View Full Version : Huge shopping fear...

12-22-2013, 03:32 AM
Hello everyone :)

I am going Christmas shopping with my mum and sister today, I was not going to go up until just now. I am really freaking out whenever I go to a shop I start sweating, go dizzy and get myself so worked up I convince myself I am going to faint and think of the worst. Any advice? I would really appreciate a reply before I go...

Thank you... <3

12-22-2013, 03:56 AM
Try to keep chatting to your mum and sister and if you need to get things, make a list of what you need to get, follow the items on the list, go to the shops you need to go to, it gives you a focus point as you will be focussing on looking for those items it takes your mind off the panic

Ive said it in other posts but something that really helped me was argent nit which is a homeopathic treatment for periods of worry, i got it from boots but it really did help me, i was plagued for nearly a year where i would avoid shopping at all costs with fear i would get dizzy and faint but i never did and i found buiding it up, ie making a list of things i needed and going for those specific things along with keeping busy talking to my friends and the argent nit all seemed to help and soon my shopping fear went out my mind and its never manifested again in like 5 years now.

Take it easy and keep your breathing slow and mind focussed and you will be fine :)