View Full Version : Scared..

12-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Lately my health anxiety has been really bad. I know it sounds silly but i keep thinking i'm not gonna make it to Christmas..

12-21-2013, 12:51 PM
Do you have choice of ailment you prefer?

12-21-2013, 02:49 PM
Every day its something different, it never ends. Such a vicious circle..

12-21-2013, 02:59 PM
I had/ still have to an extent health anxiety and at its worst everyday i would think something bad was going to happen and all that really happens is you panic yourself so much you actually either create symptoms that are not there or you start to google (PLEASE AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS) i know its very tempting but just dont do it coz all it does is give ideas and when your in a panic state ideas become reality.

You are right it is a viscious circle coz your minds telling you feel something so your body starts to mimic those feelings.

Go somewhere quiet, sit upright and really concentrate on your breathing, think of something you enjoy, picture that and concentrate on slowing your breathing right down and you will feel your heart rate coming down, when you feel relaxed, you need to start rationalizing whatever thought it was you had. Then go to do something you enjoy to take your mind off it completely.

i.e how many times have you had a feeling something bad was going to happen ... and how many times has it happened? ... your still here today so im guessing none. the more you can calm yourself and rationalize your fears the less intense the feelings will become until they virtually disappear from thoughts everyday and will become intermittent when you are v tired or stressed but as soon as you can control it the feeling do go away.

Hope this helps a little. Sam :)

12-21-2013, 03:54 PM
I had/ still have to an extent health anxiety and at its worst everyday i would think something bad was going to happen and all that really happens is you panic yourself so much you actually either create symptoms that are not there or you start to google (PLEASE AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS) i know its very tempting but just dont do it coz all it does is give ideas and when your in a panic state ideas become reality.

You are right it is a viscious circle coz your minds telling you feel something so your body starts to mimic those feelings.

Go somewhere quiet, sit upright and really concentrate on your breathing, think of something you enjoy, picture that and concentrate on slowing your breathing right down and you will feel your heart rate coming down, when you feel relaxed, you need to start rationalizing whatever thought it was you had. Then go to do something you enjoy to take your mind off it completely.

i.e how many times have you had a feeling something bad was going to happen ... and how many times has it happened? ... your still here today so im guessing none. the more you can calm yourself and rationalize your fears the less intense the feelings will become until they virtually disappear from thoughts everyday and will become intermittent when you are v tired or stressed but as soon as you can control it the feeling do go away.

Hope this helps a little. Sam :)

Thank you Sam. There worst thing I do is google it straight away, I try my hardest not to but I just can't help myself. I can't really go somewhere quiet cause I have a baby which is making me more worried cause I want to be there for her & not feel like this. Even if I do something I enjoy the thoughts are always in the back of my mind, which means I can't relax. What did you do to get rid of the health anxiety?

12-21-2013, 04:13 PM
I focussed on my breathing and I started to break down my thoughts - i had health anxiety and genaralized anxiety, so I would stop myself going out with fear i would get dizzy or faint or worse, so i started rationilising my thoughts, i had been panicking for things for over 2 years and nothing had happened to me except i was starting to ailenate myself from the things i enjoyed and from going out with friends, so i faced my fears with a little help from a homeopathy remedy called argent nit, i went out shopping and i told myself your not going to get dizzy, theres nothing wrong with you stop being silly and i went that whole day without a panic, i realised then that i was actually creating my own symptoms and as soon as you can realise that and break the circle, you learn to control your fear.

The worse thing about anxiety is the irrational fear coz it doesnt matter how much people tell you theres nothing wrong, if you feel there is then there is as your body mimics symptoms of what you read. I actually sat one day and read all the side effects of a tablet i was taking and even tho i had had no side effects before i started developing sickness and vertigo, that was when i realised i was actually controlling how i was feeling and it took time but i worked on it from there, its not easy but it really does get better, when you can actually tell yourself stop being silly, take a time out and breathe and rationalise what you are feeling, the cycle breaks and you get control back.

Like i said i still have it slightly, i panic when i have to take medicines i dont know but i just take it on impulse then slow my breathing to stop the panic setting in as i know its coming.

You will get there, just please stop googling as it does not solve anything like i said you could test yourself now if you look at the symptoms of something you will prob develop them soon, so best if you are worried about a symptom ask on here, you will get a rationale answer and you can try to calm yourself from there :) x

12-21-2013, 04:34 PM
I focussed on my breathing and I started to break down my thoughts - i had health anxiety and genaralized anxiety, so I would stop myself going out with fear i would get dizzy or faint or worse, so i started rationilising my thoughts, i had been panicking for things for over 2 years and nothing had happened to me except i was starting to ailenate myself from the things i enjoyed and from going out with friends, so i faced my fears with a little help from a homeopathy remedy called argent nit, i went out shopping and i told myself your not going to get dizzy, theres nothing wrong with you stop being silly and i went that whole day without a panic, i realised then that i was actually creating my own symptoms and as soon as you can realise that and break the circle, you learn to control your fear.

