View Full Version : First day back at work. ZERO ANXIETY.

12-21-2013, 10:20 AM
Last night was my first night back at work in a month. I had been dreading the night for the entire month. Having panic attacks and bad OCD over it. Well, I went in and made it through the night with no anxiety at all. I think work actually helped to take my mind off of my current anxiety and OCD problems. Thanks to all for the great advice and help. I'm still struggling but overcoming that first day back is over .

12-21-2013, 10:24 AM
Yeah!! This is another great story and Congratulations bruh!! :D

12-21-2013, 10:32 AM
Thanks. Really appreciate it.

12-21-2013, 10:37 AM
Well Done!!!

Your very right, at the time doesn't feel like it but actually trying to keep a routine going is the best way to start over coming anxiety especially work coz it keeps you busy, i used to find i was ok at work most of the time but if i didn't have plans to go out or if there was no one home at night thats when i was most bothered with anxiety as i had most time to think and

Thinking + anxiety = major overthinking, irrational fears = NOT GOOD lol

So good for you for taking that step, hopefully its the first big step of many to you getting control of anxiety :)

12-21-2013, 11:00 AM
Well done man!

Winning once makes it much easier to win next time.

Few success stories going around right now; you, jkb, Ashlee13x, kris123

You know it's Xmas!

12-21-2013, 11:12 AM
Well done mate, really chuffed for you :) Keep it up :)

12-21-2013, 11:25 AM
Well done!

Few success stories going around right now; you, Frankie, jkb, Ashlee13x, kris123!!!

You know it's Xmas!

YAY!!! So happy for you all!! :)

12-21-2013, 11:33 AM
Really nice work. You faced your demons and won. I am worried about going back to work after what will end up being 2-3 weeks off, but I know it will have to be done and I'll just focus on doing my job.

The build up as we all should know is the worst thing about it all, our anxiety subconscious builds up worries from nothing, but you got yourself to work and realised how quickly your anxiety calms down when your CONSCIOUS realises there's nothing any longer to worry about.
The little anxiety demon then crawls back into his cave to return another day, the battle was won, and you are winning the war!

12-21-2013, 12:09 PM
Really nice work. You faced your demons and won. I am worried about going back to work after what will end up being 2-3 weeks off, but I know it will have to be done and I'll just focus on doing my job. The build up as we all should know is the worst thing about it all, our anxiety subconscious builds up worries from nothing, but you got yourself to work and realised how quickly your anxiety calms down when your CONSCIOUS realises there's nothing any longer to worry about. The little anxiety demon then crawls back into his cave to return another day, the battle was won, and you are winning the war! The saying is defiantly true. The worrying about an event or outcome is much worse than the actual event itself. For the past month I have been terrified of going back to work. Worried all day and night. Now that the first night is over and done with I have NO anxiety about going into work tonight. I normally have to take an Ativan the moment I wake up, it's been over 13 hours since my last one. I hope this is the first step to feeling normal again. I couldn't have done it without this forum and all of its fantastic supporters though. What a help this forum has been. Thanks to all.