View Full Version : I thought this may be cool..:)

12-20-2013, 12:02 PM
Hi. I'm Chris. I'm nuckin futs. I have multiple personality disorders. I have multiple mental disorders. My biggest issue, is called intermittent explosive disorder. It is linked, somehow, to PTSD..and the flight or fight response. The adrenal system, the endocrine system, the glands, and all starts in the brain.

I think it would be awesome to know "who and what" you are?

We see alot of post but really know nothing about the person behind them. It's hard to help people try to figure things out, when we don't know the "basis or root" source of the issues that we're reading about.

You don't have to share your actual first name if you don't wish too. Not a big deal. I think we're all pretty safe in here. (IDK about J03 though) LOL!

So, can you do this?...

Just a thought is all, to get to know you...:)

12-20-2013, 01:11 PM
This is a good idea

Hi I am Gemma I can be a quite quiet person at times and not like to stick my nose in, i can also be a little sarcastic but only ever meant light hearted, I have been diagnosed with severe health anxiety and panic disorder

Although I have not realised it for 2 an a half years after my dad passed with pneumonia and sepsis I have consciously checked myself for more serious illness when I have been unwell until one night I obviously over thought a migraine and it sent me into blind panic thinking it was a stroke!!!

I work in a gp surgery so we are trained to listen out for the signs on the telephone or see them if someone is standing in front of us, so looking for and thinking up the signs for different illnesses was pretty easy for me

12-20-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi, I'm Kristin. I am 29 years old and have an anxiety disorder. I guess I'll classify it as GAD. I've had 4 episodes in the past ten years. Though I do tend to worry about my health and aging on a fairly regular basis it has never impacted my daily life to the extent this anxiety has. Currently my worries are more generalized..."will I ever get better"
, "what will I have to face tomorrow". But I'm working on this and trying my best to be present in the moment. I'm a registered nurse on and orthopaedic surgical unit. I'm married but have no kids. Takin' it one day at a time:)

12-20-2013, 01:30 PM
Hi my names Debbie i'm 22 suffer with health anxiety i'm not sure where it all stemmed from but i do think it was my nan unexpectedly died from septecemia and pneumonia september 2012.

And then in august my daughter had a major opertaion to readjust er hip and thigh bone as her thigh bone didnt fit into her hip joint correctly its known as perthes disease.

Then i thought back to ma nan passing away and knew infection could cause septecemia so at every sign of infection i thought of septecemia so from there everything was going to make my daughter really ill or worse and then it went from my daughter and i started to think every pain/ache i had was going to kill me through some disease or another.

12-20-2013, 01:32 PM
During ma nans passin i was strong for the rest of the family and didnt grieve properly and think thats where it all stemmed from.

12-20-2013, 02:29 PM
Great to meet you all! and thank you for replying too...:D


12-20-2013, 02:49 PM
Hey Eman me old Scandinavian, horned helmeted buddy!!! How you doin maaaan?? Throw me a frickin spear!! GAHhH!!!

12-20-2013, 02:57 PM
Oh and erm. I'm Jamie, i have severe SAD and medium health anxiety. I chomped into a wine glass the other day whilst completely drunk and then was on the verge of a panic attack the next day when I started wondering if had swallowed a small bit of glass that would tear my intestines to shreds along with stomach pains!!

12-20-2013, 02:59 PM
LMAO!...O M G....

Great to see you again here! That profile pic still cracks me up..."put me in coach" BAAHA!! :)

12-20-2013, 03:02 PM
Haha I come and lurk now and again. Great to see you here!! All that's missing is Dazza. You guys made me larrrrrff. SAY HELLO TO CAPTAIN WINKY!!

12-20-2013, 03:07 PM
BHAAHA!! Merry Christmas Jamie...:)

12-20-2013, 03:14 PM
Thanks Christoph ;) I've decided this year I HATE Christmas. But HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOOOUU!! xxx

12-20-2013, 03:29 PM
Noooo..You Grinch!

Great, gave away my real name...peachy!

