View Full Version : pains

12-21-2013, 11:37 AM
ever had this pain before, I was in the shop felt abit sick so had a chewing him and decided to leave. when I got outside I took a deep breathe and got a painful pain in the middle of my chest like pressure and deep pain :/ it's aching now? any ideas? also does anyone's anxiety come on at night? I can feel ok during the day then at night I get more pains than ever and yesterday I couldn't sleep much kept waking up thinking something was gonna happen to me does anyone get nights like this?

12-21-2013, 11:45 AM
Its normal for anxiety to get worse on a night as there isnt anything to occupy ur mind

Also your chest pain could br costcondritis which is nothing to worry about :)

12-21-2013, 11:46 AM
do you get it more after you eat or when you are haven't eaten in a long time ie stomach empty? usually chest pains are commonly anxiety as we all know but can also be gastric reflux ie too much acid in stomach, usually it accompanies anxiety as the gut is more sensitive,, try some gaviscon (or similar) see if it helps then you will know.

12-21-2013, 12:45 PM
thanks dweeb what's costcondritis? Xx I get it more on an empty stomach sam I will try some thanks. I got given tablets for it lanzoprazole x

12-21-2013, 01:07 PM
do u still get chest pains daily since they've settled and have u noticed somedays there worse than others. mines mainly in the left and centre :(

I get them now and again but only slightly compared to what they was!

Costochondritis is inflammation of the cartilage in the chest bone its nothin to worry about ibuprofen should calm it down :)

Did try and private message u but said ur inbox was to full x

12-21-2013, 01:08 PM
yup lansaprazole is for acid reflux, i know coz thats what i take, i got it not long after my anxiety started so been taking them for like 6 years now and they do really help, make sure you eat little but often and the pains should go away.

Sam :)

12-21-2013, 02:10 PM
Ive tried to message u bck again bt its sayin that ur inbox is full again

12-21-2013, 02:30 PM
Any side effects sam? I haven't started on them yet but going too tomorrow. hoping they help my chest pain

12-21-2013, 02:40 PM
try to take them at least 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating and you will have no problems, do not take them on a very empty stomach or leave it too long to eat after you take coz it can make you a bit light headed but even then nothing for panic because as soon as you eat you will feel fine.

Part of my anxiety is a major fear of taking medicines of any kind as i cant handle feeling different from side effects but these tablets literally are a god send especially when taken as directed ie 1 hour before/2 hours after food, you will have no problems.

They will help your chest pain definately, altho be prepared for excess gas to start with (sorry but its a fact lol but will settle) and try to change your diet so you eat little but often i.e eat every few hours but just small portions it really helps with acid reflux, its nothing to worry about its more of a pain than anything but you will learn what upsets your stomach and what doesnt as you go, everyone is different, like i can take spicy food but i can take most fruit coz its too acidic etc ..

12-21-2013, 02:51 PM
I've been given propanolol and lansoprazole which is for reflux but not took any yet as scared of side effects lol, stupid I no x

It aint stupid hun and dont think like that i was the same an alot of people were the same aswel :)

Propranolol is fine hun takes a lil while to work but after that its ok:) also try and get a anti-depressant like sertraline as that rele helped me :)

Just have a go at takin them tomorrow dont think of the negatives just think ow much better u'll feel in urself when the tablets start to work :) x

Had to post on ere as my inbox is full and not sure how to delete them on my phone lol x

12-21-2013, 03:06 PM
oh thats exactly what i take

I take propanalol after i eat breakfast in the morning (again dont take on an empty stomach)

Then i tend to take my lanzaprosole about an hour before i eat my dinner

I have had no problems with either altho it did take me like 3 months to start taking propanalol coz i made the mistake of reading the leaflet (please do not do that) fact is the dose of propanalol you were given im assuming is 40mg? if it is it is a very low dose, infact people who are about to take there driving tests/exams etc are given it to calm them down if they have been to there doctor to say they are worried so please do not be scared to take it, you can still feel panicky on it but it stops the actual attack until it settles into your system usually 4 to 6 weeks to regulate in your system but its nothing for worry and this is coming from the biggest worry wart when it comes to medication so really you prob wont even feel any different just a little more calm. :)

12-21-2013, 03:09 PM

Ive always taken my propranolol on a empty stomach and start gettin really bad abdominal pain an suffering with constipation could this be why?

