View Full Version : Stomach

12-22-2013, 10:45 AM
since about 12 this aft I've had a bit of a sore belly sharp pains fullness and just sore and some of the time it's gone up to my chest giving me pains. I've had a gaviscon but it hasn't shifted. Any ideas??

12-22-2013, 10:57 AM
Its just the anxiety i get stomach pain alot :)

U could have ibs

12-22-2013, 11:17 AM
did you take the lansaprozole the doc gave you?

sam :)

12-22-2013, 11:29 AM
Have u started on the medication?

12-22-2013, 11:45 AM
Peppermint tea is also soothing for the stomach - or ginger tea. I get stomach issues and find they help.

12-22-2013, 02:31 PM
I suffer bad with my stomach every hour of every day and I still havnt found a cure or anything that helps. :(

12-22-2013, 04:18 PM
I suffer bad with my stomach every hour of every day and I still havnt found a cure or anything that helps. :(

i have acid reflux and ibs ... another great gift anxiety left me with :@. so understand what your saying, if i got rid of pain from one the other would flare up but the weird thing is now after having it for like 5+ years, its normal to me, actually think if i didnt feel pains i would panic there was something wrong with me haha oh the joys of anxiety.

My stomach settled down loads when i started getting control of my anxiety tho, as your oeasophagus and gut are the very badly affected by nerves/stress and worry they become v sensitive, there were times i was double over in pain like i had a hot knife in my side with pains BUT just get odd twinges and heartburn pains sometimes now. I take lansaprazole for the acid which helps loads tho, usually i have problems with taking tablets but that i take religiously as know it helps.

Hope your stomach pain settles soon but def if you have days of feeling calmer you should see a big difference in your stomach :)

12-22-2013, 04:30 PM
i have acid reflux and ibs ... another great gift anxiety left me with :@. so understand what your saying, if i got rid of pain from one the other would flare up but the weird thing is now after having it for like 5+ years, its normal to me, actually think if i didnt feel pains i would panic there was something wrong with me haha oh the joys of anxiety. My stomach settled down loads when i started getting control of my anxiety tho, as your oeasophagus and gut are the very badly affected by nerves/stress and worry they become v sensitive, there were times i was double over in pain like i had a hot knife in my side with pains BUT just get odd twinges and heartburn pains sometimes now. I take lansaprazole for the acid which helps loads tho, usually i have problems with taking tablets but that i take religiously as know it helps. Hope your stomach pain settles soon but def if you have days of feeling calmer you should see a big difference in your stomach :)

Ye I didn't get on with them so now on omeprazole. But I'm praying I have this bacteria and that the antibiotics will get rid of it. Iv had anxiety all my life and it was worse that it is now to the point where I didn't leave my house but now I'm still going to work it's just the heavy burning acid feeling it goes all through to my back and I have a phobia of sick and it makes me feel sick so I'm going round in circles. Last night I thought I was going to get food poisoning so had a stressful and horrible night panicking and worrying for 4 hours. I guess today I'm paying for it :(

12-22-2013, 04:38 PM
oh yeah i remember reading your post earlier, i think when you have a bad night i.e not enough sleep anxiety levels def rise so makes your stomach a lot more sensitive.

I actually have no pr with being sick but in reality the amount of times i have actually been sick since being diagnosed and going on lansaprazole i could prob count on one hand, im not sure but i think the tablets actually help when sick bugs or bad food enters your stomach, as i am very rarely actually sick even i feel it with the burning and back pain i never actually am and as soon as i take a lansaprozole i am fine about an hour later.

You maybe know this but make sure you do not take them on an empty stomach, try to take between lunch and dinner i.e 2 hours before a meal to 2 hours after a meal, minimum 1 hour before your main meal and take with a full glass of water maybe will help you see a difference. I made the mistake of taking them on an empty stomach for the first few months and i just felt sick all the time and the pains seemed to be worse but i have been on them over 5 years now and never had any problems really.

Hopefully you will get a good night sleep tonight and feel much better in the morning :)

12-22-2013, 04:50 PM
I never knew that the doctor told me to take one in the morning first thing and at night because I'm on these antibiotics for h.pylori. Ye last night I was a bit scared and worried so today's been tough and I'm run down and full of cold so tomorrow hopefully will be better. I don't know why I'm scared of being sick I've never really known but I have CBT and she tries to teach me that 'if I'm sick then I'm sick so what' but I can't seem to accept that thought coz it's petrifying for me

12-22-2013, 06:08 PM
Hi littleone,
I'm the sam

12-22-2013, 06:10 PM
I mean, in the same, fear of being sick and feeling sick too. I get real bad nausea with anxiety. Are you ever afraid to eat incase you are sick ?

12-23-2013, 04:41 AM
Ye sometimes I am scared. It's taking over my life. But I'm going round in circles coz if I don't eat il get tummy pains and if I get them they make me feel sick. And then I panic and produce more acid I suppose

12-26-2013, 05:11 PM
I have sane problem bad acid reflux n heart burn n nausea I'm so scared now I got a large ulcer I think I'm gonna die

12-27-2013, 02:46 AM
I have sane problem bad acid reflux n heart burn n nausea I'm so scared now I got a large ulcer I think I'm gonna die

I hope you've seen your doctor.

My doctor had me take one over-the-counter Zantac (Ranitidine) in the morning and one over-the-counter Prilosec (Omeprazole) in the evening. Works pretty good.

You MUST give up caffeine and alcohol entirely, NO caffeinated coffee, none. No fried foods or acid based foods. Eat smaller portions of food more often rather than large meals.


Some doctors say NOTHING BY MOUTH, even water, after 5:00 P.M., (or at least 3 hours before going to bed) if you sleep at night. Figure a similar period of time before you go to bed if you sleep at other times.

You need to incline your head and torso, not just your head, while sleeping.

You can infrequently use Baking Soda as directed to neutralize the acid, but you'll burp afterwards due to the Carbon Dioxide that's released in the process. Don't use this too close to laying down to go to sleep, as the Carbon Dioxide may briefly create some reflux.

See your doctor if you have concerns.

12-27-2013, 05:32 AM
He's given me antidepressants now. After I pretty much forced him into it. My antibiotics r giving me stomach ache so I'm going to come off them a bit as yesterday I took them an was in pain.

I don't have any caffeine. I cut that out years ago.