Christoph Von Ansguard..:)

12-20-2013, 03:41 PM
I'm am a grinch bahhh humbug

12-20-2013, 04:43 PM
Anybody else like to introduce themselves??? I like to meet new people! :)

12-20-2013, 05:49 PM
Anybody else like to introduce themselves??? I like to meet new people! :)

My name is Artaud (not really). In my 50's, U.S. born and bred.
If'n nobody minds, I want to list my ailments and history.

Young, say early teens, I was neurotic, something that has continued to this day. In its mild form, neurotics can be valuable employees as attention to detail can be higher than so called "normal people". Somewhere in this time, I developed a benign heart arrhythmia, premature beats, that has continued to this day and can be REALLY annoying and frightening at times.

In my mid teens, I totaled a motorcycle. Even wearing a helmet, I still whacked my head.

About 1.5 years later, I had my first "Visual Migraine", no pain, just a scintillating scotoma (literally colorful blindspot). These would last 45 minutes, sometimes they would double, so I'd get 90 minutes worth. This happened at least once to twice a week, sometimes more.


Eventually I developed a transient unilateral numbness from below the left arm down the left side. Sudden onset, I hate these most. Talk about being afraid of a stroke. It's not numbness, it's not weakness, it's both, it's neither, it's more like a shocking sensatation, or a vibration. I can feel the damn thing coming on, my anxiety goes through the roof, and wham!, it's got me for 10 to 15 minutes. These happened a few times a month.

Every year I'd develop an impediment in gait. My leg felt like halfway through the process of stepping something shorted out, I'd get hit with a corresponding mental shock as well.

I had moved out of state by this time and went to see a new neurologist in town. He did a few tests, then said he felt I had MS, and wanted to do a spinal tap to confirm his diagnosis. I went to my family doctor in tears (yeah, I know, not manly, but I am neurotic remember). He said that jackass neurologist was telling all his patients they had MS. My family doctor referred me to a neurologist educated at Stanford University.

I saw him for a few years, based on observations and experience, he emphatically said I did not have MS. Just before I left the area, he did my first MRI (it was so old they had to hand crank the magnets, just kidding). No pathology was discovered.

Return to my home town, and I start getting Deja Vu followed by memory disruptions. This led some imbecile to conclude I was having Dissociation, and in turn I spent years in casual therapy. One of the overseeing psychiatrists tried to give me Dilantin, but my family doctor said not to take it, it's a dangerous drug.

Years went by, stopped going to therapy, lived at the neurologists office, but nothing was ever found. But then things worsened, I started to get aphasia (half way through a sentence and you just stop talking and have no idea why), and anesthesia of the throat. Back to the neurologist, he can't be bothered, MRI was clear.

Get a new neurologist, within days of seeing him he says it seems like I'm having seizures, he orders a 24 hour EEG (I had a bundle of wires glued to my head and I had to wear it home), take it back the next day, seizures confirmed, and I get put on Dilantin (remember the psychiatrist tried to do that years ago but my family doctor said not to take them). Over 15 years of a living hell of a life was gone practically overnight..... More to follow:

12-20-2013, 05:50 PM
Continued from previous post:

But wait, there's more: Act now and you too can go briefly blind in one eye (10 minutes) not just once, but twice over several months.

Call now and we'll throw in a Basilar Artery Migraine. Your eyes will go cross, you'll have dizziness that defies explanation, and you'll look for a place for your body to fall because consciousness is rapidly becoming a thing of the past and your sure that you're having a stroke.

Call in the next 10 minutes and you can get a complimentary case of thyroid cancer, discovered while testing for something else, taken out in two exciting surgeries.

Last, but not least, you too can develop motor and phonic tics to delight your coworkers and families with at unpredictable times. I thank God for some really fantastic guys that I work with that made having this embarrassing thing tolerable. They want me to upgrade from simple phonic tic to the Tourette's kind where you swear (only about 10% of Tourettes sufferers swear) so I can yell at the bosses and get away with it.

This is vulgar, some may object, but this is how my coworkers envision me with the bosses:


All true, all happened/is happening to me. For those of you fearful of cancer, I work in a CHEMICAL plant, nasty stuff, please don't think you will be as susceptible.

