View Full Version : Just a rant..it helps me.

12-21-2013, 09:33 AM
Hey friends,

So, first off, Congratulations to JKB for his HUGE strides since his arrival here on the 13th. (Don't say a word Jesse03, curse has been lifted)..I really admire his efforts and he is very inspiring to me and hopefully all of you as well.

Next thing, I had mentioned in one of my post that my State was expecting a flood of severe proportions, days ago.

I had my Father, and my girlfriend over yesterday to make them aware of this potential threat, and also what they needed to do to prepare for it. I gave them both exactly 12 hours lead time.

My Father went and bought the kerosene heater, kerosene, and also purchased enough food for two full days and removed anything from his basement that would be damaged, lost, destroyed, if it was under 2 feet of water...He did everything I told him to do.

My girlfriend just called. She has 6" of water in her basement already, and raw sewage. It is expected to rain here for another full day, it has only just began.

She said that all of her childhood pictures are already ruined, and all of her and her two kids laundry is in the sewage.

She did absolutely, nothing. She said.."I forgot".....She is now in a panic, my Father is taking a nap.

Maybe I'm being selfish, you tell me, but her sudden EMERGENCY could have been prevented, and I do not feel that her emergency constitutes any sort of emergency actions on my part...ALL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANS WERE LAID OUT, 3 TIMES FOR HER ALREADY...

Thoughts???? Please, if you will...This is a real question.

Thank you in advance,..


12-21-2013, 09:52 AM
1. She is a woman ..... its pretty much in the rule book, if a man tells you to do something, most of the time we don't do it, but if we tell a man to do something, they better do it lol!

2. You are her man .... its in your rule book to look after her

3. The easiest option for you is to not brag and say i told you so (that will fuel a fire you dont want lit) and just say 'ok dear'/ 'yes dear' and go to help her, that keeps you in the good books and stops arguments.


4. If you are anything like my husband you will want to let her know your told her so and she needs listen to you more - fyi this will go in one ear and out the other and make more of a problem that doesnt need to be made

So yup def go for option 3 and take emergency action to help her haha :)

12-21-2013, 09:55 AM
I would like to side with her being a woman an all BUT she was told and I have no sympathy for people who don't take advice or precautions

I agree it def could have been prevented before this even it what dose she want you to do now?

In my own opinion your in your right

12-21-2013, 10:01 AM
Oh gawdddddd....(sigh)...
1. When she called, I refrained from saying "I told you everything that you needed to do"...I just sighed, and said let me call you back instead after she told me about her pictures, and also did what I call "jumping off the edge of the planet" analogies and saying that it's going to be $3000 to clean it up, fix everything, everything is ruined, yadda yadda bla bla, and told her that we'll just "mop it up ourselves once the plumber arrives to stop the flooding, get some de-humidifiers, let it dry, then clean it with strong germ killers so shut the f**k up about the $3000!!!)....
2. Then, I hung up....
3. I know the theory if YOU tell US to do something that we better do it, but if WE tell YOU to do something, there is some other sort of Protective Universal Code that which doesn't enforce a damn thing....WAAH!....wa.

ohhh geeezzzzeeeeeeeeeEEEEE.....

Thank you Sam. Much appreciated friend.

Any others that may shift this abit in my favor????LOL!

E-Man...grrrrrrrr :/

12-21-2013, 10:05 AM
I would like to side with her being a woman an all BUT she was told and I have no sympathy for people who don't take advice or precautions

I agree it def could have been prevented before this even it what dose she want you to do now?

In my own opinion your in your right

Yes, thank you WM!

This is a tough call (because just as you stated, I said to NOT touch the HOT POTATO or you'll get burned,..and she did it anyway) metaphorical analogy...

AND> A huge part of my internal problem is that I don't have sympathy for people who ignore sound, and solid, advice and then it comes back to bite me in the a**...but I'll go buy food for homeless people with great sympathy..Does that make any sense at all???

E-Man...a very torn E-Man.

