View Full Version : 3 yr old on antidepressants????

02-04-2008, 01:45 PM
Did anyone see the news last night? I cannot believe doctors are putting 3 yr olds on antidepressants.....These kids aren't even old enough to communicate how they are feeling!!!! How do they know if bipolar disorder is really what they are suffering from?
It makes me sick.

02-04-2008, 05:17 PM
Hi Dedlus

I agree completely. How can a 3-year-old's perception of the world possibly be depressing?

Too many trigger-happy doctors.


02-04-2008, 10:00 PM
It seems like the health care system's obsession with SSRIs is BOUNDLESS. This is TRULY barbarism at its worst. As many of you here know, I am no fan of SSRIs. But if you take them by your own free choice, then that is, well, your choice. But a three year old child DOESN'T have this choice. And if the child has bad side effects, then either (1) the child won't be able to communicate them, and/or (2) the child won't be listened to, because nobody will take their complains seriously. Hell, doctors often don't take the complaints of ADULTS about side effects seriously (they blame side effects on the depression/anxiety and pour gas on the fire by INCREASING the dosage). Also, this brings into question the development of a child's brain. How is taking SSRIs going to interfere with THAT? And what other negative consequences is this going to have if the use of these drugs is carried on for YEARS? Finally, think of what that kid might have to go through in terms of withdrawal when it comes to getting off the stuff.

All in all, this is a classic example of health care at its worst.

02-07-2008, 06:24 AM
seriously this is disgusting i cannot believe this. doctors who prescribe this medication 2 kIDS are sick.