View Full Version : some advice

02-05-2008, 01:56 PM
as most people will probably know, a lot of people say that a good diet and excercise are a great way to help anxiety.

well for 4 months i was having attacks most days, in and out of a&e a few time, back and forward to the doctors. well to cut a long story short, i was referred by my doctor to recieve cbt, but i was informed that im on a waiting list and im still waiting lol.

so instead of waiting about i thought about trying out a diet and regular excercise and the difference in me over the last 3 weeks is incredible.
ive had one anxiety attack in those 3 weeks and that was at the start.
to be able to go to work in the morning now not feeling groggy from the diazapam the night before makes such a difference and i find myself being able to relax more.

i still get the odd fluttering in my chest now and again but it just seems to go away, where as before, that was the warning for me that i was about to have an attack. my doctor seems pleased with my progress but shes keeping me on propranolol for just now. i wanted to come off them but she recommends that i stay on them for the time being.

just a little update from myself and i hope the diet and excercise might be of use to some other people.

02-05-2008, 02:08 PM
It's working for me too. I am on week 3 now (no caffeine, vitamin supplements, regular slow release carb meals) and I'm finding that it really helps ease the physical symptoms I was experiencing (shakes, jitters, cold shivers). Now I feel in a better position to start addressing my negative thinking.

02-08-2008, 05:23 AM
If you have anxiety do you have to get fluttering on your chest? I dont I get hot and cold chills and tightness and nausea. Is it normal to not get fluttering in your chest or heart palpitations?

02-09-2008, 04:39 PM
I've found exercise really helps too. I joined a gym and try to go at least 3 times a week. A lot of doctors are now "prescribing" exercise to their patients as one of the methods of tackling it.