12-21-2013, 10:30 AM
Oh gawdddddd....(sigh)...
1. When she called, I refrained from saying "I told you everything that you needed to do"...I just sighed, and said let me call you back instead after she told me about her pictures, and also did what I call "jumping off the edge of the planet" analogies and saying that it's going to be $3000 to clean it up, fix everything, everything is ruined, yadda yadda bla bla, and told her that we'll just "mop it up ourselves once the plumber arrives to stop the flooding, get some de-humidifiers, let it dry, then clean it with strong germ killers so shut the f**k up about the $3000!!!)....
2. Then, I hung up....
3. I know the theory if YOU tell US to do something that we better do it, but if WE tell YOU to do something, there is some other sort of Protective Universal Code that which doesn't enforce a damn thing....WAAH!....wa.

ohhh geeezzzzeeeeeeeeeEEEEE.....

Thank you Sam. Much appreciated friend.

Any others that may shift this abit in my favor????LOL!

E-Man...grrrrrrrr :/

Haha just making sure you had read the rule book ;)


In a way i am on both sides thats how i roll lol

If i was on your side then you would go deal with it your way, which i am assuming is possibly a way that would prob cause an argument, more stress and then both you are pissed off .... just a guess by the fact you are asking the best way to deal with it haha

but with my way you get to say i told you so but you are helping so really win win coz, no unecessary arguments, no further stress = you both are happy :D

12-21-2013, 01:43 PM
Yes Frankie!

Here was the "compromise" I came up with....
1. Tell the plumber nevermind..(save $165.00 service call)
2. Type an email explaining in detail, what needs to be done to stop the water.
3. Copy it for her 19 yr old son to read, follow, perform.
4. Copy the link pages of exactly what 2 tools he needed. and where to get them. and how much they were.
5. Have 19 yr old son, do this work, and pay him something to do it. He was happy as heck about the idea....
6. And send in an email (because it does no good to speak words aloud) that once he does these few things as DIRECTED ON A PIECE OF PAPER, then I'll tell him how to dry it up, and mop the whole thing with what chemicals....


Total cost: Approx $300...and a happy 19 yr old with some money in his pocket and a sense of self worth (no job)...not $3000!

She is now happy, from the devastation....

And I am getting my damn car fixed now too.. Win Win FTW!!! :)

12-21-2013, 01:48 PM
YES!! It worked all around..and I didn't have to tredge around in raw sewage..YIPPEE!!!! :)

(yes, what a sucky a** deal but,...you know what I was going to type here).....

12-21-2013, 01:50 PM
Sounds like a good compromise and everyones HAPPY :)

12-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Yes Sam, it did at the time considering she b****es about her son sitting around all the time and not doing anything that she asks him too...That's why I hung up on her, needed "mancave" time to process it. 15 minutes later, I got her plan....get her boy up, out, shopping, working, cleaning..YAY!!! I hate poop anyway!!! LMAO!

12-21-2013, 02:08 PM
HAAHA!! The new pic is compliments of Jesse...Awesome!!

I love the mancave, but to this day, even if I use 10,000 words, I still can't explain the purpose of it to my gf...she just turns blue in the face. LOL!

I can make solid plans, real fast, when I step out of drama and into the confines of that mancave..:)

12-21-2013, 05:16 PM
Oh gosh....raw sewage........I'm just gagging reading that. Well, I too would be fighting the urge to say I told you so....but its your girlfriend, you gotta help her out in some way. When the situation has been resolved then I would say.....next time...it might be a wise idea to take the advice....

12-21-2013, 05:20 PM
Thank you Lisa!

Yes, I avoided that situation entirely...nasty!!

Even if I did say, "Maybe you should listen to me sometimes" then her reply would be "Are you saying that I'm stupid and retarded then?"..LMAO!

Maaayyyybbbbbeeeeeee....he he


12-21-2013, 06:02 PM
Thank you Lisa!

Yes, I avoided that situation entirely...nasty!!

Even if I did say, "Maybe you should listen to me sometimes" then her reply would be "Are you saying that I'm stupid and retarded then?"..LMAO!

Maaayyyybbbbbeeeeeee....he he


Here would of been my answer to that question:

0_o. Silence.


12-21-2013, 06:21 PM
HAHA!! Everytime I'd ever said anything like that, I was the ONE that got into trouble...even though HER photos are ruined!!!....I can not win that one. Nope!

12-21-2013, 08:02 PM
HAHA!! Everytime I'd ever said anything like that, I was the ONE that got into trouble...even though HER photos are ruined!!!....I can not win that one. Nope!

Lol...works pretty darn well for me over here. Silence speaks volumes........