View Full Version : Anxiety when hangover is worse

12-19-2013, 03:06 AM
Anxiety is worse when I'm hangover ! Hate it !and I now this ain't anxiety related but Everytime I drink a lot of alcohol , just before I go to sleep I start shaking uncontrollably like I'm having a fit and then it causes me to get really anxious I'm just curious what this is ? Because it's never happend before , anyone now ? If I drink loads of water before I go to sleep it won't happen ? It's wired !!!

12-19-2013, 03:19 AM
Some alcohol can give you the shakes, especially the colourful stuff like cocktails and alcopops.

What do you drink?

12-19-2013, 03:21 AM
I drink cocktails ! , sex on the beach , woo woo , drunken Santa, cheeky vimpto , and jäger bombs and stuff like that

12-19-2013, 03:27 AM
You like fire bombs? Those are so nasty but people seem to love them.

Jäger actually makes me kinda shaky, but after a load, I kinda don't care, I just fall into bed lol

What's a drunken Santa anyway?

12-19-2013, 03:31 AM
Haha I love jägers ! It's horrible I got to drink loads of water before I go to sleep for it not to happen ! And last night I went out and I didn't drink any water and i was shaking like mad , it was like having a fit !! Scary haha ! I had it last night I've never heard of it either , just drank it, it tasted like purple rain

12-19-2013, 03:42 AM
How bads your hangover today?

It isn't Christmas unless you have at least one bad hangover ;)

12-19-2013, 04:08 AM
Haha true true ! Well I'm on my way to casualty because I fell haha and I think I've broken my ankle ! Been a very good night ! My shoe and ankle has broke tho :L ! My hangover isn't to bad today than what it usualy is and I've drank more than what I usualy do :s haha

12-19-2013, 04:14 AM
I completely agree!! Having a hangover when you have anxiety is the worst!!! I wake up the next day and I feel soooo lightheaded and dizzy! and it lasts all day!!! soo horrible!! Do you take any meds for your anxiety??

12-19-2013, 04:17 AM

What part of the world are you in? Is it daytime now, or does it still count as your night out?

I freakin' love how you may have broken your ankle, and your post still has so many haha's in it. That's awesome xD

12-19-2013, 04:22 AM
this is complete bulls**t, wake up, open this computer, and then have the sudden urge to make a bloody mary for breakfast...wtf. :)

12-19-2013, 04:23 AM
I'm sure that my legendary "3 day hangovers" that all my friends know about me is because of how for years I have had anxiety issues but not known. I rarely drink nowadays, it seemed to me that the more often I drank the worse those hangovers were.. my body and mind is just generally better.

Tips I have accrued trying to deal with hangovers:
Choose a drink. And stick with it. Don't mix drinks!
Avoid sugary drinks as best you can, so yeah your alcopops and some cocktails, all the sugar and crap dehydrates you even further. The main feature of hangovers is because of the dehydration to your body, alcohol and excessive sugars do that to you!
My recommended drink is something like vodka + fruit juice. The huge hit of fruit juices isn't ideal, but its better than some artificial flavours.
Don't drink cider. That is death in a can.
Beer can be ok, just again stick to it, those hangovers always feel different though.
Just don't over do it!

These are all general tips for hangovers but as an anxiety sufferer, I follow this and it helps me a lot, I went from 3 day hangovers to 2 day.. usually now 1 day as long as I do it right. Watch your levels of drink, you can still have a bloody good time and be drunk by just drinking one kind of drink and you'll have fun and not want to die the next day.. trust me.

12-19-2013, 04:31 AM
I'm living in United Kingdom so it's 11:30 am, I live in wales ! We're are u from? I hate having anxiety when I'm hangover it's awful!:(

12-19-2013, 04:34 AM
Hi Angharad,
I'm in Wales too, bout 14 miles from Swansea! Lots of alcohol makes my anxiety bad so I tend not to drink too much now xxx

12-19-2013, 04:37 AM
Bloody mary's are hangover proof!!...

