View Full Version : Too scared to sleep.

12-19-2013, 09:58 PM
Is now 5am and I still haven't been able to sleep despite being so tired. :/ I feel like something bad is going to happen to me in my sleep... Does anyone else get this?

12-19-2013, 10:08 PM

What prevents you from sleeping. What are your fears and rationalise them if they are likely to happen and has it ever happened before. If it helps distract yourself by listening to the radio or music till you nod off.

Good luck


12-19-2013, 10:08 PM
I could definitely allow myself to feel that way if I thought about it. Truth is, you're not psychic (is anyone?) and pondering the what ifs during sleep won't alter anything. Worrying about it won't make whatever that thing is not happen. I know it's easier said than done. I have my own list of obsessions. Just know you're not alone! Is there anything you can take to help you sleep?

Lee Grant Irons
12-19-2013, 10:57 PM
I remember times when I could not sleep because I could not stop thinking about my belief that I was going to die from ALS sometime within the following 2 years. I was convinced I had ALS.

Kingmemphis and KitahD are correct that you need to try to set these thoughts and anxieties aside. Here are some things you can try that have been shown in studies to help people sleep:

1. Don't watch any TV/video, play any computer games, or surf the internet within an hour of going to bed.
2. If you don't want complete silence, before bed, play soft, soothing music.
3. Turn down the lights within 30 minutes of going to bed, to help you start relaxing
4. Drink some warm milk or take a calcium supplement within 30 minutes of going to bed. Calcium is a natural relaxant and could help relieve headaches.
5. Turn on an air purifier or a small fan to create some white noise.
6. Sleep in as dark a room as you can.
7. Turn off your thoughts. Stop thinking.
8. Fill some socks with dry white rice and microwave them to heat them up. Then sleep with one around your neck and one across you stomach.

Here is something you can laugh at before you go to sleep. The laughter might help:

12-20-2013, 07:36 AM
Did you manage to get any extra sleep Jem?

12-20-2013, 08:18 AM
8. Fill some socks with dry white rice and microwave them to heat them up. Then sleep with one around your neck and one across you stomach.

I understood the first 7 reasons, kinda nodding to myself, but then I get to #8... how does warm rice help you sleep??

I've been scared to sleep before..everyone always tells me, "Well if you die in your sleep, you'll never know it." hmmmmm..And also been scared that something bad will happen to others while they sleep.. it can be a nightmare for sure. The distracting yourself is a good idea. Reading helps me.

Hope you got some sleep anyways ! :)

12-20-2013, 10:12 AM
I feel like something bad is going to happen to me in my sleep... Does anyone else get this?

Many times over the years and periodically now. I've had the same problems, sleepless nights, but ultimately you do fall asleep, and I'm sure it feels so good.

If you're like me, the fear that kept me from falling asleep initially doesn't exist when you finally fall asleep, wake briefly, and return to sleeping again.

Also, on sleepless nights, not related to this fear, just from some other disruption of the process, and you finally get to sleep 30 minutes before the alarm goes off, often this feels more fulfilling than a nights worth of sleep.

You can get yourself into a restive state without falling asleep, follow some of the excellent suggestions others have posted to relax, I usually do it while sitting up but reclined (hopefully no bosses are reading this since I to it at work), and try to relax with your eyes closed, let yourself relax more and more, and gently listen to the noises around you, I use a fan at home to provide masking noise. Eventually you can shift the focus from yourself, and if you want, may proceed into sleep as well.

12-20-2013, 10:34 AM
......6. Sleep in as dark a room as you can......

I read an article recently that addressed even small areas of light as being disruptive. In the article, they were not addressing pitch black rooms, rather they were addressing clock displays and indicator lights.

I cover my clock display with a piece of felt, I have to lift it to see what time it is.

Also, I have a few other electronic items with LED indicator lights (they're usually off). I can't believe how often, when they're on, that I wake and stare at the darn things.

Just a heads up to your list of excellent suggestions.

12-20-2013, 10:50 AM
yes it is hard to sleep sometimes because you lay in bed thinking what if. the what ifs suck. try some relaxation exercises it helps. and if you wanna just chat pm me any time sometimes it helps a lot to talk about how you feel or just to b.s.

Lee Grant Irons
12-20-2013, 07:43 PM
I understood the first 7 reasons, kinda nodding to myself, but then I get to #8... how does warm rice help you sleep??

The heat around the neck and across the abdomen can be very relaxing, especially for people with muscle tension and irritable bowel syndrome.

Artaud, thanks for the info on the dark room vs. the light sources. Very good clarification.

12-21-2013, 12:49 AM
I'm in that boat right now due to a respiratory/sinus illness that's lasted for 2 months. Night time is the absolute worst. My body is so tired and I really want to go to sleep, but of course when you are physically ill, the symptoms always seem to get worse at night. I dealt with this pretty well for the first few weeks, but the longer this lasts, the more I worry that something's horribly wrong and the doctors haven't caught it. My anxiety's been through the roof the past couple of days. As soon as it gets dark, I have full blown panic attacks which make my breathing problems from the congestion a thousand times worse. I had to open all the windows in my bedroom tonight and turn a fan on high. I hate this so much. I'm tired of breaking down and crying, because that certainly doesn't help stop the sinus drainage.

Terre Nova
12-21-2013, 03:36 AM
I'm in that boat right now due to a respiratory/sinus illness that's lasted for 2 months. Night time is the absolute worst. My body is so tired and I really want to go to sleep, but of course when you are physically ill, the symptoms always seem to get worse at night. I dealt with this pretty well for the first few weeks, but the longer this lasts, the more I worry that something's horribly wrong and the doctors haven't caught it. My anxiety's been through the roof the past couple of days. As soon as it gets dark, I have full blown panic attacks which make my breathing problems from the congestion a thousand times worse. I had to open all the windows in my bedroom tonight and turn a fan on high. I hate this so much. I'm tired of breaking down and crying, because that certainly doesn't help stop the sinus drainage.

Can you take Sudafed or extra strength nasal spray?? That's the absolute first thing i do cause if my nose if stuffed i panic even as a child!

Terre Nova
12-21-2013, 03:39 AM
Can you take Sudafed or extra strength nasal spray?? That's the absolute first thing i do cause if my nose if stuffed i panic even as a child!

Oh and Vicks on your feet at bedtime! And my Grammas Russian recipe tea : Ginger, garlic, lemon and honey... Steamed together and drink hot! Strain it best you can! :)