energy what so ever. heart ER 3 times, visited doctor day after day, cause i thought i was about to die.... checked me a million times fear.
my eyes, stress blind, every eye doctor in my city, THAT FEAR!!!!!, Im still obsessed I THINK im hearing voices, WHAT can i do to stop this guys???

1. Born, petrified of Doctors.
2. Ignored your mental and physical health for 21 years.
3. Someone dies..
4. You freak out...get depressed and detached...
5. Then your anxiety spins out of control...
6. And you end up a hypochondriac....and constantly focusing now on what's wrong, when you ignored it for 2 decades.. hmmm
7. Your brain chemicals are all screwed up...
8. And your hearing voices, so now you're psychotic...

What can you do to stop this?

Go to a Psychiatrist MD and take a copy of what you typed and presented.

That's your first step....

Merry Christmas Basta.


Lee Grant Irons
12-22-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi Basta,

Sounds like the significant emotional event you went through might have been a trigger. You went to the ER. Have you gone to see a psychiatrist yet. I think you could benefit from some anxiety medicine. It can help stabilize you while you are working on getting better.

12-22-2013, 08:36 PM
Hey there - I have a fear of hearing voices yet I don't hear voices...I'm just afraid I will and then go crazy...lose my family...hurt someone I love...etc. I've read about and been diagnosed with OCD anxiety. However, I still fear they're wrong with my diagnosis. Read "Brain Lock". I felt some relief after reading it.

12-22-2013, 11:02 PM
It sounds like you need someone to talk to, like a psychologist or counselor. You went through a traumatic experience, and everyone responds to trauma differently. You seem to have been having panic attacks from stress (and you acknowledged that your thoughts/fears were irrational), and they are manifesting into health concerns, like about your eyes and hearing voices.

I think talking to someone might help you reflect on the situation and see why you're feeling this way. Cognitive behavioral therapy is really great for separating out your irrational thoughts/fears, and helping you return to a more "normal" way of thinking.

If you can't seem to get through the panic attacks, a benzo like Xanax or Ativan might help. You don't have to take it every day, just a small dose as needed to calm you down. You can also try to focus on a healthy diet and exercise program, and look into vitamin supplements that help with anxiety, like vitamin B12, D, magnesium, and omega fatty acids. Your body's vitamin stores become depleted when you're extremely stressed out, and you may find that supplements help you feel better.

And you WILL feel better, just hang in there!:)