Hangover cure=Have another drink!....:)

12-19-2013, 05:58 AM

Broke up wif ma gurl lass nite so I went to tha club....LMAO!!

12-19-2013, 07:08 AM
I'm from London. Same time.

How's your foot?

12-19-2013, 08:03 AM
Hi Angharad, I'm in Wales too, bout 14 miles from Swansea! Lots of alcohol makes my anxiety bad so I tend not to drink too much now xxx aww waw ! Yeah I'm feeling really anxious today:( yeah I don't now when to stop drinking haha I can't just drink a little !

12-19-2013, 08:04 AM
I'm from London. Same time. How's your foot? oh right , killing me I went to hospital and they said I've spraind it ! Awchhhh :L my ankle is all swollen :/

12-19-2013, 08:05 AM
I completely agree!! Having a hangover when you have anxiety is the worst!!! I wake up the next day and I feel soooo lightheaded and dizzy! and it lasts all day!!! soo horrible!! Do you take any meds for your anxiety?? aww I now ineh! I got hell of a headache now and feel dizzy , I'm lying in bed haha ! No I don't, I do want to tho! Do u ? Can u recommend any good medication to take ?:L

12-19-2013, 08:09 AM
I'm sure that my legendary "3 day hangovers" that all my friends know about me is because of how for years I have had anxiety issues but not known. I rarely drink nowadays, it seemed to me that the more often I drank the worse those hangovers were.. my body and mind is just generally better. Tips I have accrued trying to deal with hangovers: Choose a drink. And stick with it. Don't mix drinks! Avoid sugary drinks as best you can, so yeah your alcopops and some cocktails, all the sugar and crap dehydrates you even further. The main feature of hangovers is because of the dehydration to your body, alcohol and excessive sugars do that to you! My recommended drink is something like vodka + fruit juice. The huge hit of fruit juices isn't ideal, but its better than some artificial flavours. Don't drink cider. That is death in a can. Beer can be ok, just again stick to it, those hangovers always feel different though. Just don't over do it! These are all general tips for hangovers but as an anxiety sufferer, I follow this and it helps me a lot, I went from 3 day hangovers to 2 day.. usually now 1 day as long as I do it right. Watch your levels of drink, you can still have a bloody good time and be drunk by just drinking one kind of drink and you'll have fun and not want to die the next day.. trust me. Aww thanks ! Yeah If I'm still able to walk when I get in from a night out I drink loads of water , coz my hangover ain't as bad in the morning plus I keep having these horrible shakes before I go to sleep after drinking a lot ! The worst hangover I had was when I drank rum and whiskey omg never again! Buzzzzin !!!:L

12-19-2013, 08:36 AM
Your ankles not broken?

That calls for another drink!!

12-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Your ankles not broken? That calls for another drink!! hahaha I now !!!! Get me some tequila haha jks I'm still recovering after last night ! U going out for Black Friday?

12-20-2013, 10:20 AM
Miss Jägers in the hizz-ouse

I'm not gonna make it out. I'm a casualty.

You going out? You gonna tear it up?

12-20-2013, 10:31 AM
Haha why not ineh.
Nope I'm staying in my ankle is killing me ! I'm gutted tho haha:/ just done my room out and has a new bed so I'm lying in it all day haha ! Memory foam mattress lushhhh! Enjoy anyway!

12-20-2013, 10:44 AM
anxiety and drinking no no no no. in order to help stop anxiety is to stop drinking or at least don't drink so much. better off to quit all together yeah it sucks but it is better than feeling like crap

12-20-2013, 10:52 AM
Just got over Noro, I'm dead :-/ so gutted

One bad ankles keeping you inside? You know in the dark ages people used to drink alcohol before leg amputations.

Alcohol is the solution to leg pain! ;)

Gimme your mums number, I'm gonna call her, tell her to drag you down to a club!

12-21-2013, 03:28 AM
Haha so true ! Ahhh the weather was absooooo shait last night , it was puddling down , and thunder and lighting and wind , kinda glad I stayed in now haha !

Did u enjoy ?:)