View Full Version : My Weekly Progress with Anxiety and Medication (Citalopram and Prochlorperazine)

12-21-2013, 07:47 AM
Hello everyone. Enduronman encouraged me to make a post about how I've progressed, he has helped me a lot this past week (thank you, friend) and has been so pleased with my progress that he believes I should share to show just how good the world can be again :)

Here's the story, I'll break it into parts so you can choose what info you want to read.

For the past 2-3 years I have suffered with intermittent chest pains, never knowing quite what was the issue, the feelings would change from stabbing heart pain, to pressure, through to my back, even affecting my ribs etc, and making things like breathing, swallowing, difficult at times.
I had EKG, blood pressure, and chest x-ray. I admitted myself into A&E one day because I thought I was having heart palpitations. This was the early days of it, the scary days where I had no idea. Of course; everything came back FINE.

When my chest pains became very hard to cope with, I decided I needed to just take it upon myself to change my life around, because no doctor could seem to help me. So I within 6 months form late 2012 to early 2013 stopped smoking, changed my diet, went to the gym 3 times a week, stopped drinking alcohol so much (and when I did, only had vodka + fruit juice as I was trying to clean bulk). For 3 months, I never felt better, literally was on a high every day. I didn't have that much going on in my life, I just focused on my gym and keeping healthy, and I loved it.
Then I injured my back, herniated disc, and had sciatica for a couple months and couldn't walk properly for most of that, physic got me out of that awful phase but ever since then I have gone downhill.
I finished my uni year last year and moved back home for summer, hanging around with my friends and I began smoking again out of pure boredom, unable to exercise (one of the things that keeps me focused) etc. I had a very dull and boring summer spent doing nothing of any value, I wasn't depressed just bored!
Early summer I was given amytriptyline for intense insomnia.

So I then come back to uni for my final year, and life goes from boring to busy every day, got a new job and last year uni work so feeling the pressure of all that. I went to the doctor after I started having panic attacks just walking in the street. I was nearly in tears in the doctors office from the sheer stress that my mind had developed for me. I also had one counselling session at my university, it was in fact just a intro session where they just listen to my issues and get an understanding, just trying to explain myself brought me to tears. I told her I don't even know why I'm sad, and angry, and frustrated.
Around the same time at the docs I was given amytriptyline again, I suppose because I've been on it before, in the hope that it would help me deal with the attacks etc. It gave me slight relief, but did not last.

On monday the 9th I went into my work to hear the news that one of my co-workers had committed suicide over the weekend prior. This set me off into a panic state, and although I managed to get through the work day mostly in shock but I was calm. After that the next days I was having an attack every time I eat food.. it was racing around my head for sure intensely for the next few days.
I went to the docs, my new GP as I had to switch, and I told him that I can't cope anymore, I told him that my heart was racing just casual walking to the doctors office and sitting in the waiting room. He said he agrees that not being able to do normal things is not right and agreed to help me.

And so it began, my new Medication:
I was prescribed Citalopram 10mg. I don't remember much of what he said, I was in a bit of a state, but I later came to the knowledge that the 10mg is typically an introductory dosage to the medication. You see it takes time for your body to get used to it, things are rewiring and chemicals are changing in your brain.
The doc told me that it will get worse before it gets better, to be prepared for that.
The typical dosage of this is 20mg, which at around the 2 week stage I may go up to depending on my progress as of then.
I began my first dose on 13th Dec, took it later in the evening and went to bed. I immediately had a slight attack, purely from panic expecting the med to do something, it races around your head and you overthink things, as we all know!
The following day I woke up very early, I felt positive because I had strong hopes in it. After eating at around 12PM, I immediately began to feel something coming on, like an attack, but stronger. I ended up getting straight into bed, listening to calming apps to calm my anxiety fuelled state. I knew then that my anxiety had sky rocketed overnight, I felt terrible. The worst side effect I suffered was a burning skin sensation, yes that is what can happen, but I knew it was just a side effect as I gave it a quick google and found out, its your brain having trouble with nerve and senses due to the changes going on in there.
Luckily for me it has only occurred that once, all I had to do was calm myself down, then sleep (I was exhausted having not slept much so I had a good nap!) for a good 5 hours.

The next couple days were difficult to get to sleep, migraines at night and restlessness after taking the pill. I took it between 8-10, its likely better to take it earlier than this because I felt a 'boost' for a couple hours after taking it, and I end up not being able to sleep.

After I got over the night migraines, and restlessness, which I did - I then dealt with nausea. I felt constantly sick, like I had a stomach upset, but I was never close to actually vomiting, just that ill feeling deep in the stomach reaching up to the throat. My stomach churned for a few days after beginning the meds too.

From fri 13th to Thur 19th I dealt with mixed feelings, anxiety going slightly up at random times, and having depressive days and then having completely enlightened positive days. It's a weird mix, you just have to push through!
On thur 19th I went to the docs, and told them I literally have no appetite, and this nausea feeling constantly. He immediately prescribed me with Prochlorperazine. This drug is used for many things so I have discovered, it is good for nausea but also has application for psychological problems, and goes hand in hand with Citalopram.
I was prescribed tablets of 5mg, to be taken 3 times a day. After taking just 2, I already began to feel better in my stomach, and with much less nausea.
I can also report that the added benefits of this drug has made me feel even better than with the Citalopram alone.
The prochlorperazine is temporary fix for my nausea whilst my body gets fully used to the Citalopram as the doc told me, so hopefully when I come off the prochl' I will be fully used to the cital.

I will be having another week of relax, over Christmas and off work, and then I will consult again with the doctor to discuss whether I need to up my dose of Citalopram to 20mg. The likelihood is yes I will, as I am to understand that 20mg is the standard dose, however if I am progressing well enough on 10mg then it may be that I don't need to go up to 20mg because it may mean that I don't really need it and then be on a double dose for no reason and it be more difficult to eventually come off the meds altogether.
I am worried about going to 20mg, to have to deal with intense anxiety effects again when the dose is upped and my body isn't getting used to it. We will see what happens.