Ive had abdominal scan and everything was fine apart from a cyst on ma left ovary and had inflammation blood tests and they came back clear i have been diagnosed with IBS

12-21-2013, 03:27 PM
I would take it with food and try it, i cant take it without food i tried it once and felt v light headed and had stomach cramps

but to be honest your abdominal pain and constipation is more than likely from IBS, unfortunately IBS and Acid Reflux tend to follow anxiety disorders are they are both linked to digestions and the gut so the feelings of panic/worry make your gut more sensitive hence the intro of IBS or Acid Reflux or if your really lucky like me BOTH :/

Did the docs give you something for IBS? coz i found the tablets are pretty useless, drink loads of water and try to reduce your dairy intake, avoid eating to much wheat/ breads and pasta and drinking caffeine and increase your fibre intake, fibregel does help after it regulates but i found increasing my water intake helped lots so if you do not drink a lot of water try that too. Should help with the cramps and constipation :)

12-21-2013, 03:31 PM
Yeah she gave me colpermin which i find doesnt work at all :(

I do try and drink a litre of water a day bt then i'm bad for eating bread what foods should i try to eat more of?

12-21-2013, 03:45 PM
How bad can your IBS be? And where in the abdominal area do you get it?

12-21-2013, 03:45 PM
I can tell you whats best to avoid

Dairy Products - cheese, milk, some yoghurts
Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Brocolli ... some fruits, apples, nectarines, cherries etc
Spicy Foods, Creamy Foods
Onions and Garlic
Coffee, carbonated drinks

These things will all reek havoc on your stomach but the best thing to do coz everyones stomach reacts differently is keep a food diary, when you eat something if it causes you pain you can learn to elimate from your diet. its all trial and error im afraid but to be honest most things irrate my stomach with IBS and acid if i followed all the instructions i would be living on eggs alone lol im sure my stomach has adjusted to most things since i first got IBS and acid reflux as only occasionally do they really bother me now.

Hope this helps a bit :)

12-21-2013, 03:48 PM
Thank you for the advice its helped alot :)

12-21-2013, 04:00 PM
no problem. Just be careful with fibres as most people tell you to increase your fibre intake but there are two different types of fibre.

In-soluble fibre like the ones in some of the foods to avoid shown in the list above as in-soluble fibres in normal guts they produce a laxative effect and are considered healthy fibres however with IBS sufferes they do not digest easy in the gut which can trigger IBS symptoms

Soluble fibres are what you want to look out for like oatmeal, oranges, strawberries etc, if you google it you will get a list of soluble fibres.

And if i have an IBS flare up it tends to be very low abdomin i get it in, especially in the mornings i feel it. sam :)

12-21-2013, 04:05 PM
Thank you for all this information :)

Its really helpful :D

And yeah mines in ma lower abdomen aswel mostly right sided really gets me down sometimes cuz i always think of appendicitis :(

Bt i will try to eliminate certain foods and add new 1z and hopefully make a difference.

Once again thank you i appreciate it this is the most info ive had on IBS even the doctor didnt explain it to me just gave me the tablets

12-21-2013, 04:18 PM
Oh yeah i know that feeling, when my anxiety was at its worst (health anxiety) i had it as appendicitis, chrones disease, ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts ... all with the help of google lol thats why google +anxiety = VERY VERY BAD IDEA lol.

But if you watch carefully you will see when you pass gas or go to the toilet the pain will subside, it is trapped wind that causes the pain, sometimes it can even go into your back slightly, you could try fibregel its pretty good, can buy over the counter its just soluble fibre you add water to and drink, just takes like diluted orange juice/lemon juice its not that bad really and it might help.

Sam :) x

12-21-2013, 04:30 PM
Yeah i used to google everything i dont do it anymore as it just made my anxiety a whole lot worse and i'd end up with every symptom that i read lol.

Awwww ok hun thank you i'll try that :D x