View Full Version : always scared of getting sick

12-20-2013, 05:43 PM
Anyone else get really nervous about getting sick? Anytime my kids get sick, I do everything to avoid my other child from getting sick....and inevitably, I always get sick. I am super OCD about washing hands, hand sanitizer, making sure the kids keep their hands out of their mouths etc......If I hear someone sneezing or coughing im looking for a way out of the area. ....i don't know if I am really that bad or if a lot of other people feel the same way....

12-21-2013, 09:33 AM
Anyone else get really nervous about getting sick?

I take vitamin D-3 all the time, it's 500% of the Recommended Daily Allowance, but it's not extreme. Ask your doctor for advice before giving the children vitamins, and vitamins with Iron can be fatal if taken in overdose, so we always avoided having those in the house (I'm not advocating that you or yours take them, just saying what I do).

Hand washing is good, avoiding putting your hands in your mouth until after they've been washed is superb, but hand sanitizers can be misleading. Most of them are alcohol based, and as such kill bacteria but not viruses. But even the wipes for hard surfaces are misleading. The container that we have at work says that it kills viruses, but the small print just identifies two viruses AND you have to wet the surface with the wipe and leave it wet for 10 minutes. Apparently those buggers are hard to kill.

When I was in Pharmacy Technician school (didn't finish, got a better job elsewhere, techs aren't Pharmacists, you don't make big money) one instructor showed us how to get out of a public restroom without anyone else's germs.
1. Run the paper towels out first.
2. Turn-on the water.
3. Wash Hands.
4. Tear Towels off Dispenser and Dry Hands.
5. Use Towels to Turn-off Water.
6. Keep Towels to Open Door. If the Bathroom is set-up right, you can hold the door open with your body and toss the towels in the trash, otherwise take the towel with you and throw away elsewhere.

With the exception of #6, I saw these same instructions printed by the State in a highway rest stop.

If the door opens out, you don't need the towel if you can use your arm or shoulder.

Covering coughs and sneezes is important (use Tissues), it seems like every time I had a job interview years ago I was always sick. I'd decline to shake the interviewers hand so as not to transmit my disease, and I'd explain why I declined. It never cost me a job I'm aware of.

My wife worked at a doctor's office, they'd see the sickest of the sick, spewing anything and everything, but the staff and doctors didn't get sick at a high rate, she said that only when she first started to work there did she get sick often.

12-21-2013, 10:14 AM
Hey Trin, hey Art,...

I don't really get nervous about it, but I do take precautions to prevent myself from getting sick. The reason is because I already have a weakened immune system because of this auto-immune disease thing. If I do get sick, there is a huge risks that I will suffer greatly..

The only things that I have ever done to prevent this are wash my hands, and wipe off all door knobs, handles, sink faucets, and anything else that they touch.

I haven't had any sicknesses for over 18 months now. (omg I hope typing that doesn't come back to haunt me)...

Great additional ideas bro! Thank you..


12-21-2013, 10:17 AM
I'm always petrified of getting sick. If my wife or son gets sick I avoid them like the plague. I take all that over the counter stuff to ward it off. My problem is that's how I was raised and it just stuck with me till now.

12-21-2013, 10:19 AM
I also wipe off shopping carts, and I've got hand sanitizer in my car after I get out of stores after opening those doors too...I take much vitamins daily as well..

12-21-2013, 05:54 PM
I take vitamin D-3 all the time, it's 500% of the Recommended Daily Allowance, but it's not extreme. Ask your doctor for advice before giving the children vitamins, and vitamins with Iron can be fatal if taken in overdose, so we always avoided having those in the house (I'm not advocating that you or yours take them, just saying what I do).

Hand washing is good, avoiding putting your hands in your mouth until after they've been washed is superb, but hand sanitizers can be misleading. Most of them are alcohol based, and as such kill bacteria but not viruses. But even the wipes for hard surfaces are misleading. The container that we have at work says that it kills viruses, but the small print just identifies two viruses AND you have to wet the surface with the wipe and leave it wet for 10 minutes. Apparently those buggers are hard to kill.

