View Full Version : So much pain

12-22-2013, 02:28 PM
The doctor is blindly treating me for h.pylori as he thinks I might have this bacteria in my stomach but I have been taking the tablets for 5 days and have 9 more days to go but today I'm in so much pain in my stomach. I had an anxiety attack last night and was starving when I woke up but my diet is so limited I hardly eat much and couldn't really eat much dinner from the pain. I just want it to go as it's ruining my life iv been like this since September :(

12-22-2013, 03:43 PM
It may be painful and troubling, as I also know those feelings well, but in the end, you'll feel better in the long run little one..Sorry that you're having to go through this, but as "they" always say, "That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger"....I just hate the doses sometimes to get stronger.


12-22-2013, 04:01 PM
What do I do to get better tho?

12-22-2013, 04:35 PM
The bacteria treatments are designed to alleviate symptoms of the stomach, bowel, auto-immune disorders, etc, so I suspect that you're experiencing something to that effect or he wouldn't be treating that...To make THAT part better.

Now, what are the other issues? Obviously we are in an anxiety forum, but what is your anxiety??

Maybe you should go to the thread "I thought this would be cool" and tell me and everyone else, who you are, and why you're here??? Then, they'll also know how to advise too dear.

Can you start right there? Then come back here and tell us what you want to make better...

Fair enough friend?


12-22-2013, 04:40 PM
My anxiety is all about being sick. Catching a sickness bug. And in September my sister got one and my anxiety hit the roof. Then a week later I was sick. And since then iv been a mess and then the stomach problems kicked in and then was signed off work for about 4-5 weeks.

12-22-2013, 04:44 PM
Health anxiety/hypochondria...
Much of this stomach pain, is caused by the anxiety itself.
Did the Doc give you any urine or blood test to determine this bacterial presence, or, was your first post correct "blindly"?
Are you taking any medications for your hypochondria/health anxiety and if not, why?...


12-22-2013, 04:53 PM
did your doctor do tests for h-pylori? the reason i ask as i was in hospital for 5 days when i first got hit with acid reflux as they were worried i had more going on, I had to have an endoscopy (camera down my throat) also blood tests, urine samples and i was also yellow at one point not exactly sure what that was for haha but they were testing for h-pylori infection in the first instance so for your doctor to treat you for it without any test isnt ideal and depending on the antibiotics you are taking, im guessing amoxicillin or a penicillin of some sort they actually can increase stomach pain when you have acid reflux loads.

Depending on your antibiotics, try to take as close to eating as possible, take with a full glass of water, eat meals little but often so small meals never overload your stomach but keep it comfortable not empty and make sure you leave at least 2-3 hours between taking your omazaprole and antibiotics as the antibiotic is reduced by the effect of antacids and im pretty sure the same will work the opposite way around.

sam :)

12-22-2013, 05:26 PM
I went through the H-pylori treatment twice and it helped. I still have acidity problem which is connected to anxiety I think, but not pain at all. I went through hell with it for over 4 years. Someone told me about this bacteria and I asked my doctor. She send me to do test, first one is blood, a second one was in nuclear medicine word. It was like a magic after just first treatment. No pain at all.

12-22-2013, 05:34 PM
yup def acidity is conected to anxiety, all the worry needs to affect somewhere i suppose and a person stomach is v sensitive hence why acid reflux and ibs tend to follow us anxiety sufferers and if your really lucky get both like me :/ lol.

Did they turn you yellow too by any chance Dahila, im intrigued now as to why i vaguely remember being yellow lol, they injected me with some sort of dye and i had to to drink some white stuff and they took xrays and im sure that was when they were testing me for h-pylori altho now im writing it down it sounds more like some sort of alien experiment lol.

12-22-2013, 07:51 PM
No , I did not turn yellow, I remember i had to swallow some , think two huge pills then I was blowing into strange device. They said it is measuring the bacteria in my stomach. How the hell it did it, i do not know. Then the results came back and I still had some. I got into another treatment and from this time on, no stomach pain. The acidity is caused due the damage in the tissue in my stomach and of course the anxiety on the top do not help:)

12-23-2013, 04:39 AM
Health anxiety/hypochondria... Much of this stomach pain, is caused by the anxiety itself. Did the Doc give you any urine or blood test to determine this bacterial presence, or, was your first post correct "blindly"? Are you taking any medications for your hypochondria/health anxiety and if not, why?... Chris.

