View Full Version : Dazed

12-22-2013, 04:52 AM
Does anyone ever get that dazed feeling? If i'm out shopping even in the house i can't concentrate properly. Its like i'm not in that place, everythings a blur.

12-22-2013, 04:55 AM
Yup that was my worst feeling i HATED that more than anything else, still cant tolerate medications/alcohol incase they give me that feeling.

Make sure you eat snacks quite often and drink plenty off water.

Did you have a panic attack yesterday or today or not get a good night sleep, that was usually when i found myself more bad with that feeling was if i didnt sleep good or had had a panic attack the day before.

sam :) x

12-22-2013, 10:24 AM
Does anyone ever get that dazed feeling?...Its like i'm not in that place, everythings a blur.

Stress and anxiety will cause that, I've had it so much in my life. Derealization, depersonalization, just a few terms to describe it.

Links to articles on Depersonalization/Derealization follow (1st link) and Brain Fog (2nd link) follow.
