View Full Version : I hope this helps. Also, Hi :)

12-19-2013, 04:08 AM
Hi everyone. I was hoping to make this short, but I'm not sure that can be done at this point :P

12 years ago I was diagnosed with GAD. It was really rough. I've been reading through a lot of posts on here, and my anxiety seems to be a little different than most. Or maybe not? You tell me.

When it first hit me I had a massive panic attack, "I'm going to die" etc. After that I became near catatonic, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, I lost 12 pounds in two weeks. All I could/would do all day is sit on the couch and stare at the TV. Not because I wanted to watch it, but because I needed the distraction from the thoughts in my head. At that time I mostly worried I was going to lose control of my body, or die. I didn't feel like myself, and common everyday things became impossible. I had suicidal thoughts. My emotions pretty much completely shut off, and it was like I was watching a first person video of my life.

Anyway, I got on zoloft, went to a therapist and eventually started to feel like my self again. Since then, I have been on wellbutrin and most recently Effexor.

Fast forward to now. I have been off effexor for 16 months, no problems, no withdrawal. Happy as a clam. 8 months ago I moved to a different country. Still happy.

Three weeks ago, my anxiety came back and hit me like a load of bricks. I can't really figure out the trigger, or if there even is one. I couldn't sleep, I kept obsessing about my heart beat, then I was going to die, then I was going to lose control of my mind and body, then I became terrified of suicide, hopeless, etc. Worry worry worry nonstop. I don't really have a social phobia of any kind, which is why my anxiety seems so weird to me.

I went to an international clinic because I stopped eating and could barely function. I must have looked like a mess because he put me on 75mg Venlafaxine and 2 .5mg Klonopin daily. Then I started reading about the high suicide rate with effexor and scared the crap out of myself, even though I'd been on it for years with no problems. Then I decided not to take the klonopin because I was worried I would be come dependent. Anyway, I am on my 6th day of effexor and I can say I'm worlds different from last week. I think I was hoping it would be like a magic pill though, even though I know it isn't.

So whenever I have any anxiety now I freak out that it's not working. Uugggghhhhhh I just want to feel like myself again. I need to stop reading effexor reviews because meds are different for everyone, and all they are doing are scaring me.

I'm sorry this is so long, I think it just helped me to type it all out. I'm pretty much alone here, and have no one to talk to that understands. I'm trying to be strong and work through it because I know it will get better. Mornings are the worst. I usually wake up overcome with some stupid worry or fear (this will never end/I'm losing control etc), then once I get up it gets better, it for some reason gets worse around 2-5pm, then better again.

When I ask myself "What's wrong?" all I could think was, "I don't feel good," or "I don't feel right."

Thank you to anyone who read through this. Has anyone else had that fear like they are going to lose control of their body or mind?

12-19-2013, 04:47 AM

I have that fear of losing control daily, but I force it to pass in about 3 mins so it's somewhat short lived,..my existence is explosive..

Stop reading about the "possible" side effects, they put all that crap on there to "cover their a**" in the event any of those things happen..you can't sue them.

Don't worry,.I can tell by the way you present that suicide is not, nor will it ever be, your intention..you're not psychotic.

You get anxiety/fear/panic when you're alone..you're a people person. Get a person in your life...to complete you.

Quit thinking and worrying about stupid stuff, no amount of worry has ever changed anything in the History of This World..8 Billion years.

Stick with this medication combo, and remember that effexor inparticular, can give you some "internal energy" moreso than other AD's..your energy is your racing mind..

It will pass but will take abit more time..

Have a great day too!!

E-Man.. :)

12-19-2013, 05:58 AM
Thanks for your reply, E-Man. Talking to other people really helps right now : )

12-19-2013, 06:01 AM
I'm here Cat, so are many others too...If you need anything just push a button friend! :)


12-19-2013, 07:25 AM
Robotcat xD great name

Yep the losing control was a big anxiety issue of mine, and for many others here I suspect.