When I was in Pharmacy Technician school (didn't finish, got a better job elsewhere, techs aren't Pharmacists, you don't make big money) one instructor showed us how to get out of a public restroom without anyone else's germs.
1. Run the paper towels out first.
2. Turn-on the water.
3. Wash Hands.
4. Tear Towels off Dispenser and Dry Hands.
5. Use Towels to Turn-off Water.
6. Keep Towels to Open Door. If the Bathroom is set-up right, you can hold the door open with your body and toss the towels in the trash, otherwise take the towel with you and throw away elsewhere.

With the exception of #6, I saw these same instructions printed by the State in a highway rest stop.

If the door opens out, you don't need the towel if you can use your arm or shoulder.

Covering coughs and sneezes is important (use Tissues), it seems like every time I had a job interview years ago I was always sick. I'd decline to shake the interviewers hand so as not to transmit my disease, and I'd explain why I declined. It never cost me a job I'm aware of.

My wife worked at a doctor's office, they'd see the sickest of the sick, spewing anything and everything, but the staff and doctors didn't get sick at a high rate, she said that only when she first started to work there did she get sick often.

Hey Art,

Lol...I do the steps 1-6.....even the towel to open the door. I am very OCD when it comes to germs and illnesses. I feel badly when my kids get sick...I can't really avoid them but I feel like I try to make the contact short and sweet when I should be more nurturing because they don't feel well. I just can't afford to get sick and when I do it seems to hit me really hard. I am almost thinking of buying face masks in bulk from CVS so I can put it on when they are sick.

I wipe down all carts and use gloves when I pump gas, I get irritated when people lick their fingers before bagging my groceries, i don't like my silverware to be on the table when I go to a restaurant. ..the list goes on and on.........I just am a germaphob! !!!!!!!"

12-21-2013, 06:05 PM
Do you get sick much?

12-21-2013, 07:10 PM
I just am a germaphob! !!!!!!!"

This should interest you. I don't want to say anything and spoil the surprise.


12-21-2013, 07:15 PM
This should interest you. I don't want to say anything and spoil the surprise.


OMG!!! I love Dr. Mercola!!!

12-21-2013, 07:17 PM
I just threw up a lil....swear

12-21-2013, 07:20 PM
Do you get sick much?

Any time my kids get sick....I seem to get sick too. Never fails.

12-21-2013, 08:00 PM
This should interest you. I don't want to say anything and spoil the surprise.


Yikes! Ugh.....no way

12-21-2013, 08:18 PM
Yikes! Ugh.....no way

But it does cover some of the disadvantages of avoiding too many germs. I think that's why doctors and their staff are seldom afflicted by germs from the myriad of patients they see daily.

No one has yet discussed vaccines. I avoid them like the plague. LOL
My wife avoids them also. One year she and another coworker declined the yearly flu shot, the three other employees and the doctor took it. Lo and behold, the doctor and the three other employees got major sick, my wife and the other abstaining coworker didn't. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But for some people, due to health conditions, it's best to get the flu shot, but you have to weigh benefits and risks.

12-21-2013, 08:57 PM
Yes I am very anxious about being sick it's sort of taken over my life. I can't go anywhere or do anything without worrying if il be sick of someone else will be sick around me :(

12-21-2013, 09:09 PM
But it does cover some of the disadvantages of avoiding too many germs. I think that's why doctors and their staff are seldom afflicted by germs from the myriad of patients they see daily.

No one has yet discussed vaccines. I avoid them like the plague. LOL
My wife avoids them also. One year she and another coworker declined the yearly flu shot, the three other employees and the doctor took it. Lo and behold, the doctor and the three other employees got major sick, my wife and the other abstaining coworker didn't. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But for some people, due to health conditions, it's best to get the flu shot, but you have to weigh benefits and risks.

I get my kids the flu shot and for the past two years I have taken the flu shot. Im really scared when it comes to the stomach flu though......I hate that feeling and it is so incredibly contagious. The last time my son got it....he gave it to his sister who stays home with me.....although I did everything I could to keep them apart. After she got it.....my daughter didnt want me out of her sight and when I leaned in to comfort her, she sneezed directly in my face. Needless to say, I got the Worst case of the stomach flu. I was down for the count for 3-4 days. My husband never got it....in fact....what you are saying about some exposure to germs might be true.....my husband works with sick people and NEVER gets sick. I get sick constantly although I take a bunch of preventative measures, always washing my hands, c loroxing everything. ....