Final Words..

Take your meds. Most people cannot cope without medication, your brain lacks chemicals that are needed to be fulfilled by meds, just like vitamins, its no different!

Find positivity in each moment you can, it will guide you day to day to keep fighting. (I went to the shop by myself and didn't freak out, I AM AWESOME! - Trust me it works!)

I am about a week into my medication, and yesterday I truly felt brilliant, today I don't feel AS brilliant, but good enough to share this post and hope that you understand the positive message and feel the positivity from me in the simple fact THAT IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED, YOU WILL!

DO NOT let the anxiety control you, you CONTROL IT! I have spoken to a lot and tried to help people over this week, helping others and helping myself by doing so, and a lot of people are still battling with deciding to take the control back, I'm not saying you will even have the control yet, but you have to decide that you want to take it for yourself again, and once your mindset is there, everything else is so much easier.

Finally, I do not have anxiety problems as bad as some of you, I had mild anxiety issues compared to a lot of you who have things like agoraphobia etc, truly awful things, I have hints here and there but they are small enough for me to not make a big deal about them, and forget that they even bother me, and then I can push past it. I'm saying this because I realise everyones at different levels, and different stages, but my message is the same: change your mindset, learn to fight anxiety, not to be scared of it and "avoiding" it. It is the best way.

(I'm probably going to edit this so it makes sense and is helpful enough for all - I will update again with my end of 2nd week progress update!)

12-21-2013, 07:48 AM

Its Wed 1st Jan. Happy New Year everybody.

Tomorrow I am GOING BACK TO WORK. Huzzah. I'm travelling from my mothers back to my flat/city where I study and work as yes I do feel a hell of a lot better, much greater than before I started my medication, much better than when I started taking the medication and that week of up and downs. I now genuinely feel like a normal person.

I've been taking Citalopram perfectly ever since I began them. The prochlorperazine I haven't took perfectly for reasons as: Alcohol. Of course over this christmas period I have had a few occasions (last night bend one of them, happy new years hangovers everybody ;) ) where I want to drink some alcohol, and so I have taken my prochlor typically only one early in the day, and missing out the later two of my dosage, and taken my citalopram earlier in the day when I know I'm going to be drinking. And of course always eating in between all meds, and before drinking, I call it giving the meds a "buffer". I'll take one pro tonight too, but that will mean only two in two days.
The main reason I'm on the prochlor is for nausea which is pretty much gone completely from my system, but I'm of course still taking the prochlor till I run out of them. I may be having added benefits from the prochlor because of its many uses, but for now I do not know, and from a bit of research and the leaflet in the packet drinking with prochlor is best avoided so that's what I've been doing, creating a lot of hours and meals between alcohol and taking prochlor as well as the citalopram.

SHORT ANSWER: MUCH BETTER peeps. :) I'm normal again. I feel more normal in many ways than I ever did, my SLEEP is incredible. I don't think I knew what proper sleep was, until now, I fall asleep at 12-1 and I get a solid 8-9 hours, and wake up feeling really refreshed, and have good energy levels until later in the evening when I get tired like a normal person. Before I swear my brain was on overcharge constantly, I could be wired 10am-4am easily.

I spoke to one of my GPs(the one back home at mothers) and he was confident that I can go back to normal life, and that I should stay on the 10mg of Citalopram for now. He doesn't want to up my dosage? THIS IS IMPORTANT, WHY? The reasons he gave me which were sound: 1. I'm MAKING PROGRESS on just 10mg of Citalopram. and 2. I had SIDE EFFECTS on the citalopram. (WHICH? - Burning skin sensation (this mainly happened during the first few days of my heightened anxiety), and the nausea). If I was to UP my dosage my side effects could get more severe, or more could occur, and I'm actually making good progress on 10mg, so why would I up it?
Until I get to a stage whereby the 10mg is no longer being affective for me then I'd have to look into upping the dosage with my docs advice. But for now all I know is I'm doing much better, I'll be on 10mg of citalopram for at least 6 months because the benefits will only increase over time as the chemicals in my brain adjust (drugs like citalopram take anywhere from 2-6 weeks for initial results to show, I felt I was lucky as within 2 weeks I am vastly much better, and anywhere up to 2 months to reach full optimum).

So there you have it. If you have any questions or need advice being in similar situation/medication/whatever then go ahead!

12-21-2013, 08:18 AM
Well said!!

Thats what got me through my severe anxiety, i learned to control it not to let it control me!

I'm glad your doing good on your meds, hopefully its all starting to get better for you and well done for taking control thats the hardest step :)

12-21-2013, 08:30 AM
Way to go! Sounds like you're making good progress. I, too, am trying to take control. Live in the present. And accept the anxiety as it is. It definitely a day by day thing and no matter how hard we try, there is nothing we can do about it. So, we have to accept it for what it is. It's a positive step in the right direction.

12-21-2013, 08:39 AM
Lovely words from you all. I'm glad my experience and words can be enlightening for you in any way and hope that it helps you. I will continue to share my progress, because I know that I will overcome it entirely one day, and I want to show people that they can do it too.

12-21-2013, 09:12 AM
That made me all teary eyed...thank you and you're very welcome dear brother. Also, Congratulations on these new, positive, forward steps and successes!! We are all proud and I am inspired as well.

Spectacularly well done...:D

E-Man.. (Christoph lol)

12-21-2013, 11:27 AM
That made me all teary eyed...thank you and you're very welcome dear brother. Also, Congratulations on these new, positive, forward steps and successes!! We are all proud and I am inspired as well. Spectacularly well done...:D E-Man.. (Christoph lol)

Cheers Chris. You've been a huge support for me genuinely.
Happy health.

12-21-2013, 01:45 PM
Well done mate take one day at a time and keep up the good work.

