View Full Version : The Holidays..:)

12-22-2013, 12:17 PM
First off, I hope that everyone here (including but not limited to lurkers, trolls, and the fake Boinkers profile I made just to mess with Jesse) has a great Christmas and time with family and friends too. (important, whether you like it or not because it is at least, being social) and it seems that something in common between nearly all of us is, although we may not want to go, attend, or visit anyone, once we are there, then it's a different story. Me included. Not real big on social events but after I'm there and acclamated to what's going on, I can make it fun and entertaining. I just have to keep an "open mind" even though I know my Mother will be drunk, and telling me the same story 23 times. And, my Sis (if she's even there because she's usually pissed off at someone else, for no reason other than the one she has created in her own mind because the people in her life don't act, do, or follow the plans of how this World is supposed to look) will more than likely be sitting in another room alone and if I do try to go say anything to her, she'll say that such and such is such an a**hole...and of course my gf of 8 years will get the same box of chocolate covered cherries that are extremely nasty, because she ate some and threw up in her Fathers convertible Thunderbird in 1969....Ahh, the memories. And of course, some really good daquiri's of lime and strawberry making everyone half loopy and goofy too. Like I am normally.

SOOOOOO glad I no longer have to do the "stay up till 2 am and put toys together" stuff anymore but there were always fond memories that followed the next day. Also something that I learned when my first born was young (now 22) was that even though we would get her 40 different presents, she, and my other two kids, would have more fun playing with a giant box that I would cut a door and windows in, and give them markers to decorate "their play house" inside. It would go on for days afterwards until they lost interest in it. $1000 or more spent, they played in a cardboard playhouse..I've shared that story with many "new" parents before, and they too realized the same..the kids liked the gifts, but loved the box that was free from the retail store...funny.

Now, they're all grown (more or less) with one still here..

I'm sure it'll be a great time, I'm just not going to answer ANY of my phones after noon on Christmas Eve because there are sinister forces out there that thrive on tryin to piss me off, at the most opportune times...X.. (cough, cough, choke..blaaaa)....

Merry Christmas all and make it a merry one too (at all costs)!!! :)

EMan, TAH, Chris.....

12-22-2013, 12:49 PM
Merry christmas Chris I feel the same as you don't want to go anywhere but once I am there I am fine

I love christmas tho and have been getting my daughter hyped up today shouting 3 more sleeps this is the first christmas she understands

12-22-2013, 01:02 PM
Don't forget the milk and dozen cookies that your hubby has to eat though!!! Yum!!

Yes, she'll have a blast at 3 too..

Merry Christmas....:)

12-22-2013, 03:11 PM
Merry Christmas all I never want to go anywhere as I think i am going to hate it. And I do

12-22-2013, 08:08 PM
Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

I'm excited for the holidays, but of course it's always stressful. We're traveling to another state where it's very cold (I live in a desert) so I'm nervous about freezing the whole time... lmao

12-22-2013, 08:17 PM
Merry Christmas Cullingford! Don't hate it, make it un-hateable!

Merry Christmas to you HWWG!!..LOL!....Going to a cold, brutally freezing State?.. It would be way different than the desert for sure... Thank you for reminding me that it's Christmas time too, I had already forgotten now I feel even better. Wear your wool coat!!!...:)

12-22-2013, 08:53 PM
Merry xmas and I do not have to go to anywhere and I will have two people over one grown up one small my daughter with her daughter. Noone will get mean so I hope:))
Everyone have a very happy holidays and control your apatite (I will not do this to myself after slaving over 12 mieals for a Xmas eve) :)

12-23-2013, 02:19 AM
Merry Christmas! It's the first time I will spend the holidays away from my family (7000 miles away, to be exact) and I just suffered a severe anxiety relapse, but I will make the most of it! CHRISTMAS WILL NOT BE RUINED BY MY CHEMICAL IMBALANCES! Hehehe.

12-23-2013, 08:22 AM
Yeah, that's polish thing, I am far away of all believes, but my grandchild is going to have a communion next year so I do this for her, she needs to learn about Catholic way of celebrating xmas. In few years she will chose her ways so grandma will go maybe for short vacation.
The other reason I do the supper at my place; children open the gifts just before xmas supper. lets say at 6 pm so they have an hour or so to open and enjoy the gifts. That's the moment I wait for.
My son is not coming he works on Xmas and he is in different city. Small gathering for sure.
frankie I raised my two children alone, I could not take my hubby bipolar anymore, and it was a pain in ****e when he was coming for xmas. We do everything for kids, to make them happy :)))
I hope you will have enjoyable Xmas. Oh you are from Ireland, I want to see your country it is in my planer:))