For others, why would I write all this? Not everything you get, even the weird stuff, means that it's the end, or that you'll even be impaired. My current neurologist explained that a thin line separates seizures from migraines. I never had the aura with the Deja Vu, I never had the left side numbness with the aura or Deja Vu. Maybe if some of these occurred at the same time they would have figured out the seizures.

The Basilar Artery Migraine and transient blindness were felt to be from vascular constrictions, believe me I was tested and retested.

Stress and Anxiety contribute to a lot of these issues. If, perchance, anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

12-20-2013, 06:23 PM
I'm Lisa. Im 37 and been suffering from health anxiety, panic disorder and GAD for about 7.5 years. I am a pretty easy going person who likes to joke around, but I can also have a bad temper if I feel like people are being disrespectful. Im definitely a type A personality, always striving for perfection. I try to help people and give what I can. I think other people view me as serious and hard to read and my circle of friends are few. I guess partially that's true. It takes me a while to "study" people and figure out if we will get along or not.

I've tried various meds and im currently taking Buspar and Zoloft. Im still having my good and bad days...but for the most part im having better days. I don't really have major panic attacks the way I used to, but now I've been having issues with insomnia and lack of appetite. Not sure why and I just keep getting the same old answer from my doc...give the Zoloft more time to work. I literally feel like I might wither away though....I've lost about 12 lbs in a month. Anyway, I feel like along with the anxiety, I have been having little "down times"...like brief depressive spells......I usually snap out of it within a day or two....but that "flat","nothing phases me " feeling isn't a good one.

12-21-2013, 06:16 AM
This is a good idea Hi I am Gemma I can be a quite quiet person at times and not like to stick my nose in, i can also be a little sarcastic but only ever meant light hearted, I have been diagnosed with severe health anxiety and panic disorder Although I have not realised it for 2 an a half years after my dad passed with pneumonia and sepsis I have consciously checked myself for more serious illness when I have been unwell until one night I obviously over thought a migraine and it sent me into blind panic thinking it was a stroke!!! I work in a gp surgery so we are trained to listen out for the signs on the telephone or see them if someone is standing in front of us, so looking for and thinking up the signs for different illnesses was pretty easy for me

I think we are twins! My name is Gemma as well. I have health anxiety, I work in an emergency department as an RN so my job as an emergency nurse is to "eliminate the life threatening" so I am always thinking about heart attacks, sepsis, brain bleeds/strokes. I have two beautiful children and all day I (discreetly) scan myself, my kids, my husband for changes in health status. I am OVER IT

12-21-2013, 06:58 AM
I'll just stick with robotcat. I'm 29, I had my first issue with anxiety at age 17 and was diagnosed with GAD. I feel like I suffer more from the thoughts/mental part of the anxiety than the physical manifestations.

I usually worry about dying, losing control, or the general I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S WRONG BUT IT IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING.

I've been on Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Effexor. I was just recently (a week ago, to be exact) put back on Effexor and was told to take Klonopin twice daily until the Effexor starts to work. Due to my axiety (I believe) I am afraid to take the Klonopin because what if when I stop taking it the Effexor isn't working? I'm losing my mind. Arrgggg.

12-21-2013, 07:02 AM
Hey Kitty Kat,

PLEASSSEEEE take the meds, and quit over-thinking this. You will feel better, that's the whole point!!! Make us all proud!!! :)

12-21-2013, 07:11 AM
I am Debbie I am 35 and live in Atlanta, Georgia. I have had anxiety for a few years, but it got really bad in November. Not really sure why? All I think about is how I am feeling and worried I am going to be anxious. I wish i could stop and smell the roses and not worry about what I am going to feel like. I am on 10 mg of Celexa and .25 of klonopin when needed. I try not to take the klonopin because i don't want to rely on it. I wish this would stop!!! Hope you are all having a good day :)

12-21-2013, 07:18 AM
Hi Debbie,

We sure have met some cool people here! Thank you for replying too friend.

I see alot of the klonopin fears typed, but just let me say that it is there for you at this specific time, to use in conjunction with the AD because it will lower your anxiety levels. And that is such a tiny amount, there is literally no chance of having to "depend" on it..plus it's very long acting too.