12-23-2013, 07:32 AM
On Saturday I had a few cans of lager with my friends. That day I only took 1 of my prochl' (and my cital early in the day) and didn't take anything until the evening yesterday. Just making sure alcohol had mostly got out of my system.

I took my cital and a prochl around 6 yesterday at the same time, just after eating a pizza to myself (my appetite has come back mostly now). Just a word of warning is don't do this, I have experienced now that the best procedure in taking meds and eating is to whenever you're gonna take a med, plan it so it's half an hour at least after you've had something to eat (meals preferably, but even a snack so your body has something else to feed on!), and don't take pills one after the other in succession.

Yesterday eating a large meal and then taking two pills straight after made me feel crap, I had a slight anxiety attack and my skin started to feel like it was heating up again, I managed to calm myself down but feeling bloated from a meal makes it so much worse, I came down from it within an hour.

I've had slight stabbing chest pains since yesterday morning, it would appear because of not being regular with my medications which had stopped it completely until then, plus the alcohol massively reduces effectiveness of your meds.

It's the holiday season so I'm sure as you all are, I've been trying to plan my meds around drinking alcohol which for me will be Xmas eve and New Years at the least this holiday season, just be prepared to make timed choices on when to take meds and when to drink and when not to drink. Always leave 6 hours between before drinking to take meds including a meal, and the following day wait until the evening after eating properly. Just the slightest bit of alcohol sent me the wrong way and everyone needs to prepare for that to happen, and if you can't cope with it then you shouldn't be drinking, there's still plenty of merry ness and joy to be had.

My two cents on alcohol + meds!

12-23-2013, 08:29 AM
Great advice and glad that you're now eating "large meals" when on the 13th until a few days ago you weren't eating at all!! Success J!!

E-Man :)

01-01-2014, 03:53 PM
Hey guys. Just updated the two week placeholder with how I'm doing right now. Going back to work!
Click here to go straight to it:

Ask me anything you want if you need advice being similar, whatever! Much love y'all.

01-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Hey guys. Just updated the two week placeholder with how I'm doing right now. Going back to work! Click here to go straight to it: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?23729-My-Weekly-Progress-with-Anxiety-and-Medication-(Citalopram-and-Prochlorperazine)&p=136073&viewfull=1#post136073 Ask me anything you want if you need advice being similar, whatever! Much love y'all. Great news! So happy for you! Best of luck with your return to work. I'm sure you'll be just fine!

01-01-2014, 04:19 PM
Been reading through your thread jkb.

Nicely played sir. Nicely played.

01-01-2014, 04:39 PM
Been reading through your thread jkb.

Nicely played sir. Nicely played.

Haha thank you. You gotta tell that anxiety to do one!, y'know!?

01-01-2014, 08:20 PM
Hey guys. Just updated the two week placeholder with how I'm doing right now. Going back to work! Click here to go straight to it: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?23729-My-Weekly-Progress-with-Anxiety-and-Medication-(Citalopram-and-Prochlorperazine)&p=136073&viewfull=1#post136073 Ask me anything you want if you need advice being similar, whatever! Much love y'all.

Glad you are feeling better!!! I am going back to work tomorrow after being off for a few days for the holidays. I have been anxious all day thinking about it. I hope you have a good day tomorrow! Let me know your tips on staying positive about going back to work.

01-02-2014, 03:59 PM
Glad you are feeling better!!! I am going back to work tomorrow after being off for a few days for the holidays. I have been anxious all day thinking about it. I hope you have a good day tomorrow! Let me know your tips on staying positive about going back to work.

Hey :) Thanks.

I had my first day back at work today. Pretty straight forward! Now I'm just absolutely knackered! And my shifts are only 5 hours ha! But 5 hours straight on the telephone gets tiring having to talk nice for so long ha.

I had my "back to work" meeting, and was just really open about my issues and whats been going on, my manager was very understandable and everyone who I've spoken to has been and welcomed me back, its such a busy place that I just slipped right in without too much fuss, doesn't make it better does it when people fuss. I'm now trying to get my work days reduced, by instead of working 4 days, instead working 3 just longer shifts, it's stressful for me to work 4 days and then uni another 2.. so if I can do 5 days and have two days off like normal people I'm sure it'll help me more.
It's important to be very open about your anxiety!

I felt a little anxious walking to work, sure, but I got there, went straight up to my manager and said "Hey! Look who's back!" and just kept a smile on my face. I was genuinely happy to be doing normal things again. But I AM knackered! Nice long sleep tonight.

Not sure what other advice I can give but any specific questions ask away. All I can say is be proud when you do go back to work, it's a fucking milestone!

On saturday I'm going to a memorial service for the girl who died at my work recently (somewhat part of what sent me into extreme anxiety problems).. that'll be a bit of a test. She was called Lily. We're all taking a lily in her memory.

01-02-2014, 07:23 PM
Hey :) Thanks. I had my first day back at work today. Pretty straight forward! Now I'm just absolutely knackered! And my shifts are only 5 hours ha! But 5 hours straight on the telephone gets tiring having to talk nice for so long ha. I had my "back to work" meeting, and was just really open about my issues and whats been going on, my manager was very understandable and everyone who I've spoken to has been and welcomed me back, its such a busy place that I just slipped right in without too much fuss, doesn't make it better does it when people fuss. I'm now trying to get my work days reduced, by instead of working 4 days, instead working 3 just longer shifts, it's stressful for me to work 4 days and then uni another 2.. so if I can do 5 days and have two days off like normal people I'm sure it'll help me more. It's important to be very open about your anxiety! I felt a little anxious walking to work, sure, but I got there, went straight up to my manager and said "Hey! Look who's back!" and just kept a smile on my face. I was genuinely happy to be doing normal things again. But I AM knackered! Nice long sleep tonight. Not sure what other advice I can give but any specific questions ask away. All I can say is be proud when you do go back to work, it's a fucking milestone! On saturday I'm going to a memorial service for the girl who died at my work recently (somewhat part of what sent me into extreme anxiety problems).. that'll be a bit of a test. She was called Lily. We're all taking a lily in her memory.
I'm so sorry to hear about your coworker. That is so sad :( that is since that you are all bringing lilies.

