View Full Version : New ideas to break you down?

02-05-2008, 02:23 PM
I was just thinking. The worst thing I can watch on tv, is programs like "dangerous world", or "how to survive the disaster".

I was just watching "Lobstermen" on discovery now, and there was one of the crew who got dehydrated. He allmost died and needed help from the coast guard.

This is a sort of thing thats make me think. Have i drunk enough water today? Am i feeling sick right now?
My friend, who also have anxiety, got attack from the movie "united 93" - the documentary from 9.11.

Does anyone feel the same as me when you watch things like this?

"rare illnesses" on discovery science.. haha.. i have never watched it, and i never will..

02-05-2008, 02:29 PM
I was just thinking. The worst thing I can watch on tv, is programs like "dangerous world", or "how to survive the disaster".

I was just watching "Lobstermen" on discovery now, and there was one of the crew who got dehydrated. He allmost died and needed help from the coast guard.

This is a sort of thing thats make me think. Have i drunk enough water today? Am i feeling sick right now?
My friend, who also have anxiety, got attack from the movie "united 93" - the documentary from 9.11.

Does anyone feel the same as me when you watch things like this?

"rare illnesses" on discovery science.. haha.. i have never watched it, and i never will..

I can't watch medical programs. Not even the fake ones like House where they bring out all the rare diseases. Mainly because all the symptoms sound like things I experience. Bleh.

02-06-2008, 01:17 PM
I never worry too much about stuff I see on TV. It's mostly internet information that bothers me.

02-08-2008, 05:10 AM
I often get panic attacks from medical TV programmes I hate them, I can maybe handle a little bit of scrubs. Used to actually. It freaks me out now. Or articles in magazines. Oh and dont forget me checking my symptoms on the internet discovering it could me MAD COW Disease!! Oh the anony I have put myself through. Worst is that its so real to me and that it scares me so bad. Also if my friends tell me about family they have lost or deaths i immediatly ask how the person died and start checking if I have those symptoms I had brainscans and spent thousands of rands finding out if I am healthy. Its so ridicilous it angers me I wish I was more normal.

02-08-2008, 05:44 AM
you ARE normal. At least for anxiety sufferers hehe
I can watch scrubs with ease, but other medical programs makes me sick.
The only time i got sick from scrubs was when they got a pasient who had heartproblems. And it turned out to be heartace. She had lost her husband or something. And i started thinking with once off course:P

Next time something like this happens to you, write here to tell us! Because, when you write or speak or get feedback, you might see that you are overreacting. Maybe:D

02-13-2008, 08:16 AM
Well i just dont watch tv- i havent seen one show or even looked at the box for more than half aminute -- and i love it!!

I feel wasting life sitting in front of it. Also i have Body Dysmorphic disorder and there are too many triggers in the media on tv for me .. i much preffer the net and a life..

i guess cause in the past most of my life with my folks was organised by what was on the tv..

im happy i can do with out it - it actually even cringes me to glimpse -

i feel much clamer and almost a sense of higher class cause im not consumed watching and waisting... lol.

Got other things better i can do - i preffer the radio by far.