No he is literally blindly treating me. As he believes that it's what's causing the pain and tenderness in my stomach. And I don't take anything for my anxiety but I'm considering it after I have finished these antibiotics as I can't cope anymore :(

12-23-2013, 04:40 AM
I have had a stool test done for h.pylori but it came back negative but they didn't take me off my tablets before they did it and apparently the tablets I was on brings back a negative result so they mucked up

12-23-2013, 04:46 AM
"And I don't take anything for my anxiety but I'm considering it after I have finished these antibiotics as I can't cope anymore"..

YAY!!! YES!!!
After this blind study is completed, then ask for or get some AD's at least, maybe a benzo if you can, or even an A typical anti-psychotic to rid you of this terrible condition/disorder...PLEASE!!!
I wanna read your success stories!!! Because it will be a success story then!!.....

It takes courage to do this, and now you've found it...we're ALL proud of you for planning to make this effort Little One..

E-Man. :D

12-23-2013, 05:00 AM
I never wanted them because of the side effects but I just want my stomach to heal. It's making my anxiety worse having this pain

12-23-2013, 05:07 AM
Antibiotics def wreak havoc on my stomach anyway so they are prob not helping your pain, just remember space your antacid table at least 2 -3 hours in between the antibiotics or they wont be working as good so not helping the pain either, also make sure you try to eat often not big meals but enough to keep your stomach from being empty and always take any tablet with a full glass of water, it will hopefully help the pain a little.

I take propanalol which is a beta blocker, I was on 2 a day when my anxiety was bad but i put it down to 1 after discussing it with my doc and i just take 1 40mg everyday its just a small dose like a maintanence dose to keep the edge off but like i said i never really get bothered much with anxiety now so whatever its doing it works as if i forget to take it in the morning by night time my heart races. It seems to work good for me so maybe ask your doctor about beta blockers see if a small dose allows you to gain control, it worked for me but i made it work partly coz i was terrified to take any other medication lol so my fear kind of forced me to try double as hard to fix myself

I hope you feel better soon but like e-man says too get something to take the edge off and will maybe be al you need to start you on the right road to getting control of your fear/worries/anxiety and then your stomach should settle down also

12-23-2013, 05:32 AM
Ye I take omeprazole 9am and 9pm every day just so I have 12 hour coverage while I'm on the antibiotics. Fingers crossed they clear the bacteria (if I have it) and then I can get some proper help as iv got CBT going already.

Does anyone have trouble with bread etc

12-23-2013, 05:49 AM
I personally don't, but there is a thread here about gluten that was done about a week back..she would love to hear from you I'm sure and may be a great help to you too!!

This is turning out to be a good thing Little One, you're making progress already!! YAY!! :)

12-23-2013, 06:00 AM
okay but when do you take your antibiotics? are you taking 3 a day or two a day if 3 a day (standard for amoxicillin which i guess you are on for h pylori or similar) if not just an example

You should be eating somthing at 7-8 am - if you are taking your lansaprozole at 9am

Then you should leave usually 2-3 hours between that and your antibiotic or it will decrease the affects so realistically you should be eating again around 10am and taking an antibiotic around 12pm then every 8 or 12 hours depending on your doses which if is 3 tablets would mean you are taking one at 8pm then one at 4am? would that be right if not and is just 2 doses in a day that would put your antibiotic at 12am same time as you are due to take a lansaprozole so you might want to bring your lansaprozole forward or try 1 time in a day if you can tolerate it 2 times a day with the antibiotics may be to sensitive on our stomach..

Hope that kind of makes sense but it very important to watch your times with doses so they dont overlap and cut the benefits of the antibiotic or lansaprozole and most important make sure you eat and you stomach will feel better im almost 100% sure of it :)

12-23-2013, 06:11 AM
I take omeprazole at 9am. Clarithromycin at 11 metronidazole at 1pm. Then metronidazole at 7pm. Omeprazole at 9pm and clarithromycin at 11pm. Because the clarithromycin is every 12 hours and the metronidazole he said take two in the day. So try take them with food as much as I can.

12-23-2013, 06:30 AM
I think i see the problem

You are taking like 6 tablets in one day, that would cause a normal digestive tract pain, but for someone with acid reflux thats a concoction to cause a volcano to errupt.