The worse thing about anxiety is the irrational fear coz it doesnt matter how much people tell you theres nothing wrong, if you feel there is then there is as your body mimics symptoms of what you read. I actually sat one day and read all the side effects of a tablet i was taking and even tho i had had no side effects before i started developing sickness and vertigo, that was when i realised i was actually controlling how i was feeling and it took time but i worked on it from there, its not easy but it really does get better, when you can actually tell yourself stop being silly, take a time out and breathe and rationalise what you are feeling, the cycle breaks and you get control back.

Like i said i still have it slightly, i panic when i have to take medicines i dont know but i just take it on impulse then slow my breathing to stop the panic setting in as i know its coming.

You will get there, just please stop googling as it does not solve anything like i said you could test yourself now if you look at the symptoms of something you will prob develop them soon, so best if you are worried about a symptom ask on here, you will get a rationale answer and you can try to calm yourself from there :) x

I see, well done you! Hope it keeps up for you then.

It all started 6 years ago when my mum passed away 3 days after Christmas at only 38, i was 14. I just took in my stride, me being only young until about roughly 3 years ago then BOOM! This panic attack from nowhere came over me! I had no idea what it was, I literally thought I was dying. I phoned an ambulance etc, found out it was a panic attack. I never left the house for weeks as I would take one as soon as I left the door. I felt so alone in a dark place I never knew. So i plucked up the courage to speak to a doctor about it. I constantly kept running to the doctors about every little thing I found wrong with me & after so many meds they eventually sent me to see a pyschologist. She taught me about fight & flight which helped me an awful lot & taught me how to deal with panic attacks but I was always embarrassed to tell her about my health anxiety. Apparently this was all related to my mum dying & was basically like a delayed reaction. Now i'm not on meds or seeing anyone about & its getting out of control. I just want to make sure I'm going there for my daughter & boyfriend without worrying 'am i going to be okay today'. So about my life story lol.

12-21-2013, 04:35 PM
Sorry* not so lol

12-21-2013, 04:46 PM
Thanks, yeah ive been ok for nearly 3 years now, touch wood, odd attack now and again but not even half as bad as i had.

Yup i had all that too, i swear my doctor started to hate me lol but maybe if you feel its gone to far its time to take a visit back to yours before it gets to out of control. I still take propanalol every day for my anxiety and im sure i will be on it for life now as its a beta blocker not sure if it does anything now but when my anxiety was at its worst it took the edge of the panic which i think helped me get the control i needed.

you may want to try some homeopathic medicines first see if they take the edge off your worry, like i said argent nit worked v well for me and there are others too, if you feel like you know how to get control over your panic attacks maybe these would help to calm you enough for you to relax and do somethign you enjoy and try to rationalise what you are thinking is wrong with you.

And keep telling yourself you have had these thoughts for how long..... and has anything happened in that time .. nope ... so is anything likely to happen..... not really

Reality anything could happen to any one of us at anytime but its trying to forget that and enjoy life not worry about what might happen ....... oh the joys of anxiety eh!!

Hope its given you something to think about or helped even just a tiny bit. Sam :) x

12-21-2013, 04:55 PM
Thanks, yeah ive been ok for nearly 3 years now, touch wood, odd attack now and again but not even half as bad as i had.

Yup i had all that too, i swear my doctor started to hate me lol but maybe if you feel its gone to far its time to take a visit back to yours before it gets to out of control. I still take propanalol every day for my anxiety and im sure i will be on it for life now as its a beta blocker not sure if it does anything now but when my anxiety was at its worst it took the edge of the panic which i think helped me get the control i needed.

you may want to try some homeopathic medicines first see if they take the edge off your worry, like i said argent nit worked v well for me and there are others too, if you feel like you know how to get control over your panic attacks maybe these would help to calm you enough for you to relax and do somethign you enjoy and try to rationalise what you are thinking is wrong with you.

And keep telling yourself you have had these thoughts for how long..... and has anything happened in that time .. nope ... so is anything likely to happen..... not really

Reality anything could happen to any one of us at anytime but its trying to forget that and enjoy life not worry about what might happen ....... oh the joys of anxiety eh!!

Hope its given you something to think about or helped even just a tiny bit. Sam :) x

Yeah i think my doctor is getting sick of me too. She must see me & think aww not again lol. I was on propanalol at the beginning aswell. Been on a few different meds, trial & error but had to come off as i fell pregnant. I have the doctors again on Monday so I'll see what she suggests thia time. I'll also have a look at homeopathic remedies. Thanks alot for your help Sam :) it's helped me a good bit! You just feel like you're the only person in the world with it!

12-21-2013, 05:05 PM
No problems anytime, i know what it feels like, its like fighting a loosing battle and no one understands unless they have it so we are all hear to help each other :D

Let me know how you get on at doctors but the homeopathic stuff worked for me, dont know if its more of a placebo effect but hey it worked lol, anxiety is all in the mind after all :D x

12-21-2013, 05:08 PM
Yeah it defo feels like a loosing battle. But your right, people who feel the same are here to help & talk about things. I'll let you know how things go :) x