A little thing that stands out in your post; I see a lot of instances where worry and anxiety are entering your life, but I don't see anywhere you talking about challenging and reframing these thoughts.

For instance; when you have fears the meds aren't working, an example of reframing that would be 'I'm using CBT, I meditate, I'm living healthily, I have a good doctor... I'll get where I need to be'

When you think that you will. You don't need worry. It's useless. You have intuition, that's what gets you places.

Another example; to reframe the this will never end thought; 'Thousands of people have said that before me, who are now better. That's a classic anxiety thought, and one that is normal to the condition. Thinking it doesn't make it true.'

You may be doing this and perhaps just thought not to mention it.

It would be a bit of a problem if you just had those anxious thoughts and let them run loose :)

If you are feeling quite buzzed up, exercise (if you don't already) really helps burn off that extra adrenaline helping slow the mind.

Like Eman says, some tabs can speed the mind up a bit. Prozac made my mind race like Usain Bolt!

And not to sound patronizing, but look at Emans arms, if you read anymore Effexor reviews, imma get him to come chuck you in a freezing cold lake ;)... Cos ironically that'd be better for you than reading them lol

Don't be a tortured artist with your pills. Don't kinda stand staring at the canvas all day, tryna pick faults. Take the med, then turn your back and forget it for a little while. It's always terribly ironic when people get anxiety about the meds they take to cure their anxiety hehe.

Other than that, this is your thread now! Write away to your hearts content. It can be nice getting the anxiety outside your mind. We'll come back and check out what you write, reassure you if need be, listen if need be.

Me...ow.... Co...me... An...d Str...oke... Me... I ... Am... Ro....bot... Ca...t....

I love it <3

12-19-2013, 07:28 AM
My advise would be to go back to the med regimen that got you to that "better place" until you feel better again. Don't analyze it any more.
Use the klonopin only for truly tough spots as you start back on the effexor. Don't be afraid of either because the suffering is not worth it. You tell me is it so bad to take an AD for a while at least(compared to high anxiety)??
I will tell you for every horror story there are 25 stories of the med helping to some degree but people don't slap up website on how it helped them but they will if they have a bad experience. Often they blame bad anxiety on the med and not the illness.
You are lucky as I've seen posts from folks in countries where they could get no help or drugs like a benzo when they needed it most.
We're here for you and I truly hope so simply restart the effexor daily and klonopin "as needed". It will take some time but you feel better. Talking with a therapaist can help but return to the meds in ant case. PM me any time. Alankay

12-20-2013, 05:27 AM
Thank you for the replies everyone!

I am trying to remember the tricks my therapist taught me years ago, but sadly can't come up with much. There aren't a lot of English speakers in this country which makes finding a therapist hard, but hopefully I have retained some of the skills to work through it this time without one.

I am taking my effexor as prescribed, and 1/2 tab of the klonopin to help me sleep at night. I took a full tab of klonopin the day he prescribed it, but after six hours or so it felt like my head was going to explode from all the thoughts, and while I did fall asleep I woke up feeling terrible.

I actually didn't have any trouble sleeping when I was on Effexor before, but ever since I started taking this venlafaxine and the klonopin I have no trouble at all falling asleep, but I only sleep for five hours and wake up terribly anxious and now I'm tired all the time.

12-20-2013, 05:58 AM
Im new to this and dont know how to use it !!!!! Hello everyone :)

12-20-2013, 06:04 AM
I just watched this scary show and the guy got bitten by some bug and got really sick now i have a red dot on my foot and it hurts im freaking out !! I think im being paranoid but its scaring me and i cant sleep :(

12-20-2013, 06:49 AM
Hi robotcat, I can relate to your fears....I get "losing my eye sight" stuck in my head and freak. I try to do breathing techniques or exercise to distract myself. You are going to be ok, and you need your medication so stop researching it ;) Do NOT allow yourself to look into it anymore...put a post it on your computer that says NO. hugs