View Full Version : woke up and feel like giving up

12-21-2013, 03:38 AM
Im so fed up this morning feel so down and anxious, I dunno how much more I can take :-(

12-21-2013, 03:47 AM
Im so fed up this morning feel so down and anxious, I dunno how much more I can take :-(

It gets you down some days doesn't it but you got to remember you won't feel like this forever

I got to that point and now I am back to almost feeling normal again (with the help of meds)

What is it your anxious about?

12-21-2013, 03:58 AM
That's awesome mummy!

It's ok to give up some days Saz :)... If you wanna throw in the towel today, even for a couple of days, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Unless you have lots to do I guess.

When life is hard, and you feel you MUST keep going on, and MUST keep facing your problems every single day.... It becomes a drag! At that point life's just a chore for you. I don't think anybody would like life very much if all it ever felt like was a chore.

12-21-2013, 04:22 AM
I completely understand how you feel. I have been feeling like this a lot lately. I am 40 years old and out of nowhere had a panic attack 3 months ago despite having a good secure life. Every day since has been a nightmare. I am desperately trying to get my life back. But I too, feel like giving up. But I can't do that. I must beat this for my wife and kids! And me! You have no alternative but to keep fighting and keep trying. There really is no other choice. I hope both you and I can one day look back on these times as just a bump on the road.

You're not alone.

12-21-2013, 04:25 AM
That's awesome mummy!

It's ok to give up some days Saz :)... If you wanna throw in the towel today, even for a couple of days, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Unless you have lots to do I guess.

When life is hard, and you feel you MUST keep going on, and MUST keep facing your problems every single day.... It becomes a drag! At that point life's just a chore for you. I don't think anybody would like life very much if all it ever felt like was a chore.

This. Sometimes I feel like yeah, I'm just gonna give up this weekend because I can't cope with dealing with my problems, I'm not in the right mental state for it! THIS IS OK!

Everyone has these, even people without issues like us, sometimes we just need a bit of alone time to relax and watch a full season of Breaking Bad in a day rather than get productive things done. I think us anxiety sufferers get really negatively affected when we aren't productive.. we know it in our head, and we BULLY ourselves into feeling bad about it, its horrific and mentally damaging.

Life will still be there when you're ready to tackle it. Take time out, many of us aren't stable folk and we know it, its time to learn to accept it.