View Full Version : In a pickle and need help in a hurry :(

12-21-2013, 11:43 PM
Hi all, this is my first time reaching out and I need some advice.

In July this year I had a bad fall in a public place, whereby I hurt my back. Since then I have gradually noticed 'head shaking' and stress when speaking in a group of people - getting worse.

I work for child protection and on Friday I was hit in the head by a ball by a child from a family that I was supervising a contact with. The contact did not go well, as I was abused as well. I think I may have received a slight concussion and whiplash from the event.

On Saturday I had to work and on the way to the client's house I had what I would consider a full blown panic attack. I couldn't turn my neck without head shaking and blurred vision, I was hyperventilating, sweaty palms, palpitations and I was so scared that I was going to pass out while driving.

The help in a hurry I need, is that I am working tomorrow with the same family that I had on Friday. I'm terrified that I will have a panic attack again. I intend to see a doctor sometime this week, but this contact occurs tomorrow.

I have a headache, I'm shaking, and I feel like throwing up. :( Does anyone have any tips to prevent another panic attack for tomorrow?

12-22-2013, 12:23 AM
I hope you can see a doctor soon! If you think it really was a concussion, you should be able to take a day off work and see a doctor. Your work sounds very important, but so is your health.

To prevent a panic attack, you might want to relax/de-stress before and after work as much as you can. Take it easy, and use a hot/cold pack on your neck. If you feel yourself hyperventilating or having heart palpitations, physically make yourself breathe slowly -- take long, deep breaths, and your body will be forced to slow down. You will get through it, your body can't remain in a full-on panic attack for very long. If possible, walking around or doing something physical can help to burn off the adrenaline.

Being afraid of panic attacks only contributes to the cycle. I know it's WAY easier said than done, but try to accept that it might happen, and if it does, you'll be okay.

12-22-2013, 12:37 AM
meds: doxylamine. If you're in America, easy to find. If not, I don't know as vitamins are illegal in some countries.
It's the "sleep-aid" in the night time cold meds..you just want that one part of them.
It'll calm you down enough to make through this situation or until you see the dr. for something else...

12-22-2013, 12:43 AM
Thanks hiswaywardgirl. I'm thinking about seeing the doctor before work tomorrow if I can get in. I can't work feeling like this. :( I'm stressing about stressing out!!

12-22-2013, 12:50 AM
I think I may need a prescription here Endur...but I will be on the doctor's doorstep in the morning. After careful though, the way I am right now, I am not only putting myself at risk, but the kids I supervise. My boss is going to have such a terrible time/day trying to replace me, and knowing that adds to my stress.