Please take it, when you feel that you need it...:)


12-21-2013, 08:03 AM

My names Sam (Samantha) just joined the forum today, I am a pretty fun and outgoing person but anxiety consumed me for 2.5 years until i learned to control it and I joined in the hope i could try to help ppl by sharing some of my stories and also read about other peoples anxietys

I am 28 years old from Scotland but now live in turkey, i was a manager and worked in the bank for 10 years (that will def give a person severe anxiety lol) but really my work did not affect me i actually felt calm at work as it kept me busy but one day when i was like 22 i got up to go to work but when i looked in the mirror i was like something from a horror movie (more than normal haha) my eyes were bright red and vision was blurry, so after weeks of numerous tests and an eye disease common in 40+ year old men with diabities ( i am neither btw) queue my first panic attack, after that for about 2.5 years i suffered severe panic disorder and health anxiety and got to the stage i didnt want to go out really or do anything i just went to work and came home in fear i would take a dizzy spell when out. The de-personalisation/de-realisation and the dizziness where my biggest problems but i learned to control it and now i have very very occasional panic attacks but still a little bit of the health anxiety lingers usually around taking medications but for the most part of the last 3 years ive been pretty okay (touch wood)

Sam :)

12-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Welcome Sam!!

Very nice to meet you and to also join our forums too..So glad that you've gotten some control over this horror story illness in itself..


12-21-2013, 09:38 AM
Welcome Frankie!

Yes, that is the right combo and you may be able to drop of that lyrica too..time will tell. I can hardly wait to see how you like the Abilify!!...

Great professionaly choice too, there will always be criminals with psychological disorders..

We're here when things get tough, for you and everyone else that introduced themself too..(We can refer back to this to see what really bothers them because it is condensed,..very useful tool)..


12-21-2013, 09:40 AM
Nice to meet you Frankie :)

I too am doing an external degree in psychology/criminology i think i find the mind very interesting now that i have had anxiety, its quite interesting how many people with mood disorders go on to study pyschology isn't it, perhaps its a way of looking for answers. Im getting through my first year but i have days where i just can t concentrate, ive never been sure if its to do with anxiety or its just a personality trait but i find it really hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time, i seem to have a million things in my head and if i think of something i have to go and do it so my concentration breaks all the time but I think its good to have something to work towards so well done for fighting through it and keep on it.

You should maybe make your concentration on getting out and about more and use your kids as a focus as they are the most important thing to you, think of preparing yourself to go visit your daughter in Dublin, take small steps at a time but having a focus point is extremely helpful to give yourself a push as from my own experience i know trying to do anything with anxiety feels 100x more hard but I also know being bored and having cutting yourself off are the WORST things to do when you have a mood disorder as your mind needs to stay active, i know its easier said that done but when you actually have done it, its a great feeling and thats on more hurdle conquered.

I hope your new medications continue to help you, good luck

12-22-2013, 09:00 PM
Right here Dahlia....:D

12-22-2013, 09:49 PM
Well g'day who wants this bitches life story?! Bloody oath ya do! My name is Amber I'm 21 and Australian born and bred ;) PTSD, anxiety, depression, multiple personality, OCD and just a general screw loose.. Daddy issues, he was my world, I was daddy's little girl until I was about 4.. I saw him hit mum, was old enough to understand what was happening. Not to mention he got me high at age 2 and up and god knows what else.. My mind won't let me remember.. It's locked away tight for now. Mum kicked him out, I waited year after year, Christmas birthday all spent by the phone waiting for a phone call from him, which never came. Found out when I was 11 I have a half sister, age 16 he rang me to tell me he saw my Facebook and his girlfriend and him wanted a threesome.. I got rid of him out of my life. Junkie. I was always an outcast in school, fat and depressed and shy.. Graduating year, similar to summer break.. I was in the city.. Staying with a few girlfriends celebrating graduating.. That night my trauma happened.. I didn't report the guys.. So they are still out there. But they have stopped threatening me now.. Which is great, my boyfriend would kill them and I kinda need him to stay out if jail haha ive spent the last 4 years trying to rebuild myself.. I have become close to who I want to be, I lost the weight, became outgoing, funny, people like me, and I'm beginning to accept myself. Met the love of my life, us solider.. Based in Hawaii.. LDR. While I was visiting him in November.. My sister had a trauma, it was the anniversary of my trauma and my dad died.. Plus leaving my man.. Hell. I had my first massive panic attack, but I'd have then before but nothing like this.. I thought I would die.. I'm home now and planning to move to Hawaii next year.. Start a life with my love.. Make life how I want it, not how anxiety and my past wants it.. Ill become stronger, not weaker from my experiences. And that's me

