View Full Version : blood clot scare continues

12-21-2013, 01:20 PM
hi all after being scared of a bloodclot in my leg 6 days ago im still worried, however the pain seems to be more in my knee,now the other leg is abit ache aswell, no swelling redness or anything visible, just so scared of dyin before christmas. would i have real symptoms now after 6 days? any reply welcome,taking over my life :(

12-21-2013, 01:35 PM
Not a blood clot bruh! And, to be honest with you in my own opinion even though I'm not a Dr.....I seriously doubt that a blood clot, causing a bump, on anyones leg, is really a blood clot at all because they travel through the arteries which aren't anywhere near the surface of a lower leg...So, NO!.. Yer not going to die this year, maybe when you're 84! (from what I have heard through my elder friends and family, people have had trouble with clots don't see them, there are other symptoms, including being over 70 years old...at least)...

Achey knees, everyday here brotha...take some tylenol and focus on the upcoming Holiday with fam and friends...

Re-focus time Andy! :)

E-Man, The Anxiety Hunter (Jesse came up with that, I like it!)...

12-21-2013, 01:43 PM

What makes you think you have a blood clot? have you recently had surgery? or is there a family history of DVT or clots? or are you taking medication that can cause clotting?


Have you been doing any strenous exercise, or anything that could have strained a muscle in your leg or knocked it in any way?

I am no doctor but i think your anxiety is probably creating the symptoms, the funny thing with anxiety is if you think you have something and read about the symptoms the symptoms usually will appear. Usually with clotting it would start below the knee or in your thigh and even if you had DVT in your knee you probably would feel pain in your knee it would be more in your leg and most definately there would be some redness, swelling and heat coming from that area and you would probably have trouble putting weight on the leg.

You could take a visit to your doctor to calm your nerves theres no point in working yourself up over it thats what doctors are there for despite them more than likely hating us anxiety suffers but hey ho we got to do what we go to do to keep ourselves from more panic eh.

I dont think you have anything to worry about but if its going to spoil your xmas go see your doctor to make sure but its prob a pulled ligement of some sort.

Hope you feel better soon :)

12-21-2013, 04:40 PM
no medical issues or family had any problems, been to the doctor he said my leg was fine felt it and no swelling, i get twinges all over my leg but its around the knee thats worse, it cracks and pops when i move it, no redness or swelling or heat, feels uncomfortable to stand on but not really painful,theres no real pain just more of an ache, thanks for your kind words

12-21-2013, 04:53 PM
No problem

You could have some cartilidge damage but im pretty sure its not a blood clot and if your doctor says its ok it more than likely is.

By any chance did you read symptoms of blood clots on google? if you did try something when you feel more relax, think of that same pain more up your leg or in your other leg for example? see if you start to feel the pain in that place. If you do start to feel it then you will know its most likely anxiety manifesting these symptoms of what could be a simple pulled muscle or cartilidge damange not a blood clot, maybe it will relax you more, its maybe worth a try :)

I hope you feel better soon but try not to worry yourself as, as long as you worry the pain will stay, its one of the many joys of anxiety, if you think you have something your body will mimic mental symptoms but not the physical which would explain why you dont have redness or swellign or heat that would normally accompany DVT/Blood clot.

Hope you feel a little more calm and your knee pain gets better :)

12-21-2013, 05:03 PM
no medical issues or family had any problems, been to the doctor he said my leg was fine felt it and no swelling, i get twinges all over my leg but its around the knee thats worse, it cracks and pops when i move it, no redness or swelling or heat, feels uncomfortable to stand on but not really painful,theres no real pain just more of an ache, thanks for your kind words

I had virtually the same thing over a month ago and scared myself to death over it. I even posted on here about it. I had swelling around the knee area....no redness or heat.....more of a dull ache. My doc, knowing my anxiety issues had me go for an ultrasound but told me beforehand that she could almost guarantee that nothing would be found...and she was right. I had pinched a nerve and that was causing my issue. It resolved not too long after that. They do have a blood test ( ddimer) that you can take to determine if you have a blood clot as well. I think you are probably fine but maybe you could take the blood test just to put your mind at ease.

12-21-2013, 05:14 PM
ive got no visible swelling my leg seems bigger than my other but its my stronger leg so im sure than normal,and it hurts when i apply pressure to the outside of my knee,im starting to convince myself.my girlfriends felt it and she said she gets the same when she traps a nerve. so just trying to convince myself its not that, my doctor looked at me in total amusement that i thought i had a blood clot, and if i went to the hospital id feel bad considering people are actually ill, and im just being daft. would you think after nearly a week id have more obvious symptoms? thanks

12-21-2013, 06:05 PM
ive got no visible swelling my leg seems bigger than my other but its my stronger leg so im sure than normal,and it hurts when i apply pressure to the outside of my knee,im starting to convince myself.my girlfriends felt it and she said she gets the same when she traps a nerve. so just trying to convince myself its not that, my doctor looked at me in total amusement that i thought i had a blood clot, and if i went to the hospital id feel bad considering people are actually ill, and im just being daft. would you think after nearly a week id have more obvious symptoms? thanks

Definitely you would. Im telling you, its probably a trapped nerve. A pinched nerve. That's exactly what I had. Give it some more time....seriously. ....don't worry.

12-21-2013, 06:10 PM
its kind off and off too, and i can feel it sometimes but not as much in the other leg, be glad when its back to normal well until i find something else at least

12-21-2013, 09:15 PM
its kind off and off too, and i can feel it sometimes but not as much in the other leg, be glad when its back to normal well until i find something else at least

Yep....i hear you. You just have to believe you are fine now.....go enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!!!!!

12-22-2013, 03:11 PM
just a little update, went to the a+e (er) today, the doctor checked my leg and says theres no blood clot and no symptoms, the pain seems to be coming from around the knee, didnt even seem the slightest worried never offered me a blood test or anything, but 2 doctors and my whole family and friends say its nothing everyone has aches and pains, think its time i gave it up and moved on, thanks everyone for replies means alot!!!

12-22-2013, 04:00 PM
just a little update, went to the a+e (er) today, the doctor checked my leg and says theres no blood clot and no symptoms, the pain seems to be coming from around the knee, didnt even seem the slightest worried never offered me a blood test or anything, but 2 doctors and my whole family and friends say its nothing everyone has aches and pains, think its time i gave it up and moved on, thanks everyone for replies means alot!!!

Im glad you saw the doc and got the reassurance you needed!!!!!!

12-24-2013, 07:03 AM
Still scared I could be the one in a million that the doctors mis examined etc. I didn't even have pain to start and just always assumed it would be my left leg because its bigger than my right so my brain seen it as that one and now iv got aches and pains that come and go in that leg but mostly around the outside of the knee and behind the knee. Keep thinking I wish is of begged for a ddimmer but the normal person inside me says how many people have achey lega right now and are not even worried. I wouldn't of thought anything of it before a anxiety. On the good side I have a cold and normally my breathing would be rubbish and be worrying about it but because my legs got my attention ny breathings totally normal for a change. 2 doctors totally dismissed it and family keep shouting at me telling me to man up. Aah I hate anxiety and all of its behavior