I have been taking 1 antibiotic 2 time a day and they are only 100mg for the past week and even my stomach is much more acidic than normal so there is your problme the antibiotics will be wreaking havoc and im pretty sure clarithromycin is one of the more famous ones for causing stomach upset .... its part of the the erythromycin spectrum of antibiotics one of which i cannot touch with my stomach so im suprised your doctor prescribed that as the most common side effects of them is stomach and digestive cramps

I am 99% that is the casue of so much stomach upset and you feeling sick as they are def famous for causing digestive discomfort and you are taking a lot of tablets in the one day, if you feel you can possibly cut out the omeprazole in the morning and take it like either last thing at night or like 4pm obviously check with your doctor first if you can cut back to one tablet but i think that might help coz 2 in one day with all those others may also cause you naseau and pains. its worth a try

I have been suffering acid reflux for years and all that would still cause me pain and even i cant take 2 tablets of lansaprozole in one day it makes my stomach feel empty and i get pains so see what your doc thinks and if ok try cut to 1 a day see if it helps :)

12-23-2013, 06:38 AM
I spoke to the doctor tomorrow but he told me I have to take them as I am. Got 9 days left on them. And I have to take the omeprazole morning and night. The clarithromycin are 250mg and metronidazole are 400mg

12-23-2013, 06:46 AM
That is a LOT of tablets in the one day and even tho im sure they will do you no real harm, im also sure they are the cause of your stomach pain, naseau and loss of appetite as it really is a lot of tablets to take in one day.

Speak to your doctor tell them they are making you feel sick, ask if you can you try to take one of your antacid tablets in between or last at night see if it helps ease the pain cause im sure it will as really even after suffering 5+ years with acid reflux/gerd i could not even take 2 lansaprozole in 1 day never mind that and 2 antibiotics 2 times a day on top of it.

I would be asking to see if a diff doctor if you can as i think treating someone blindly for h pylori - which is a standard thing they test for when people present with acid reflux/gerd reality is not many ppl actually have it, i was tested but did not have it so to treat you blindly and with an erythromycin unless you are allergic to penicillins that antibiotic is not really great for gerd sufferers so check with him, have you also tried some probiotic yoghurt or drinks it could help ease your stomach as the antibiotics take all the natural bacteria out your gut so the probiotics just replace it, may also help.

Most important thing is do not worry or get anxious about it, you know its the tablets causing it and just keep thinking in 9 days when finished your stomach will start to settle down again. sam :)

12-23-2013, 06:52 AM
This is the 11th doctor I have seen an the only one doing anything for me so I'm grateful. Also spoke to him about that this morning and he gave me anti sickness tabs

The pain is no different to before starting the antibiotics

12-23-2013, 06:54 AM
Yoghurt actually makes ur stomach produce acid so I don't drink it or eat yoghurts. And yes I'm allergic to penicillin n amoxicillin

12-23-2013, 07:03 AM
when did you start the omazropole? and when did you start the antibiotics?

Its either you have not had enough time on the omazropole for it to work before startin the antibiotics which do really interfere with the digestive tract hence common side effects being stomach cramps and naseau OR it cold be that 2 omezrapole a day is too much for your stomach and you just need 1 a day, its process of elimintation im afraid with gerd as everyone is affected differently.

I cannot tolerate any erythromycin antibiotics they make my stomach very bad and i feel sick but you obviously can tolerate them however i stick by what i said do not panic that its something more serious or worry yourself coz its just the tablets or the h-pylori if you have it but either way keep telling yourself after 9 days you will feel better and you will coz if you worry you are just going to create more symptoms and keep them ongoing.

Take if from someone that been through severe health anxiety and got over it, looking back now at some of the things that i thought i the time makes me laugh i swear i had every tropical rare disease going but what i know now that i didnt know then as rational thoughts go out the window with anxiety is that the more you worry about something the more it stays. so try to relax talk to your doctor but try to change your medication around first see if it helps as doctors tend to have a tendency to keep piling with more tablets to combat side effects of others so ask about changing around what you are taking see if it helps first :)

12-23-2013, 07:06 AM
Yoghurt actually makes ur stomach produce acid so I don't drink it or eat yoghurts. And yes I'm allergic to penicillin n amoxicillin

no no you are very wrong there, a probiotic yoghurt is not bad for acid, probiotics are needed in your gut to restore good bacteria that you lose, you lose with acid reflux/gerd and you lose loads when taking antibiotics so no yoghurt is not a bad thing if its probiotic like i said. :)

Foods That May Help
While no diet has been proven to prevent GERD, some research has suggested that certain foods may help ease symptoms.

Yogurt and Probiotics
Probiotics are a type of “good” bacteria commonly found in yogurt. According to the Mayo Clinic, eating probiotic yogurt or other foods that contain these microorganisms may aid digestion and offer some protection from harmful bacteria. Preliminary studies have shown that probiotics can help treat specific digestive problems.