12-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I wanna join in on this! My name is Laura and I guess I have GAD and a little health anxiety. I lost my grandpa a year ago and I had my first anxiety attack shortly after that. I realize now that I've always had anxiety and it's just gotten worse. I have a 2 year old, a 12 year old, and a 14 year old so I stay pretty busy during the day. At night is when I become my own worst enemy. I over think things and focus on my heartbeat and also imagine scenarios that I end up thinking will really happen. I'm a mess and not many people will really listen to how I feel so I'm glad to find im not alone!

12-23-2013, 12:11 PM
Hi Laura!! and Merry Christmas to you too!

Hey Boingo! Merry Christmas!!

Any noooobs out there???

Chris :)

12-23-2013, 12:14 PM
We've gained 88 new members in a week exactly,..where are you????? :)

12-23-2013, 01:20 PM
We've gained 88 new members in a week exactly,..where are you????? :)

Busy celebrating their 23rd birthdays ;)

I'm Jesse. 24. Suffered from anxiety and OCD.

Some people call me James. Usually the ones that do aren't sane though!

12-23-2013, 02:26 PM
Busy celebrating their 23rd birthdays ;) I'm Jesse. 24. Suffered from anxiety and OCD. Some people call me James. Usually the ones that do aren't sane though!

Well if a sales guy did it, what the hell

I am Michael. Aged 43. I reside in the mid Atlantic US. I suffered from multiple anxiety disorders and to top it off, I had panic disorder just to make sure I was completely miserable. Yeah!

Dealt with it myself for entirely too many years before getting fed up and faced it head on and let the people closest to me know what I was feeling.

We all are way too powerful to let anxiety consume us once we chose to label it as harmless.

I also like ponies.

12-26-2013, 05:12 PM
Hey Michael! Great to meet you bruh...

I think we are missing a few people here too, so if you would please, tell us who you are and what's your particular disorders??....

It will be greatly appreciated and helpful too..

Happy Holidays.

Chris.. :)

01-02-2014, 10:23 AM
Hello everyone ✋ I'm Emma in from the uk I'm 38,I've had panic attacks from the age of 17,( I tryed marijuana) only once hated the way it made me feel bam panic attacks ever since and boy do I wish I could turn back the time,I'm not in to drug etc never have been think once was way to many times.
I've only recently suffered from intrusive thoughts and OMG are they scary,i have two wonderful children and a loving husband ,i don't know if it's because I was doing so well fighting the panic attacks that it's put this in the mix or is it pure O or OCD? Don't know 😤
I allways thought it was just my anxiety as I've only had this recently I'm on setraline 50mg and sometimes Propanolol 10mg
Well that's me

01-02-2014, 11:32 AM
Great to meet you Emma!! Hope you have a better day today too friend.. :)

01-02-2014, 04:06 PM
Hi my names amber gabambam and I'm an alcholic

01-02-2014, 04:09 PM
and we all love you anyways,...booze hoe or not! LMAO!! :)

01-02-2014, 04:12 PM
Hi my names amber gabambam and I'm an alcholic

Hahahaha I was thinking this the whole time the thread was going on, but didn't wanna be the first to say it.

Trust an Aussie not to give a damn ;)

01-05-2014, 05:55 AM
Please sign our guest registry.....


01-05-2014, 06:00 AM

Blunts for everyone that signs!!

Compliments of Jessed03!!....

01-05-2014, 06:01 AM
3 :rolleyes:

01-05-2014, 06:08 AM
gawwddddd :rolleyes: 4

Jesse D!

01-08-2014, 03:01 PM

It helps us all out, alot.....