I am glad you had a good day at work today!! Keep it up :)

01-02-2014, 08:10 PM
OMGEEEE!!! This is awesome bruh!!!... Congrats J....


01-07-2014, 11:30 AM
So yeah hello again all. Quick update. I try and drop by when I can but my life as soon as it normalised it became busy and back to the busy life style again! But I am coping very well :)

So yeah I went to the memorial service for Lily on saturday. It was beautiful, hundreds of people all paying their respects for a wonderful girl. Of course I felt nervous on my way there etc but I feel like I have closure myself for it, it was one of the big things that set me off down my awful road to anxiety hell for a while before christmas.

I'm now just on my citalopram, 10mg a day! Going to go get my next prescription for it tomorrow. Keeps me dandy :D I worked 3 days straight and whilst it is tiresome and tedious work I get through it like any normal person and come home and chill!

I've been doing some filming today of myself, you see I had a project for university that I had actors for and all but then I fell ill with anxiety hell and I couldn't do it. So I've took it upon myself to finish this project by changing it completely and making a short film/video about Anxiety!
It's going to be an abstract (artsy) view on what it is like to have a rush of anxiety and panic, I'm just going to show how I felt when it was at its worst in a silent film style and hopefully you will all be able to relate to it in some way. I should have it finished by the end of the week and I will share it here with you guys :)

But as I edit, I'm watching myself 'act' out anxiety/panic, and its stressing me out a bit haha I have a massive headache in the back of my head now. I think I've just been staring at screens too much today! My eyes are tired.

Hope everyones doing well.

01-07-2014, 11:45 AM
Sounds like good news overall bruh! Thank you for coming back and checking in too, it means alot for us to see successes and to hear about successful medications too...Keep the forward progress going dude! It's amazing what you've accomplished in 30 days.....

E-Man.. :)

01-07-2014, 11:55 AM
Well done :). I'm
Also on citalophram. Positive vibes for me cx

01-07-2014, 11:58 AM
Yes Cara,

Go back to J's beginnings..and read this thread. He has really gone a longgggg way in a short time.

So will you!!!....:)

01-07-2014, 12:23 PM
Way to go! Your progress is inspiring. I've been increased to 30mg of citalopram by my GP. I'm hoping some great improvements over the next few weeks. Although, I've been coping well, I was still struggling, especially in the mornings. Good and bad days...so, hopeful for more good than bad in the coming weeks.:)

01-07-2014, 12:38 PM
Yay Kris ^^^^^^ http://www.pic4ever.com/images/999.gif

01-07-2014, 12:42 PM
Yay Kris ^^^^^^ thanks E-Man....your enthusiasm is contagious!!

02-13-2014, 01:05 PM
Hello all. Very quick update, I've been planning on making a bigger update and I will do soon I promise. In the mean time, here is the short abstract silent film I created inspired by how my anxiety attacks can build up and strike. I hope you can relate, it makes me feel weird watching because it actually gives me slight anxiety because I feel like I nailed how it feels, at least for me. So be warned it may be uncomfortable to watch, probably not but just a disclaimer haha.


I wanted to do more work on it but haven't had the time. Busy busy. Will update more soon, hope everyone is doing well so far this year. Love to you all.

02-13-2014, 01:33 PM
Thank you for stopping back in bruh!! It gives us hope that we too will succeed...Blessing J!


02-13-2014, 01:37 PM
Hello all. Very quick update, I've been planning on making a bigger update and I will do soon I promise. In the mean time, here is the short abstract silent film I created inspired by how my anxiety attacks can build up and strike. I hope you can relate, it makes me feel weird watching because it actually gives me slight anxiety because I feel like I nailed how it feels, at least for me. So be warned it may be uncomfortable to watch, probably not but just a disclaimer haha.


I wanted to do more work on it but haven't had the time. Busy busy. Will update more soon, hope everyone is doing well so far this year. Love to you all.

Very moving video and great job btw too bruh,,,glad to see you're still moving forward and getting your life back in order!...


02-13-2014, 02:20 PM
Hello all. Very quick update, I've been planning on making a bigger update and I will do soon I promise. In the mean time, here is the short abstract silent film I created inspired by how my anxiety attacks can build up and strike. I hope you can relate, it makes me feel weird watching because it actually gives me slight anxiety because I feel like I nailed how it feels, at least for me. So be warned it may be uncomfortable to watch, probably not but just a disclaimer haha. Video Link: www.youtube.com/embed/O02Axb0VHQg?rel=0 (www.youtube.com/embed/O02Axb0VHQg?rel=0) I wanted to do more work on it but haven't had the time. Busy busy. Will update more soon, hope everyone is doing well so far this year. Love to you all.

Wow!!!! The film is AMAZING! I didn't realise you had made this yourself at first (I thought if was something from an awareness organisation or something ) You should think about sending the link to some of them!

02-15-2014, 04:44 PM
Awesome video! Great job!

02-16-2014, 02:12 PM
Amazing film and fantastic that your feeling so
Much better :)

02-16-2014, 02:43 PM
Wow that is amazing and kinda scary. Sums up how I feel when anxiety strikes

02-16-2014, 02:49 PM
Nicely done! :)

02-20-2014, 07:41 AM
Thank you all! For your kind comments, in glad it accurately represents those feelings which are impossible to explain to anyone without the condition.