12-23-2013, 07:08 AM
I started lansoprazole in September was on them for about 50-60 days. Then I had ranitidine. Then I had domperidone with the ranitidine. And now I'm on the omeprazole and been on them for about 4 weeks and before my antibiotics 5 days ago I was taking 40mg in the morning

12-23-2013, 07:16 AM
oh that ranitidine is awful :@

You are going to suffer stomach pains a lot longer than 4 weeks if these tablets work for you I was a good few months before my stomach felt even slightly normal, literally EVERYTHING i ate made me ill, i dropped like a stone in weight and for someone thats skinny anyway that looked quite drastic :@, but my stomach over time gradually started accepting a lot more foods but it takes time and not overloading your stomach, best tip i got from my doctor was eat regularly but not full meals and it really helped, i can literally eat what i want now and i am very rarely actually sick so it will take time

Also, if you do have hyplori that will be causing pain until your antibiotics work, if not then the antibiotics will be causing more acid than normal = more pain or keeping the pain going SO ... either way when you are finished your should feel more better so keep looking to that just 9 days to go :D

12-23-2013, 07:21 AM
Ye iv lost half a stone and a few years back I lost 3 and a half stone from anxiety but I was bigger then and it wasn't unhealthy the weight I went down to. But now I'm almost under 8 stone and I can't really afford to go any lower. ATM my diet consists of banana for breakfast and maybe a cereal bar. Then I have a plain jacket potato for lunch and then dinner I have plain chicken potato and veg. An a snack is plain rice cakes pop corn or Rice Krispies without milk. Sometimes il have some kettle chips coz they are mostly potato.


It's just making me feel fed up coz I want to eat just a sandwich or something that most people take for granted

12-23-2013, 07:25 AM
I just never feel satisfied food wise and full enough. I know not to over do it as I made that mistake on my bday and ate Chinese. But then all of a sudden people told me maybe I should cut wheat out and now I'm scared to go back because I'm still in the same pain

12-23-2013, 07:31 AM
Haha yup i know that feeling i remember i used to literally want to kill my friends, they would order pizza or kebabs or chinese and id be like i will just have chips lol i literally lived on chicken soup, plain crips (couldnt even eat cheese n onion my fav) and eggs just plain food, i was ok with sandwiches tho brown bread with no butter and some chicken, just plain things but it is really BORING especially as my fav food was a madras from the indian before that :@

Good news now is i can eat a madras again and pretty much almost anything, i still get hearburn but a tablet sorts that so i just learned to live with it, its actually normal for me now, i say all the time i think if i didnt feel any twinges or heartburn i would prob panic something was wrong haha

It does get better but did take me a good few months and if you introduce foods slowly and not a lot at one time your stomach starts to get used to it again

I really sympathise with you, its horrible but know it will get better and acid reflux/gerd is not a very serious illness thing worst thing it can do is stop you eating good food which is pretty serious when you love food like i do but it not going to do you any real damage. I hope when your course of antibiotics is done you will start to feel better but will take time :)

12-23-2013, 07:42 AM
Ye I just want to eat a plain sandwich with just chicken in haha. And everyone at work say 'oh sandwiches are boring' and I used to think that but now I miss it lol.

Everyone says it will take time I'm jst so fed up and getting impatient but my anxiety is probably holding back my recovery.

Iv never loved spicy spicy food but buy but I love more than what I'm eating now :(

12-23-2013, 07:42 AM
Did u ever get the pain radiate round to ur back

12-23-2013, 07:52 AM
Yeah its not easy but you will feel better gradually and you will know when you feel ok to start introduces 'normal' foods back into your diet and yup everything takes time but they do say 'patience is a virtue and the best things in life are worth waiting for' they just forgot to tell ppl with mood disorders/illnesses the waiting seem so long.

But it does get better really im not just saying that i was very bad with anxiety and acid reflux and IBS but i would class myself as really good now, you just need to learn to control it and I dont know if you learn to live with it and it just becomes normal to you or if it actually gets better cant decide but whatever it is it does get better :)

Pains in chest, side, back, throat, metalic taste in mouth, naseua, burning, stabbing, shooting pains .... name it ive had it all with acid reflux usually the burning now more than anything but yes it does it rounds on your body but important thing to remember it is just acid nothing sinister no tropical disease just symptoms of acid reflux intensified by anxiety,

The less you worry, the less the symptoms .... The more you worry, the greater the symptoms - FACT with anxiety