View Full Version : Job hunting/Interviewing

12-20-2013, 09:05 AM
I am having some serious anxiety issues. I currently work at my first job out of university which is very entry level. I haven't had good luck with jobs all my life, but ive been here for 10 months now. I went for a promotion 5 months in and was turned down. After that I started applying around. I started to dislike my job more and more as I work in a call center environment with a bunch of people who have no ambition and watch tv at work. I find that this makes me want to leave more. My issue is I do get interviews, just Ive had 2 different recruiters tell me im overly ambitious to the point where its hurting my chances. My recruiter wants me to apologize to a company whose calling me for an interview today. I just feel like theres something the matter with me. i cant control my need to want to know about the new job, my other issue is im 25 and live at home and my job depends where I am moving as id like to get my own apartment. Can anyone help me? How do you guys cope? Im already on drugs for anxiety & depression and cant take anymore. I work out 7x a week too, always 75 min cardio in the morning and weights at night 5x im training for my first fitness & figure show trying to keep my mind off this interview stuff.


12-20-2013, 09:14 AM
Where do you live??

12-20-2013, 09:58 AM
[QUOTE=jessed03;135 e do you live??[/QUOTE]

Greater toronto area. why? I have only been told this by recruiters.. maybe its them who have the issue as it looks bad on them

12-20-2013, 10:03 AM
hmmm..Overly ambitious?....Maybe, that is their kindest way of saying "you can do better than this" and you give off a certain and very strong sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-promotion,...Yes,...and you say you work out (yay), eat right, care for yourself and are fit..

Yup,,you're way too sharp Lori..

What did you study in the Uni?

Why are you working in a call center filled with negative vibes (that you can feel)???


12-20-2013, 10:05 AM
Oh right, I thought maybe you lived in a sleepy village. A sleepy village Greater Toronto certainly isnt though!

Have they said why you're coming across as over ambitious? I work for a pretty big sales company, to me that phrase has always been code for two things; you're working a crappy job and they want a robot, or you're nervous/ overcompensating.

Wondering if you got any feedback that was evidence based, I.e. What aspect of your interview made them say that?

I'm not quizzing you by the way :p you sound awesome.

12-20-2013, 10:05 AM
How did I cope????

Started my own companies. "Self" employed....strong sense of self. Loved it! for many many years...

What is you highest skill, knowledge,..character trait??.... Can you sell (besides over a phone)? :)

12-20-2013, 10:06 AM
PS: Welcome friend!! from ^^^^^ dude and me too.....LOL!

12-20-2013, 10:06 AM
How did I cope????

Started my own companies. "Self" employed....strong sense of self. Loved it! for many many years...

What is you highest skill, knowledge,..character trait??.... Can you sell (besides over a phone)? :)

Stop following me around here bro, people are beginning to start rumours... Lmao. ;)

12-20-2013, 10:08 AM
BAHAAAHAA!!!....btw, I am stalking you now. BEWARE broseph.....I'm very, very cunning and stealthy. LMAO!

12-20-2013, 10:20 AM
yes easily.. ive only been told this by a recruiter. In the past when I have saw a job posting when I had a relationship with the recruiter I would just email my application in directly and I tend to like to follow up with a thank you and in 1-2 weeks after. I think its just the recruiter as some of my old professors think I am following up properly.

12-20-2013, 10:36 AM
I like your style you know what you want. There are a lot of shit jobs out there right now, what with the way governments are helping create crappy positions just to satisfy their employment statistics. Those don't sound right for you, if you aren't suitable for them cos you're too ambitious, whatever, you're better.

I'm in the same boat as you actually. Quit my job, gonna do something new in 014. I meditate. Desire is good, but too much is a little off putting. Have you heard the saying 'The hungry don't get fed'? Something about over eagerness is a little off putting, I like getting away from that. I need sales badly sometimes, but nobody ever realises that. I feel if they realize it, I go home with a low paycheck that day, as people will sense it and stop buying.

Your fitness thing, is that like bodybuilding?

12-20-2013, 10:50 AM
yes fitness is my thing. See the thing is I still have my job and am still mkaing money. I know I may follow up but its just how i am. I think its my anxiety, like I cant stand not knowing. It drives me insane. I used to do sales , like high pressure stuff maybe thats where I get it from. Hard to say.

12-20-2013, 11:01 AM

Do you have a body kinda like that?