View Full Version : hyperventilation (OCD trigger warning)

12-21-2013, 04:16 PM
Hello, I haven't posted here in a while, because for a time I thought I was getting better, but something has just been causing me so much anxiety lately and it's just really killing me, and I'm really scared to talk about it because I think it's a big trigger warning for people with OCD, so I would suggest you stop reading this post right now if you can be easily triggered, but I just don't know where else to turn...

I think this started about...2 months ago, but ever since that day, I have been constantly focused on my breathing, and I can't stop. Like, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I am consciously making myself breath in and out. I worry that I'm not breathing right since I'm FORCING myself to do it, that I'm not getting enough air, that I'm getting TOO much air; things like that. I don't really know if this is hyperventilation, because I'm not breathing really fast, or breathing in a paper bag or anything like that, but it's just so incredibly annoying. I feel like I have conditioned myself to focus on my breathing so much, that if I stop thinking about it, I'll stop breathing. I know this is incredibly irrational, but I cannot stop thinking about it.

This actually happened to me years ago, when I was about 17 (i'm 22 now). It lasted for a few months, and then just went away. But now it's back, and it's like...how do you stop thinking about something that you constantly have to do to keep alive? My therapist suggest going for jogs, so I've been doing that. That only increases my awareness of my breathing though, and causes me to panic. Occasionally I will forget about it for maybe an hour if I am busy with something, but then it just comes back.

Does anybody have any info about this? I don't know if this is more anxiety or more OCD related, but it just seems like it will not go away. The harder I think about it, the worse it gets.

12-21-2013, 04:27 PM
It sounds quite like Sensorimotor OCD...

I had a very very similar thing to what you've described. Lead to a lot of symptoms. I was always an OCD guy, so that was to be expected.

Have you ever been given that disgnosis?

12-21-2013, 04:33 PM
I actually had this when i first started having panic attacks, especially when i was driving, i would continiously go to my doctor and tell him i cant get a breath but its actually one of the many fab symptoms of anxiety and of acid reflux but thats another story lol.

First of all think of it this way, many people are actually told to do breathing exercises to relax, so try to use your increased breathing focus to calm yourself rather than to panic yourself by doing some breathing exercises to relax yourself.

Also, think, when you are sleeping you are not focused on your breathing yet you still wake up every morning ok yeah?

And, even if someone did stop breathing ie hyperventilation if you passed out your body would start to regulate breathing on its own again when the episode passed, so its pretty hard to really hurt yourself by not breathing properly.

Try to keep your mind active, get plenty of sleep, water and exercise def will help.

Hope you feel better soon :)

12-21-2013, 11:56 PM
Hello, I haven't posted here in a while, because for a time I thought I was getting better, but something has just been causing me so much anxiety lately and it's just really killing me, and I'm really scared to talk about it because I think it's a big trigger warning for people with OCD, so I would suggest you stop reading this post right now if you can be easily triggered, but I just don't know where else to turn... I think this started about...2 months ago, but ever since that day, I have been constantly focused on my breathing, and I can't stop. Like, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I am consciously making myself breath in and out. I worry that I'm not breathing right since I'm FORCING myself to do it, that I'm not getting enough air, that I'm getting TOO much air; things like that. I don't really know if this is hyperventilation, because I'm not breathing really fast, or breathing in a paper bag or anything like that, but it's just so incredibly annoying. I feel like I have conditioned myself to focus on my breathing so much, that if I stop thinking about it, I'll stop breathing. I know this is incredibly irrational, but I cannot stop thinking about it. This actually happened to me years ago, when I was about 17 (i'm 22 now). It lasted for a few months, and then just went away. But now it's back, and it's like...how do you stop thinking about something that you constantly have to do to keep alive? My therapist suggest going for jogs, so I've been doing that. That only increases my awareness of my breathing though, and causes me to panic. Occasionally I will forget about it for maybe an hour if I am busy with something, but then it just comes back. Does anybody have any info about this? I don't know if this is more anxiety or more OCD related, but it just seems like it will not go away. The harder I think about it, the worse it gets.

I have been going through the same thing!!! I have a crazy fear that I will stop breathing and it is driving me crazy! I know it is irrational but I can not get my mind off my breathing! I don't know what to do. Let me know what works for you :)

12-22-2013, 12:09 AM
I'm prone to this, as well. "Exposure therapy" has been helpful... putting myself in situations where I'm very aware of my breath and can't ignore it. Like doing calm yoga videos where the instructor tells you when to breathe. Anytime I'm not busy, I start overthinking what my body is doing (my heart beat, breathing, etc.), so forcing myself to slow down and be aware of how it's functioning has helped me become less paranoid. It can be very uncomfortable... but it pays off!