01-08-2014, 03:19 PM
Hi all I'm Stacey. I'm 30 and I have panic disorder and social anxiety with some recent depression to round it all out. Public speaking is something I struggle with, but have to do everyday. Major life changes always throw me into panic mode, but I tend to get better after a while... Always had the social anxiety though. I have a high stress job and am struggling to succeed at it and not let anxiety and panic ruin my career.

01-08-2014, 03:27 PM
Welcome Stacy!!..

Thank you for posting and for your honesty too..:)


01-09-2014, 05:02 AM
Anyone else???

Welcome Noobs!


01-09-2014, 11:04 AM
Hi I'm Blake I'm suffered with depression since early puberty and a anxiety for about 4 years . It started as a mild ocd and health anxiety. First panic attack5 months ago and its all been done from there. Now with panic disorder and tons of other stuff. I doubt it's ever going to get better.

01-09-2014, 11:13 AM
Hey Blake!

01-09-2014, 11:21 AM
Hey, what's up!

01-09-2014, 11:21 AM
Great to know who you are bruh and welcome!!....:)

01-09-2014, 11:22 AM
Your post count 3033. So many 3s. I would have gone crazy for that in my OCD days!

The time posted 6:21, all added up is 9. 9/3 is 3.

Old habits die hard :)

01-09-2014, 11:28 AM
Those days are behind you now lil brother...we're moving on to bigger and better things now!!....:)

01-09-2014, 11:33 AM
Hello my name is yvonne. Im 23. Im a very happy person despite having insane anxiety, depression, PTSD, agoraphobia and panic attacks since I was 18. I dont feel bad about it. I dont ever ask myself why me why me? ..I like to think of it as my imagination having gone too far.
Being on this forum has really helped me. Most of the people around me aren't too supportive and simply don't understand how im feeling so it's so great being able to come on here and share stories and advice with people who are going through the same thing as you.
We are all going to emerge from this battle as stronger individuals. TITANIUM!

01-09-2014, 12:56 PM
Hey Yvonne! Yes,...we will all overcome this..I love that TITANIUM part too!....

Thank you for sharing...it's time for us to get to work on fixing it!.


01-09-2014, 01:39 PM
I'm not really that new anymore but i'll share my story too! why not??

My name is Ashlee, I live in London, UK. I have had severe health anxiety for just over a year now. It all began after the death of my grandad (who I was very close to) then exactly a month to the day, my uncle died unexpectedly which was obviously a bigggg shock and exactly a year later to the date my grandma died (really spooky about the dates). So from there, I developed a fear of death, always self diagnosing, checking family's breathing whilst they were sleeping etc…

I had therapy and took fluoxetine and got better, then my anxiety came back 10 times as worse!!! Now, I am back on fluoxetine and having hypnotherapy and slowly on the road to recovery. I like to help people as much as I can, even if I can't relate, I like to give the best advice I can! Always feel free to message me, I will always be here to listen :)

01-09-2014, 01:46 PM
I'm not really that new anymore but i'll share my story too! why not?? My name is Ashlee, I live in London, UK. I have had severe health anxiety for just over a year now. It all began after the death of my grandad (who I was very close to) then exactly a month to the day, my uncle died unexpectedly which was obviously a bigggg shock and exactly a year later to the date my grandma died (really spooky about the dates). So from there, I developed a fear of death, always self diagnosing, checking family's breathing whilst they were sleeping etc… I had therapy and took fluoxetine and got better, then my anxiety came back 10 times as worse!!! Now, I am back on fluoxetine and having hypnotherapy and slowly on the road to recovery. I like to help people as much as I can, even if I can't relate, I like to give the best advice I can! Always feel free to message me, I will always be here to listen :)

Something tells me you will make a mark on this world.

01-09-2014, 01:49 PM
Ahhh thank you very much!! that was a really nice thing to say!