A quick update:
I am doing much better in life in general. I have some bad days/moments but I never quite have an attack and can pull myself out of getting close more easily.
Usually things set it off like being very tired, or sometimes after I eat my heart rate elevates to digest I suppose possibly the food I have just eaten is too high in sugars or etc which increases my heart rate and my anxiety is a dose of health anxiety for my heart but I have to just chill out and wait it out.
Sometimes on the train I feel weird. And I even still have moments of instant depression where I think things like "what is the point of it all", "if rather just die right now". Very heavy thoughts but it's activated from completely random moments where I'm tired etc and I think if I have feelings like this then what is the point of living to better myself when all I get is this feeling of absolute chaos raging inside.
Luckily this feeling is only ever temporary and it does go away and doesn't send me Into total crippled state of mind.
I'm still on 5mg of citalopram, if these feelings do continue to arise now and then I will consult doc about getting something extra to take during those periods but I feel like the 5mg has done a lot for me so far and it's supposed to get increasingly better up to 3 months or so, so progress could still be ongoing.

I go to the gym 3x a week again which makes me very happy and I try and eat well. General life changes into positivity helps a lot with anxiety as I have previously mentioned probably.
Releasing endorphins through exercise is helpful to stabilising natural tandem in the mind. It's very important and I advise it to everyone with the condition.

I'm in my final term of uni so there's a lot to do and I work part time as well but keeping busy keeps my mind busy, but in the same way doing too much can stress my mind out and send me into a poor state.
I look forward to finishing uni and finding a job where i only have to concentrate my efforts Into that one output. Having work to do when you're at home is stressful, it's always in your mind that you have something to get done, it doesn't help.

If anyone has questions I will answer based on my experiences. I love you all individually and as a whole, I'm here to help as I am a relative success story of overcoming anxiety through sheer force and will and determination which is very important to overcome it, like quitting smoking etc it takes will power but you have to WANT to overcome/get better. Sometimes we don't even have that privilege because the anxiety monster has taken over in the noggin', it's a war with it. I also call it the anxiety gremlin, it sucks away at positivity and leaves behind sadness, identifying it is important to then battle it.

Max mar
02-20-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi I'm so pleased to hear of your progress! I have only been on this forum a short amount of time but your story interested me as I have just started on citalopram. My main issues are physical digestive pain. I started taking the meds two days ago 5mg at nighttime. Felt ok yesterday but had a bit of nausea first thing but that went pretty quickly, today I have felt awful!! Nausea all day just like morning sickness and random stomach pains.

I'm tempted to go to the chemist and get those meds the dr have you ( think they do them OTC at boots) but do you think I should consult my dr first? I've got a two year old to run around after all day so probably won't be able to get to Drs till next week n can't cope till then! I'm tempted to stop taking the citalopram as I just can't be in this way physically and keep all happy and smiley for my boy.
I was planning on upping my dose to 10mg but at this rate don't feel like I can be on it at all! God I hope it gets better. My health anxiety tells me that it's poisoning me and I should stop! Really fighting with myself today!

02-20-2014, 10:31 AM
Hi I'm so pleased to hear of your progress! I have only been on this forum a short amount of time but your story interested me as I have just started on citalopram. My main issues are physical digestive pain. I started taking the meds two days ago 5mg at nighttime. Felt ok yesterday but had a bit of nausea first thing but that went pretty quickly, today I have felt awful!! Nausea all day just like morning sickness and random stomach pains. I'm tempted to go to the chemist and get those meds the dr have you ( think they do them OTC at boots) but do you think I should consult my dr first? I've got a two year old to run around after all day so probably won't be able to get to Drs till next week n can't cope till then! I'm tempted to stop taking the citalopram as I just can't be in this way physically and keep all happy and smiley for my boy. I was planning on upping my dose to 10mg but at this rate don't feel like I can be on it at all! God I hope it gets better. My health anxiety tells me that it's poisoning me and I should stop! Really fighting with myself today!

Hey there this is very similar to me so I will be as concise as possible for you here.
Once you've started on citalopram, you need to stay with it, it will take up to a week of some horrible feelings if you read my first post you will see although no need to worry yourself just know that it takes time for it to get into your system and for your body to begin to accept these new chemicals.
I had nausea massively after my initial heightened anxiety when starting on citalopram, after a visit to the doctor I was prescribed prochlorperazine, think it was 3 tablets a day for two weeks. This helped settle my nausea and it brought my appetite back by the end of the course, there are other names for this I believe you can get counter variations but would always recommend going to the docs and getting advice perhaps me toon prochlorperazine and see what they say. If I were you I would ring the doctors office to see what options are available to you if you can't quite get in to there, they may even visit you or prescribe over the telephone after a chat with the doctor. It's important you keep on it and get help when you need it rather than waiting.

Now, your health anxieties kicking up is normal because the citalopram activates a heightened anxiety state, I was the same as you and after just my first pill I felt like I was not going to touch it ever again. But I persevered.. And I'm glad I did is all I can say. The anxiety gremlin is trying to take over and tell you not to bother but you can't let it, I assure you.

Do not up your dose without the advice of your doctor, some people have done it but I don't recommend it particularly not so quickly start on the 5mg and when your body gets used to it them consider it IF you NEED to with the consult of your doctor.

I completely understand your situation there, I really do, please do what you can to reduce the 'workload' for yourself whilst you are in the early stages of the medication, support from your family looking after your child etc might be needed here. I personally stayed in bed for 3 days straight and barely eat anything as it was the only way I could cope with the levels of anxiety in the early stages of the drug, I came out the other end and made quick progress from then.

PLEASE stay on the citalopram no matter what now, you've started it and it you drop off it and on it won't take effect properly and will just make you feel crap every time you do take it, it's a long term drug not for a "fix me now".

Please feel free to message me for support I will do my best to help you!

Love and support -j

02-20-2014, 10:33 AM
I can't express how happy this makes me feel. Long may your state of mind continue. :)

Aw I'm glad Frankie :)
And yours whatever state you are at, health and happiness !

