View Full Version : recently diagnosed

12-21-2013, 10:22 PM
Hi! This is my first time here so here I go..
Last month I was diagnosed with social and situational anxiety. At first it didn't mean anything to me, but now I've been thinking about it more and it makes me depressed to know that i have these "labels", that I'm part of a statistic. Has anyone else felt this way before? I'm a positive person but lately life has just been hard and my anxiety has been awful. So I guess my question is, how can I turn these diagnoses into something positive? I want to overcome this! Anything inspiring or advice would be greatly appreciated.

12-22-2013, 02:42 PM
Yeah they have to categorize/describe types of anxiety to better understand it and treat it. Like anything else really. Some types respond to various treatments, etc. It just describes the way anxiety manifests itself in your case. Alankay

12-27-2013, 01:53 AM
Hey :)

I've also been recently diagnosed, and I know exactly how you feel. However, knowing I have these things is also good for me in a way: it lets me know that this isn't *me*, and that the reasons I feel and act the way I do are not down to me being a freak; they're curable, and many other people are going through the same thing. Plus, it also allows me to stop, take a deep breath and say "No. This is just my anxiety." in many situations, that doesn't work; but in many others, it helps me to feel a little better, as if I can control it almost.

Also, talk to your friends and family about it. Not too often, and not in a whiny way, but just make sure that you let the people who you care about and who care about you know what you're going through so they can help you, and you can help them understand. I've found that quite helpful, and people are being really supportive :)

Also, if you push yourself a little every day to do something that takes you even a little out of your comfort zone, you can reward yourself afterwards, even just for trying. That helps me a little bit, too.

And also, what alankay said; theses labels are just a way of helping you understand it better. YOU are not labelled "anxiety", the feelings you're having are labelled "anxiety". And that isn't necessarily a bad thing, trust me ^__^