View Full Version : Starting to feel a difference...

12-19-2013, 04:39 AM
So, I've been on Prozac (Fluoxetine) for just over 2 weeks now and am starting to feel more myself again! Not feeling anxious about health every day now, it happens about twice-3 times a week now. Still get a bit breathless on the train sometimes though but I'm going to get a stress ball that I can squeeze when I feel necessary.

I still find it hard to get to sleep sometimes when I am on my own but slowly managing to get past that. The only thing i'm really anxious about at the moment is my house getting burgled while my parents and I are at work. My brother has a rare condition called spondemetaphysical displasia with cone rode distraphy (probably spelt all wrong), which basically is a grown disorder, meaning for 24 years old he is about 4ft tall and has a scarred retina, therefore is partially blind. Due to the crappy government in the UK, its really hard for him to get work due to his eye sight meaning he has to stay at home on his own all day while we are at work and this terrifies me that someone is going to knock on the door and just kick him down and either seriously hurt him or burgle the house!

Anyway, other than that, all good!

How is everyone else?

12-19-2013, 04:47 AM
So, I've been on Prozac (Fluoxetine) for just over 2 weeks now and am starting to feel more myself again! Not feeling anxious about health every day now, it happens about twice-3 times a week now. Still get a bit breathless on the train sometimes though but I'm going to get a stress ball that I can squeeze when I feel necessary.

I still find it hard to get to sleep sometimes when I am on my own but slowly managing to get past that. The only thing i'm really anxious about at the moment is my house getting burgled while my parents and I are at work. My brother has a rare condition called spondemetaphysical displasia with cone rode distraphy (probably spelt all wrong), which basically is a grown disorder, meaning for 24 years old he is about 4ft tall and has a scarred retina, therefore is partially blind. Due to the crappy government in the UK, its really hard for him to get work due to his eye sight meaning he has to stay at home on his own all day while we are at work and this terrifies me that someone is going to knock on the door and just kick him down and either seriously hurt him or burgle the house!

Anyway, other than that, all good!

How is everyone else?

Glad you're getting somewhere. Health anxiety is very, very frustrating. Do you feel like the worry you have for your brother is just a general genuine worry, or that it is an anxiety worry (often misplaced and/or over excessive)?

I think it's important to define the difference between the two. If its a part of your anxiety, bring it to a real worry, and try to deal with it. Do you talk to your family about this worry much? That'd probably help. Do you talk to your brother specifically about it? I understand that may be difficult, and somewhat desmasculating (not even a word but you know what I mean!) for him to hear. But its worth considering opening up the box on this, and speaking it out aloud, and with others even better. Speaking our worries out loud helps us solve them, and brings them from your unconscious worries to the conscious where they can be dealt with.

12-19-2013, 04:47 AM
Yes!!!! :D Another Prozac success story!!! Love post like this....

WTF about the sleep issues still? Did you get any melatonin? Benedryl? Valerian?....Anything???????....


12-19-2013, 04:51 AM
Glad you're getting somewhere. Health anxiety is very, very frustrating. Do you feel like the worry you have for your brother is just a general genuine worry, or that it is an anxiety worry (often misplaced and/or over excessive)?

I think it's important to define the difference between the two. If its a part of your anxiety, bring it to a real worry, and try to deal with it. Do you talk to your family about this worry much? That'd probably help. Do you talk to your brother specifically about it? I understand that may be difficult, and somewhat desmasculating (not even a word but you know what I mean!) for him to hear. But its worth considering opening up the box on this, and speaking it out aloud, and with others even better. Speaking our worries out loud helps us solve them, and brings them from your unconscious worries to the conscious where they can be dealt with.

Thank you! I do feel it is aniety worry as I think about it all day and it makes me really sweaty and aggitated and I often feel like I want to call home just to check. My dad is home from work today as he is doing some work around the house so today I feel fine. I have mentioned it to my parents and said I think we should lock the door when we leave the house and they agreed but my mum doesnt want to lock him in incase theres a fire, because he findsit hard to unlock the fornt door. I guess she doesnt want him to feel like a prisoner in his own home kind of thing!