Max mar
02-20-2014, 02:10 PM
Thank you both for your kind words! Still feeling awful with the nausea tonight, just took the citalopram again so trying to stick to it! I just pray I don't feel even worse tomorrow. Is it possible to just wake up one day and the nausea/ stomach issues to be gone?!
I went to the chemist and discussed the med for nausea and he said he wouldn't recommend it unless I spoke to my dr so didn't get any.
He tried to reassure me that the side effects should subside in 3 weeks bit also said an interesting thing which I thought I'd ask you guys about.
I asked if it was. Good sign that I had side effects and he said that if my body is that lacking in the chemicals then it would be a larger shock to my system so it's a good sign that I am essentially deficient and will benefit greatly from citalopram.

Any views on this? One of my health anxiety issues is not thinking anything will work for me or that I've not got anxiety/ depression and that I have an actual physical illness!

If having more side effects meant the more I need the drugs it would make me feel more confident in my decision.
Forgive me for going on, having a racing mind day!!

02-20-2014, 02:26 PM
Thank you both for your kind words! Still feeling awful with the nausea tonight, just took the citalopram again so trying to stick to it! I just pray I don't feel even worse tomorrow. Is it possible to just wake up one day and the nausea/ stomach issues to be gone?!
I went to the chemist and discussed the med for nausea and he said he wouldn't recommend it unless I spoke to my dr so didn't get any.
He tried to reassure me that the side effects should subside in 3 weeks bit also said an interesting thing which I thought I'd ask you guys about.
I asked if it was. Good sign that I had side effects and he said that if my body is that lacking in the chemicals then it would be a larger shock to my system so it's a good sign that I am essentially deficient and will benefit greatly from citalopram.

Any views on this? One of my health anxiety issues is not thinking anything will work for me or that I've not got anxiety/ depression and that I have an actual physical illness!

If having more side effects meant the more I need the drugs it would make me feel more confident in my decision.
Forgive me for going on, having a racing mind day!!

I'm glad the chemist advised you that, your doc will prescribe you something for it though as soon as you can see/visit them, the sooner the better for your sanity.
Yes for me the side effects were mostly gone within the first few weeks, which for me were burning skin sensation, nausea, sleep deprivation/insomnia, no appetite, headaches/migraines.
You have only just started on the medication, and you are right now in a heightened anxiety state just as I was. My doc advised me it would happen so I prepared for it. Yes the chemicals that your brain/body lacks are being put there because the body is not producing them naturally and its a shock to the system even at the small dosage of 5mg.
When the body gets used to it, everything starts to improve. And I mean everything, all the side effects (typically) begin to fade away by the end of week two, I was only left with nausea which the prochlorperazine helped solve within another 1 or 2 weeks. I did have some trouble sleeping still, and was prescribed a sleeping pill which isn't supposed to be addictive etc, the doc said take it when you need to.
I took 1 on one night and the next day I felt TERRIBLE, so I decided I wasn't taking those anymore and eventually my insomnia pushed away, and now I honestly sleep better than I ever have. I have had periods of my life when I have had excellent sleep that lasted for a few months, most likely at the time I was in a blissful state of happiness without worries, but most of my ENTIRE life I have been a bad sleeper, never quite being able to drift off.
Now? If I want to sleep I just close my eyes and it takes minutes on a good night, whereas it used to take hours.

I'm not just saying it to settle your mind: The side effects are there because your body doesn't know what the hell to do with the chemicals it now has to process, it's almost panic because it is not used to it so yes I believe you are extremely deprived of this necessary chemical which controls our brains ability to deal with anxiety and depression.
You don't have a physical illness, believe me I spent years sure that I had a heart condition/chest problem/etc and it turns out all it was was anxiety producing chest pains from sheer stress. Anxiety CAN produce physical pain, but it doesn't make it any less a MENTAL condition/illness/disorder.

Any further advice needed my friend go ahead. But know this, if you STICK with the meds, you WILL get better. It will just take time, but you must must must give it that time to take effect, life is going to be rough for the next couple weeks but stay strong and just vent it out here with us when you need to, in my early stages this forum made everything so much better for me to be able to talk it through with people who knew exactly what I was feeling. I was helped then, now I will help you :)

Max mar
02-20-2014, 02:41 PM
jkb thank god for you tonight!! I really mean that, thank you.
You're right about the health anxiety, although I have felt depressed my anxiety is mostly digestive issues (along with a lot of other things) but I've not had a day without stomach pain for nearly 3 years. Had all the usual tests all ok. I noticed when I had a few days away with my husband without my toddler I felt so much better physical and then when we could home literally when we were driving up the road my stomach pains started again so I realised it could be anxiety.

You really have given me the motivation to carry on with this.. Thank you!

I'll get in touch with Drs tomorrow and discuss the nausea meds. Do you mind if I keep bugging you over the next few days?!

02-20-2014, 03:28 PM
jkb thank god for you tonight!! I really mean that, thank you.
You're right about the health anxiety, although I have felt depressed my anxiety is mostly digestive issues (along with a lot of other things) but I've not had a day without stomach pain for nearly 3 years. Had all the usual tests all ok. I noticed when I had a few days away with my husband without my toddler I felt so much better physical and then when we could home literally when we were driving up the road my stomach pains started again so I realised it could be anxiety.

You really have given me the motivation to carry on with this.. Thank you!

I'll get in touch with Drs tomorrow and discuss the nausea meds. Do you mind if I keep bugging you over the next few days?!

Don't thank a God, just thank me as I choose to be here ;) No angelic forces send me, I promise!

Yeah health anxiety is a bitch causes problems all over, see for you it just so happens that your anxiety/stress pushes into your stomach. It is purely the worries of the subconscious manifesting into physical form because your brain cant cope properly. This is something I came to understand, since I've been on my citalopram surprise surprise my chest pains are non existent, if you read my first post I suffered for years with chest pains, they became just normal to me and how my body dealt with stress, but not any longer.