01-13-2014, 02:13 PM

Please, introduce yourself.....:)

01-13-2014, 02:55 PM
Hi everyone....I'm 36 years old (going on 100 it feels like some days). I've had depression and anxiety my whole life but at some point developed borderline personality disorder, which has gotten some better as I have gotten older; obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which has gotten WORSE as I've gotten older LOL; and some PTSD from abusive relationships and my father's suicide. I have also developed quite nasty and frequent panic attacks that have gotten progressively worse in the past year. Now, I panic over things that used to be easy for me. I was working as a hospice nurse until I hurt my back and have been unemployed since. I'm fighting the big boys for workman's comp. so keep your fingers crossed for that. I live in Florida so I try to get plenty of sun, that seems to help the depression sometimes. I have a 17 year old son who is a senior in high school; that causes me a lot of anxiety! What else? Some social anxiety, very much a loner except with family...and now reaching out on this forum!

01-23-2014, 08:03 PM
Another intro page...it helps us all to know some vitals about who you are or what your concerns may be...Thank you for taking part too!!....


01-23-2014, 08:31 PM
Well, hi! I'm 23, and it's most likely a social anxiety I'm dealing with. I've had it since maybe second grade? It didn't start becoming inhibiting though until I was in 11th grade. I wound up dropping out of school because I was too afraid to go. I tried to nip it in the butt and went away to a Job Corps far away from home. It helped a lot, I received a GED and my CNA and am able to step outside of my house without freaking the freak out.

I didn't know what I came here for at first, but I guess I figured out now it's to figure out what /exactly/ I have problems with so I can work on fixing it. Though I gradually got better at first, I feel like I've come to a stopping point. There are many things that I still can't do that I've passed off as being introverted. I'd like to find out what parts of me are /me/ and what parts need to be cut out of my life.

Thanks for readin'. ^^

01-23-2014, 08:54 PM
I like that posted reply and how you worded it,,,."freaking the freak out!"... Yes, let's figure this out... I'm still trying to figure things out too and i've been here for over a year!!..LOL!...:)

Explain the "stopping point" thing abit of post a thread about why you think you've stalled out in the progress?..


01-23-2014, 08:54 PM
PS: I dropped out of school too...ADD/ADHD, and high anxiety...:)

01-23-2014, 10:09 PM
PS: I dropped out of school too...ADD/ADHD, and high anxiety...:)

I want to be glad that I'm not alone, but that just seems mean haha. I am appreciative that you shared that with me though! You're so friendly!

As for the stalling out part.. I really felt like a majority of the things I couldn't do were just because I was introverted. Then I recently (sometime last year) began to realize that not being able to do something and just generally not enjoying it were two different things. Unfortunately I figure this out at a time when I don't have a large support system to join me in forcing myself to do certain things (i.e dancing, karaoke, bars etc.) that I'm normally too terrified to do. They aren't things I would do normally even if I /could/ bring myself to do them, but the fact that I can't is a mountain I know I need to get over.

Thanks for the interest E-man. Especially with so much on your own plate, I'm very grateful.

Lord Jazzinho
01-24-2014, 01:12 AM
Hi. I'm Chris. I'm nuckin futs. I have multiple personality disorders. I have multiple mental disorders. My biggest issue, is called intermittent explosive disorder. It is linked, somehow, to PTSD..and the flight or fight response. The adrenal system, the endocrine system, the glands, and all starts in the brain.

I think it would be awesome to know "who and what" you are?

We see alot of post but really know nothing about the person behind them. It's hard to help people try to figure things out, when we don't know the "basis or root" source of the issues that we're reading about.

You don't have to share your actual first name if you don't wish too. Not a big deal. I think we're all pretty safe in here. (IDK about J03 though) LOL!

So, can you do this?...

Just a thought is all, to get to know you...:)

Great post, I've been thinking this to. But it could end up being like silent AA meeting lol anyway Jazz mostly recovered Agoraphobic/Social Phobic and Currently a Renal patient which some off you already know. Hows it going anyway E-Man?

Lord Jazzinho
01-24-2014, 01:17 AM
Hi all

My names Danielle. 26 from Ohio. I've had anxiety around um... A year now. It's become a lot better. I mainly just lurk and read stuff. I like PMING people too. I should post more lol

Now lurking is an interesting term I think I might get into lurking myself lol

Lord Jazzinho
01-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Hi my names amber gabambam and I'm an alcholic

Great minds think a like lol