View Full Version : Ladies- Hormonal Problems?

12-20-2013, 12:13 PM
Hey everyone, specifically other ladies on here- Do you have panic attacks before/during/after your period? Now for the last 2 cycles I've started to have panic attacks ONLY during my period. I have general anxiety problems all the time but only panic attacks during my period. By the way, I had my tubes tied a little over a year ago. I don't know if that has anything to do with this problem (hope not!) but I just recently started having all these anxiety issues. I just need some reassurance that maybe this hormonal junk is to blame. It's never been so bad for me... And this time of the year is just sooooo stressful to me too. Ugh. I am trying so hard to take care of myself but I just feel so bad all the time, no matter what. I'm just so tired no matter what I do. Exercise, supplementing vitamins/minerals, relaxing, trying to get enough sleep, trying to think positively, etc. These anxiety pills (xanax, that I only take as needed) make me so tired too, I just hate it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just started taking fish oil, calcium and vitamin D3 along with magnesium in hopes it would make me feel better... So far it hasn't really helped as far as I can tell.
So, Ladies, do you have these problems too or some helpful tips you can give me? Happy holidays to everyone, by the way.

12-20-2013, 05:50 PM
I have increased anxiety around my period every month. I haven't found anything that I can say really helps to eliminate it but I just do more meditation and honestly just not fighting it....I guess they call it mindfulness. ....it helps me get through those tough days.