What you're saying seems to ring truth to exactly my understanding of it^. Few days of relaxation and all your problems are gone, but then you come home and have to be (what I am assuming from what you have told me) a full time mum(?) who happens to have a deficiency in particular brain chemicals, which we now know equals anxiety disorder in this case.
I recognise that feeling of when you are travelling somewhere, and you either know when you get there you are back to stress or you are leaving behind you a place of stress where things "need to be done" and that causes as much anxiety.

Very good idea to discuss with the doc, I'm sure they will prescribe something for it pronto, its hard to deal with not eating properly drains you of energy even further, vicious cycle.
Of course, I will constantly keep coming back to this topic awaiting your reply, I'm not active much on the forum but I am in this topic I will always reply!

EDIT: Just to add. A golden trick for tackling anxiety is by confronting it head on in any and every way possible. First thing comes to mind: Don't ever be embarrassed or feel the pressure of 'taboo' by having an anxiety disorder. I decided to be as open as possible with every person I came across in any discussion which led to my anxiety issues, I am open and frank and invite questions so that the person better understands it. This kind of reaffirmation does wonders for yourself, and pushes out a type of social anxiety which can come along with the package. :)

02-20-2014, 04:46 PM
Goooooooddddd to see you again J!!! Glad you're doing well to brother!! YES!!! YOU did tackle it, and YOU kept an open mind about the process too, I admire that...


Max mar
02-21-2014, 03:59 AM
Ha ha well Praise be to JKB instead!
You've helped me be a lot more positive about this and for that I thank you! Woke up feeling ok but nausea kicked in again now along with strange cold/ flu/ throat type symptoms. Might just be a bug but if it is side effects I'm not concerned about that. But the nausea.. Erg! Gonna ring the Drs in after I've posted and see what they say.

I guess I've become so used to being negative about everything I try to get better. Probably because I was working on the wrong things eh?! I have still got a feeling that it's not anxiety like I said just because the physical symptoms are do strong but your experience proves it can manifest itself it powerful ways.

Like I've said before I feel like I have two brains.. One saying yes it's all anxiety and the other saying NO keep searching for the digestive aliment!! But hey I've tried that for 2 years and nothing serious has shown up so why would I still think it's physical!

Gonna ring the Drs so ill post back soon.

02-21-2014, 01:27 PM
Goooooooddddd to see you again J!!! Glad you're doing well to brother!! YES!!! YOU did tackle it, and YOU kept an open mind about the process too, I admire that...


Hey E :) Yeah I'm doing pretty good, you helped me through it massively bro and I thank you for that always.

Ha ha well Praise be to JKB instead!
You've helped me be a lot more positive about this and for that I thank you! Woke up feeling ok but nausea kicked in again now along with strange cold/ flu/ throat type symptoms. Might just be a bug but if it is side effects I'm not concerned about that. But the nausea.. Erg! Gonna ring the Drs in after I've posted and see what they say.

I guess I've become so used to being negative about everything I try to get better. Probably because I was working on the wrong things eh?! I have still got a feeling that it's not anxiety like I said just because the physical symptoms are do strong but your experience proves it can manifest itself it powerful ways.

Like I've said before I feel like I have two brains.. One saying yes it's all anxiety and the other saying NO keep searching for the digestive aliment!! But hey I've tried that for 2 years and nothing serious has shown up so why would I still think it's physical!

Gonna ring the Drs so ill post back soon.

Yeah I wouldn't trust what your body thinks is going on too much at the moment because it's kinda in shock mode, the drug will mess with your sensory receptors and possibly this will make you feel generally unwell in many ways. It is to be expected.

Yes you were working on fixing physical problems (which had no fix) and now you have to force your mindset into the realisation that it is you have a mental problem, not a physical one. This is hard for us to accept, as anxiety sufferers we are naturally over thinkers and reasonably hypochondriacs (in my opinion, I know I am!) but we have to be strong and REALISTIC in every thought. Talking it out loud with others when they can just say "just listen to how ridiculous what you just said sounds" sometimes its annoying and embarrassing but you know what it helps the mind reaffirm that it/you are just being silly.
It genuinely took me time to refocus my energy into solving my mental problem, and hey ho everything else fixed itself (chest pains, insomnia, and more..) in time. Just do your best every day to fight those completely IRRATIONAL feelings and thoughts, thats what we fight constantly.. an irrational fear of this or that, it's overwhelming at times but little by little, and with meds, it seriously does get better. I am living proof. I am a real person. I have been through the hellish side and I am enlightened now. :)

Yes I recognise the two brains feeling, for me it was almost split personality, the anxiety side of me and the realistic problem solver side, the two fight constantly. Eventually they will become more in tandem, they have for me a lot more in recent times.

You will progress as long as you stick to your prescribed medication and trust in it.

Max mar
02-22-2014, 04:46 AM
Morning! Nausea seems to be easier today (fingers crossed) it didn't really start till the afternoon yesterday so we'll see if I can manage to get away with it for the rest of the day! Symptom of the day seem to be abdominal pain. Trying not to think to much into it and focus on it just being my body adapting.

I've NEVER had a problem sleeping and the citalopram seems to be making me drift off even easier. Although last few days been going to sleep at about 10.30 and waking at about 5am it's not bothering me really as it is unbroken sleep! Lived off about 3 hours a night when my son wasn't sleeping for 18 months so I'm not complaining!

My Drs are open 7 days a week so got an appointment tomorrow to discuss things. The receptionist said it was October last year when I got the citalopram so he wants to discuss everything with me. Hopefully the nausea has eased up but we will see as the day goes on!

I almost feel a bit calmer about everything today, as though I can finally stop searching for answers and my mind is taking a bit of a break. My hubby says I've seemed different (can't see it myself) but he says I seem a touch more content.

Ill post back after appointment tomorrow. Thanks again

02-23-2014, 07:13 AM
Morning! Nausea seems to be easier today (fingers crossed) it didn't really start till the afternoon yesterday so we'll see if I can manage to get away with it for the rest of the day! Symptom of the day seem to be abdominal pain. Trying not to think to much into it and focus on it just being my body adapting.