12-19-2013, 04:55 AM
I am a STRONG proponent of Prozac, Prozac, Prozac,...Prozac....$4, $4, $4.... LMAO!! YAY!!!! Eli Lilly!!! (in Indiana of course) :)

12-19-2013, 04:56 AM
Hey Enduronman!! How are you today??

I know!! No havent taken anything because I want to try and take as less medication as I can!! I just toss and turn until I finally get to sleep about 5 in the morning!!

12-19-2013, 05:02 AM
No!!! Stop struggling!!! You've gotta get some sleep OR your idea will be extremely counter-productive and your dep/anx will get much worse!!! Hit it hard, timing is crucial, and that time is NOW!!!....then.....taper off the medications. NOT, "try to do this alone" because your brain isn't "shutting down" and you lay there thinking all night!!!...

Don't make me come and find you....I can find anyone within 5 minutes, anywhere in this world. YAY!!!


12-19-2013, 05:03 AM
Yeah I had those same sleep issues on Prozac. I only lasted a month on it.

Glad you're feeling better though Ash :)

12-19-2013, 05:06 AM
Prozac is da bomb bruh!! get some!!... I'll send ya a case! :)

12-19-2013, 08:43 AM
Thank you! I do feel it is aniety worry as I think about it all day and it makes me really sweaty and aggitated and I often feel like I want to call home just to check. My dad is home from work today as he is doing some work around the house so today I feel fine. I have mentioned it to my parents and said I think we should lock the door when we leave the house and they agreed but my mum doesnt want to lock him in incase theres a fire, because he findsit hard to unlock the fornt door. I guess she doesnt want him to feel like a prisoner in his own home kind of thing!

Maybe it's a good time to think of inventive ideas to solve both. Lock front door, but keep back door unlocked (garden to be safe in)?
Maybe a new latch on the door that from the inside is one of those you just flick the button and it locks, then twist and pull the button back down to unlock it sort of thing? Those are easier?
I'm not sure but coming up with something that can solve your worries whilst keeping him safe and yet independent, there will be a way!

12-19-2013, 09:13 AM
No!!! Stop struggling!!! You've gotta get some sleep OR your idea will be extremely counter-productive and your dep/anx will get much worse!!! Hit it hard, timing is crucial, and that time is NOW!!!....then.....taper off the medications. NOT, "try to do this alone" because your brain isn't "shutting down" and you lay there thinking all night!!!...

Don't make me come and find you....I can find anyone within 5 minutes, anywhere in this world. YAY!!!


Hahaha!! Its only when i'm on my own which is like twice a week... when i'm with my boyfriend i sleep like a baby... weird!! I'm not sure if this is to do with anxiety but i am always really really tired!! even before I started taking meds??

12-19-2013, 09:14 AM
I do like prozac though, barely any side effect.. My index finger shakes sometimes but thats it!!

Thank you!! Next step.. full recovery!! Yayyyy!

12-19-2013, 09:17 AM
Thank you! Yeah we did replace the lock to one you just turn but our door is so old, its really stiff.. we need a whole new front door to be honest!! Yeah we have a back garden that is safe and a side gate that he can go through to the dront of the house! I live in a pretty quiet neighbour hood but a freind of ours house got broken into and she loves about 10 mins away!! I'' persuade my mum to lock the door when she leaves!

12-19-2013, 09:18 AM
I also admire your commitment to actually do something about your mental health struggles, it states that you're strong enough to defend yourself! Awesome!!!


12-19-2013, 09:24 AM
I also admire your commitment to actually do something about your mental health struggles, it states that you're strong enough to defend yourself! Awesome!!!


Thank you!! Yess I am going to kick anxiety in the butt!!

12-19-2013, 09:26 AM
and....That is exactly the attitude to have to defeat it!!! YAY!! :D