View Full Version : What triggered anxiety and what triggers an attack now? ..

12-22-2013, 04:18 AM
Just a bit of gettting to know everyone

At the same time its good to think about when you first had an attack, circumstances around that time that may have triggered it and what triggers an attack now as you may find they are related and be able to establish a control if you know the attack is coming or will come in certain situations.

So here goes ....

I was 22 when i had my first panic attack, I was fit and healthy, was always at my horses, I had good friends, good job altho high pressured and everyone commmented on how i was so laid back i was almost horizontal - my first mistake - apparantely i was like a ticking time bomb, i kept all my stress and emotions inside.

It all came to a head when i spent weeks getting tests for a weird eye disease that no one knew how i got it, doctors found this interesting and used my eyes photos as a study in their lectures, all good for them and my famous eyes lol but all the time all i could think was im going to go blind, then bang my 2nd mistake GOOGLE i had tumours behind my eyes, in my brain the lot, queue my first panic attack, I was shopping with my mum after the hospital and bang within seconds I literally said to my mum im having a heart attack, i could see, i felt out of it, the room was spinning, i remember hearing my mum say relax, relax now im thinking yeah mum relax im bloody dying here how can i relax phone the bloody doctor haha but it passed and i remember being scared to go to sleep that night so for hours i stayed awake and from then on i suffered them almost daily, always had de-personalisation, de-realisation, dizziness and problems getting a deep breath and chest pains which were due to developing acid reflux not long on the back of this.

I had a severe fear of shopping with fear of it happening again, had mostly health anxiety but with GAD, panic attacks. One day I had enough and I got up and forced myself to go shopping, took time but I have it under control now and take mild panics now and again but mainly when i have to take medication as i was left with a fear of taking medicines partly due to the side effects as i worry they will make me feel 'out of it' and i never drink alcohol due to this either but apart from that im ok now.

Hopefully more good news stories or this helps you think about your triggers so you can face them slowly at your own pace, might not work for everyone but facing my fears helped me lots

sam :)

12-22-2013, 04:56 AM
I think my anxiety came to blows cuz ma nan (literally like my best friend) suddenly passed away from septecemia and pneumonia aswel as pulmonary embolism i didnt grieve her death properly i instead stayed strong for my mom and my little girl.

Then in august of this year my little girl underwent a 4 hour operation not that i knew til 20mins before they took er down that she was having the full operation i'd been told that she was just goin to have dye injected into her veins so they was able to get proper images of her thigh and hip bone

So then i googled her procedure as none of the doctors bothered to sit there to me and expalin what they had done to her and read all these horror stories of people developin blood clots and infections from the metal plates that had been inserted so then i was constantly checking her over for any sign then she had to return to school a month after her operation.
Her 1st day at school i took her i was violently sick through what i know now as the anxiety.
Then came all the chest pains and fears and it just developed from there every ache and pain i got was something life threatening

My 1st major panic attack happened when i was going to sleep and felt like there was something suffocating me i was awake the whole night and the attack lasted most of the next day it was horrible :(

So yeah all mine is health based

But i do feel that its slowly getting better i was recently diagnosed with a left haemorrogic ovarian cyst and havent freaked out as much as i would have like a month ago :D

I'm nearly 23 and got a beautiful 7 year old daughter i used to be so care free and strong minded and was always strong for everyone else never exposing how i felt and bottling everything up (big problem)

12-22-2013, 05:08 AM
Sorry to hear about your Nan and I hope your little girls doing good now

Same sort of idea tho bottling up emotions. I remember doctor telling me that keeping emotions bottle up is like a time bomb it needs to release sometime and i always remember joking with one of my staff at work, she was an older lady and could not grasp a new computer system she used to just shout and scream and cry and i used to think geez how has she not got anxiety, turns out she had the right idea by getting her emotions out, i was the one that was wrong lol, lesson well and truely learned, i scream and shout alot more now haha :)

Im not even going to google haemorrogic ovarian cysts, i learned that lesson the hard way too but im pretty sure i know they tend to heal themselves dont they, good for you for not freaking out thats def a good sign :D

12-22-2013, 05:16 AM
Yeah i'm alot more open now if theres something bothering me etc lesson learnt the hard way

Yeah its more than likely to heal on its own alot of women get them without even knowing theyve got 1 ive had the CA-125 test for ovarian cancer and that came back fine :) if it doesnt resolve on its own they'll have to surgically remove it (now that thought scares the life out of me i'm so scared of operations)

Before i had was diagnosed with my cyst my sister got diagnosed with 2 cysts 1 was haemorrogic and the other dermoid she had to have the dermoid 1 removed and that 1 came back cancerous bt luckily they was able to get it all out before it caused any damage to her :D

My little girl is doin really well thank you shes got to have another operation next year but i'll make sure i'm more prepared for it this time round x

12-22-2013, 05:29 AM
Yeah i know that feeling, not so much the operation itself its the being put to sleep that freaks me out, I have issues with not being in control lol.

Fingers crossed it will all heal up on its own, sure it will tho, also it probably helps to know your sister has had one and is ok now to will put your mind at ease a bit.

Glad shes doing good that will be a weight off your mind too :D

12-22-2013, 05:38 AM
Yeah its the bein put to sleep that scares me incase i dont wake up from it even thou everyone in my family includin my daughter and 3 year old nephew have all been fine :)

Yeah it reassuring alot :)

And thank you hun it defos is a weight of my mind :)