I've NEVER had a problem sleeping and the citalopram seems to be making me drift off even easier. Although last few days been going to sleep at about 10.30 and waking at about 5am it's not bothering me really as it is unbroken sleep! Lived off about 3 hours a night when my son wasn't sleeping for 18 months so I'm not complaining!

My Drs are open 7 days a week so got an appointment tomorrow to discuss things. The receptionist said it was October last year when I got the citalopram so he wants to discuss everything with me. Hopefully the nausea has eased up but we will see as the day goes on!

I almost feel a bit calmer about everything today, as though I can finally stop searching for answers and my mind is taking a bit of a break. My hubby says I've seemed different (can't see it myself) but he says I seem a touch more content.

Ill post back after appointment tomorrow. Thanks again

Good to hear you are feeling progress, just remember that even when days occur where you don't feel like you've made much progress it's not something to get negative about, in the early stages one day you feel great the next its hell again, expect this, prepare for it, and learn to accept it.

Ah I see so you didn't decide to start the medication until now? It's no surprise they want to see you as they have to keep updated before they recommend any different meds or dosages etc.
What did the doc say?

02-23-2014, 08:49 AM
J bro!!! good to see you man and hope you have a great day friend!

Enduronman... :)

Max mar
02-25-2014, 09:09 AM
Hi thought I'd give an update! Been a few days as my son is poorly with a fever and has been clinging onto me like a monkey! He's having a nap now (unheard of) so got chance now. My uncle also died so I've been dog sitting for my mum (very active dog! 2 hours walk everyday!)
Went to the Drs and he said he didn't want to give me anything for the nausea at the moment (it has actually eased up a bit now). He also said he wanted me to up the dose to 10mg as I'm only prolonging the side effects so I did that on Sunday night. Maybe having the 5mg bedded me in a bit but I don't feel any worse for upping it.
Had a great day yesterday! Felt positive, minimal stomach pain, hardly any nausea but it's hit me again today.
Had stomach pain all day (the anxiety type)! I guess like you said I'll have up and down days for a while until it really kicks in.
Dr wants me to go back next week for a review and if alls well to up my dose to 20mg. He also reiterated that the side effects are a good thing as it's getting in my blood stream.

Today I've got a sore throat and glands feel a bit swollen but that's obviously the bug from my boy. I'm actually quite impressed at how I'm handling this transition with everything that's happened this week. I just hope I don't crash in a day or two like I've done in the past. I seem to deal with stress extremely well at the time and go into auto drive and then burn out n end up a complete mess! Hopefully I've got the citalopram on my side this time though. I'll update as I progress. Thanks again for all your advice

09-07-2014, 08:02 AM
Greetings Anxiety pals. Been a while but this forum and some people here are always in my heart, for the help I received here I felt was mind saving.

I think it's been 10 months since I began this journey, and I'm doing pretty good. I now have finished uni and live in London with a prosperous career. :)

I have ups and downs, nothing major, it is a constant battle but I'm a member of society. I'm coming off my meds now of citalopram 10mg, currently starting one every other day, then from there it'll be once every 3 days to hopefully be able to come off them completely.

Since earlier this year though I have slowly been dealing with what I believe to be a side effect to the medication, I have had sort of hair loss, though I actually have long hair but when it's brushed back it seems so thin at the roots that you can see my scalp very easily which is unpleasant. I now have a hairstyle with a thick fringe instead of brushed back. Hopefully this is something that will go away as I come off the meds andy hair will normalise at the roots again.. Has anyone had this issue with citalopram or just anxiety in general? Probably the disorder itself has had it's part to play in it.

Hope you are all doing well.

09-11-2014, 10:47 AM
As I am coming off the meds I've been starting to feel a bit more depressed than usual. I don't really have any anxiety affects, but I'm feeling very tired and annoyed because I'm tired which makes me a bit fed up.

Is this possibly a normal thing to happen as I'm coming off the citalopram? I mean so far I'm fine otherwise I'm not going anxiety mad like I thought I might, a lot of the battle was always my own mind strength anyhow.. The low dosage of 10mg took enough of the edge off so I could deal with the up and downs better myself.

Maybe I'm just generally fed up a tad haha tired out from a never ending to do list possibly!

09-13-2014, 07:38 AM
You've still made great strides and successes bruh!
Hope things continue to get better for you and also good to see you here again.

E-Man :)

09-14-2014, 03:43 PM
You've still made great strides and successes bruh! Hope things continue to get better for you and also good to see you here again. E-Man :)

I'm feeling a lot better than I did mid week, so I feel like I'm beginning to normalise.
Thank you friend hope you are well

June Long
09-15-2014, 06:21 AM
Thank you. I'm new to trying to 'fix' my anxiety and this thread is interesting, but I'm just not sure about drugs?

09-15-2014, 03:53 PM
Thank you. I'm new to trying to 'fix' my anxiety and this thread is interesting, but I'm just not sure about drugs?

Hi June. Anxiety can be tackled with many life changes, sure, but you have to be consistent and fight through the rough patches. For me I got to a frenzy where I was beginning to not want to leave the house, for mere traffic sent me into minor panic attacks. Crazy !
So for me medication was a suitable option, plus they started me on 10mg citalopram and I haven't needed to increase from that, this is pretty much the smallest dose and going above 20mg is more for depression reasons typically.

I realise lots of people don't like taking meds but there's nothing wrong about it, through my research I found that the med I was taking essentially replaced chemicals in my brain that my body failed to produce on it's own. So in a way it was more like taking a supplement. This was also a reinforcing aspect to the start of medication for me, I was so sure I needed it and wanted it to fix me.
But I'd say don't go with meds if you don't really want them. You'll just reject them and have a rough slope because it takes a while to get used to the meds and for them to take affect, and those not dedicated to it will just give up on meds before they've had enough time to take effect.

Feel free to read through my journey my first post is quite detailed.
If you want advice from me then just reply to this thread and I will always reply.